Published at 10th of June 2024 08:44:36 AM

Chapter 211: Chapter 211: Chapter 211: Sorry to You (Birthday+Update)

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Chapter 211: Chapter 211: Sorry to You (Birthday+Update)


Translator: 549690339

When Dong Yi was talking to Xiao Qian about this matter, she felt very puzzled. Boss Qian, didnt you say that you couldnt cure it?

Xiao Qian nodded, Its like a blind cat bumping into a dead rat.

Even Xiao Qian hadnt expected that the key to Second Brother Yus heart would be the simple phrase, Son, I understand you.

Second Brother Yu was too introverted and had the ability to resist treatment. For now, Xiao Qian couldnt peer into his heart, but Dong Yi accidentally found the bridge for Yu Family father and son to communicate.

You and Second Brother Yu are really fated. He just saved you, and you saved him.

I didnt really help much Dong Yi was somewhat embarrassed.

Xiao Qian patted her and said, If it wasnt for your paving the way, Father Yu wouldnt have changed his mind, and Second Brother Yu might have really said goodbye to Blue Sky.

What do you think is the reason for Uncles behavior, Boss Qian?

It seems a bit like hindsight now, but I deduce that what he hates is not Blue Sky, but himself. This is his subconscious expression. Of course, if you had asked me to analyze this before he resolved his mental knot, I wouldnt have been able to.

So he hates himself?

Yes, Yu Mingyi didnt show any signs of hating Blue Sky previously. The entrusted child from a colleague made him have feelings of self-blame. His way of punishing himself was marrying an unsuitable woman. However, after getting married, he found out that his parents were very upset about his affairs, so he became even more despising himself subconsciously. Eventually, this way of thinking forced him to start hating things he originally liked.

However, Yu Mingyi himself was unable to notice any of this. His self-control and anti-psychological treatment abilities kept the psychologists from discovering anything. Yet, surprisingly, Dong Yi had unwittingly found the solution.

It sounds a bit complicated. Dong Yi felt heartbroken listening. It wasnt his fault, so why did he do this?

Many people think they live their lives very clearly and look down on people with psychological issues, but they dont know that your lack of mental illness is not because you have a big heart, but because youre lucky not to have encountered any problems. Many more people are already mentally unhealthy or even twisted, but they never think they have a problem. They see everyone else as defective.

So, when his grandfather said he understood him, he got better?

Yes, he must have had a great admiration for his father deep down. I need to reflect on myself. I actually didnt cure this case and gave up too easily.

Boss Qian, do you know that youre not as cold as you seem?

What? Xiao Qian was taken aback by Dong Yis comment.

You said you couldnt treat him a while ago, but you were under great pressure and even talked in your sleep for a few nights.

What? Xiao Qian didnt even know about this.

Shi Touyu noticed that you were talking in your sleep, so she tried to find something for you to do. Can you not be mad at her?

Why do you all think Id be mad about this?

I havent seen her in the past two days, and youre not eating with her. I thought you were angry. Dong Yi was very perceptive.

Xiao Qian laughed, If I really want to get angry at someone, Id directly fight with them. I dont do cold wars. Actually, I want to have dinner with her. Can you find her for me?

In the past few days, Shi Yu was busy with something unknown and didnt return to the dormitory. She didnt come back until Xiao Yu had fallen asleep.

It felt as if she was hiding from Xiao Qian, and she didnt know what was wrong with her.

The next day, when Xiao Qian returned to the dormitory early because of discomfort during class, she saw Shi Yu sneaking around her bed.

Xiao Qian tiptoed over and tapped Shi Yus shoulder, startling her so much that she dropped what she was holding.

What are you doing?

Xiao Qian saw that Shi Yu was putting a small crystal into her pillow, a delicate white crystal aster flower anklet.

Im fine, Im leaving! Shi Yu wanted to run away when she saw that she was discovered by Xiao Qian, but Xiao Qian grabbed her and forced her to sit down on the bed.

What are you up to these days? Why dont you just give me the gift directly instead of hiding it? Are you actually avoiding me?

I Boss Qian, Im sorry, I Shi Yus eyes suddenly turned red as she hugged Xiao Qian and refused to let go.

Whats wrong? Hey, dont cry, your snot is about to get on my neck. Xiao Qian patted her, wondering what was going on with the child.

I feel so useless, always messing things up with good intentions This is an aster flower representing friendship; I even had it blessed I hope you dont hate me

Xiao Qian didnt know whether to laugh or cry, Hey, Shi Touyu, have you been scammed again? An aster flower being blessed?

When did this thing start representing friendship? This was yet another symbol of Shi Touyus naivete, after the Big Mouth Monkey incident.

Do you think its interesting to put something thats supposed to be worn on the foot into my pillow?

Just speak your mind, hiding things like this is so uncomfortable, its not like you.

Seeing that Xiao Qian was still the same as before, Shi Yu felt even more guilty and hugged her while sobbing.

Boss Qian, I shouldnt have let you perform in the stage play. I thought you could be happier that way, but I didnt expect to cause you so much trouble. Its all my fault.

Xiao Qian thought she was talking about using Yu Minglangs photo to persuade her to act, so she patted her.

Whats the big deal? If I didnt want to participate, who could force me? Dont worry about it.

They used your photo for the poster. I had a fight with the Club President over it, but I still couldnt get back the ones they sent out. Will you hate me? Photo? Xiao Qian was surprised, and Shi Yu nervously explained the matter.

This soft-shelled turtle, using my photo without my consent, and having the nerve to send me a box of inferior food for 3 yuan. Lets go, lets get rid of his crappy club!

Ive already destroyed it I scratched him

Pfft! Xiao Qian laughed.

To make Shi Yu want to scratch someone, it must mean that the landlords daughter was really angry.

Boss Qian, its my fault, I didnt keep an eye on him, its all my fault, you can hit me however you want, just dont ignore me

Hey, whos ignoring who? Youve been so busy these days, I want to find you, but I cant.

Youre not mad at me? Shi Yu looked up at her.

Xiao Qian wiped her tears, How could I not be? You ran away and hid from me because of someone elses mistake, making Da Yi think Im a petty person whos trying to exclude you. This matter is too big. You need to treat me to Night Market Barbecue Skewers and keep asking for three days.

Ill treat you for three months if I have to Shi Yu looked at Boss Qian in disbelief. Qians personality was very strong, and Shi Yu thought she would cut ties and never see her again.

Boss Qian, are you really going to forgive me so easily?

No friendship without barbecue skewers. The photo incident wasnt your fault, it was the Club Presidents doing. Ill settle the score with him later.. You thought I was under a lot of pressure because of Second Brothers illness and wanted me to divert my attention, right?

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