Published at 10th of June 2024 08:44:35 AM

Chapter 214: Chapter 214: Chapter 214: How Can She Explain (Birthday+Update)

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Chapter 214: Chapter 214: How Can She Explain (Birthday+Update)


Translator: 549690339

In the past life, she was so desperate at this moment.

Her proudest achievement in academics could no longer be realized.

There was also a marriage she could not leave, a father who clearly had money to help her but pushed her into the abyss, and a bottomless pit of a playboy brother.

She didnt know what she could do in the future, guarding an empty and coldly violent marriage.

Death might be a relief.

But after her benefactor saved her, he talked a lot to her.

Looking back, it could be considered a kind of hypnosis, right? He unintentionally instilled a concept in her, which caused Xiao Qians personality to change drastically. She couldnt remember anything else, but she remembered his central idea.

Whoever offended her would be beaten, no one could put her down, and she wouldnt be pampered! Whats the use of dying? When you die, you lose everything. You have to live to annoy those who you hate!

Soon, she would meet the benefactor

Sis, buy one, its one yuan each. Buy a beautiful wish and help a student who works part-time like me. The girl selling wish lists was still trying her best to promote.

Xiao Qian took out a yuan from her pocket and handed it to her. The girl happily handed her a list and a pen.

Xiao Qian picked up the pen, thought for a moment, and wrote nothing.

Sis.. Arent you going to write something? The girl asked the same question as in her past life when she saw Xiao Qian hanging the blank list.

In her past life, Xiao Qian didnt answer, with tears in her eyes, because she didnt know how to tell her sadness to others. She hung the blank list because she felt there was no hope in life.

But now, Xiao Qians eyes were full of confident and calm demeanor, and she said calmly.

I control my own fate, and I can do whatever I want. I dont need to write this. Whats the use of telling heaven about ones wishes? Heaven is so busy, wheres the time to look at this? What she wanted could all be obtained by her efforts, without writing a list.

The girl who sold the list looked at Xiao Qian with starry eyes. What a handsome sister!

Both were blank lists, but the mentality was different. From the confusion to the present, Xiao Qian had experienced many things, and part of the reason for her current personality was because of the benefactor who would appear later. Xiao Qian raised her head and tied the list to the branches. Suddenly, her sight paused. The handwriting on the list next to her Why was it so familiar?!

It was him, it was the handwriting of her benefactor!

Xiao Qian was immediately invigorated!

This handwriting, she couldnt be mistaken!

It was the handwriting of the benefactor in her past life. After he saved her, they corresponded many times later. Many problems she couldnt solve herself were solved with his help!

Divorcing the scumbag and dealing with the repeat exam file, which was hindered by the scumbags family, were easily resolved by her benefactor.

Xiao Qian speculated that he was definitely not an ordinary person. He must be from a powerful background. But when she had the ability to repay his kindness, he disappeared without a word, leaving her unable to find him.

This neat regular script, Xiao Qian would definitely not be mistaken. She excitedly turned around and asked the young girl who sold the list.

Do you remember who tied this?

Uh I think it was an elder brother, very tall, but I cant remember clearly. Its been a while.

It was him, it was him!

Xiao Qian stroked the handwriting on top, deeply engraved in her memory, with ten big characters written on the list:

Choose the one I love, love the one I choose, forever.

That was the words on his wish list.

Suddenly, Xiao Qians gaze stopped on another list, her eyes widened.

Is the person who just tied this list the same as the one tied to that list?

The handwriting seems similar!

I cant remember But I dont think anyone has bought two, so it should not be the same person, right? The girl selling the list was not sure.

Xiao Qian looked at the second list. There were just four characters: Family health.

The handwriting was similar to the one she had just seen, but on closer examination, it was slightly different. The strokes and pauses were different, all in the same vigorous regular script.

If these two handwriting samples were handed over to the Criminal Investigation Department for appraisal, many differences could be identified. However, an ordinary person looking at it would find it very similar.

Xiao Qian was not a professional criminal investigator, so she could not accurately identify the handwriting. So when she saw these two lists, her head started spinning.

She couldnt accurately identify which one was her benefactor from her past life. These two people must have practiced regular script writing in the same style.

Xiao Qian was having a headache. How could finding a benefactor be so difficult? Maybe she should pretend to commit suicide.

While the young girl was promoting the list to others, Xiao Qian quickly pulled both lists off the tree and put them into her pocket. Her benefactor was one of them.

It seemed that she could only recreate the scene from her past life.

There were no railings by the river, she could easily step on it. She deliberately slowed down her pace and tried her best to imitate the entanglement when she wanted to jump into the river in her previous life, hoping to attract her benefactor again.

She was about to reach the edge of the river. Xiao Qian closed her eyes and waited for a while.

She had hesitated for a long time when she stood here in the past. It wasnt time yet, so she had to deliberately stall for a while.

After standing for several minutes, there was still no one coming. Xiao Qian thought: was she not doing it right?

So she took a step forward, suspended one leg over the river. It should look convincing now, right?

She could only guess the approximate time. In her previous life, she jumped into the river without a watch. Who knew when her benefactor would come? It was about this time that by following the rhythm of her past life, as she jumped down, someone would jump and save her.

It was so cold, she didnt want to jump for real. If the timing was wrong and the benefactor didnt come, she would really freeze to death, which would be too stupid.

While Xiao Qian was lost in her thoughts, suddenly, a strong grip grabbed her arm and pulled her back for two steps. A voice sounded from behind her, full of anxiety:

What are you doing!

Xiao Qians heart was overjoyed: the benefactor wait a minute, its him?!

Xiao Qian looked incredulously at the man in front of her, his face unable to hide his anxiety. He was wearing a camel-colored woolen coat with a flipped collar, with a hint of urban elegance. Wasnt it Zheng Xu, whom she hadnt seen for a long time?

After Zheng Xus specific phobia was cured by Xiao Qian, they lost contact. It wasnt that Zheng Xu couldnt find Xiao Qian; he just didnt want to see her annoying expression when mentioning Yu Ming Lang.

He was driving by today and saw a figure resembling her, so he chased after her. She looked like she was actually going to commit suicide.

In the previous life, Zheng Xu also passed by, but he didnt know Xiao Qian at that time, so he wouldnt stop for a strange woman. From this moment on, history was different from before.

Xiao Qian was powerless. Why did he have to come now, neither earlier nor later?

Chen Xiaoqian! What are you thinking! If you have any problems, why didnt you come to me? What are you doing? Zheng Xus voice was very stern, and he was convinced that Xiao Qian wanted to commit suicide.

I didnt I was just Xiao Qian was powerless.

How could she explain?

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