Published at 10th of June 2024 08:44:34 AM

Chapter 215: Chapter 215: Chapter 215 Who is the Benefactor (Monthly ticket 1750+ Update)

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Chapter 215: Chapter 215 Who is the Benefactor (Monthly ticket 1750+ Update)


Translator: 549690339

Xiao Qian was being so hesitant and indirect. Zheng Xu seemed to be losing his mind. Pointing at Xiao Qian, he exclaimed, I misjudged you!

Xiao Qian found it all amusing and absurd. Here her plan was thoroughly ruined by this guy, and he had the nerve to act as though she was a disappointment!

The two stood by the ice hole, Zheng Xu getting increasingly agitated. Their scene attracted the attention of a few passersby strolling along the shore.

Yu Minglangs unit was working on a project near the park, and Yu Minglang had come by to inspect the progress. It happened to be a break time, with many of his colleagues hanging around the area.

Manager, that car is blocking our way. Im trying to find the owner Whats up with the couple over there? one of the employees asked Zhu Dexi, the deputy general manager.

Zhu Dexi glanced over at the icy riverbank, uncertain whether the couple was having a regular quarrel or preparing for a lovers double suicide. From his perspective, both Zheng Xu and Xiao Qian were standing on the ice.

Lets go have a look.

Comrade, do you need any help?

Zhu Dexi walked over and asked Xiao Qian and Zheng Xu.

Xiao Qian turned around to see a man dressed in a suit. She was taken aback. Could this be her true benefactor?

The man in front of her was about 175-178 cm tall, of average build, wore glasses, and appeared quite cultured.

Xiao Qian couldnt remember the face of her benefactor, but his attire matched. The girl had said that her benefactor was a well-dressed man, so it could very well be him!

She looked around the park, and there really werent many men dressed in suits.

As Xiao Qian stared at Zhu Dexi, he became somewhat uncomfortable. To be stared at so intensely by such a beautiful girl was enough to make any mans heart race.

Zheng Xu noticed Xiao Qians unusual gaze at Zhu Dexi and asked her,

Do you know him?


Xiao Mei!

With an excited outburst, everyone turned their heads towards the noise. Yu Minglang was happily running over.

Yes, there was no awkwardness in watching a man in a suit run. It felt just right.

Xiao Qiang?! Xiao Qian was confused.

Wasnt he supposed to be busy? Why did he suddenly show up here?

The current situation was chaotic. The man who might be her benefactor, her good buddy Zheng Xu, and her Xiao Qiang were all present, completely different from the setup of her past life.

Old Zhu, what are you doing here? Yu Minglang asked Zhu Dexi.

Xiao Wang just told me that a car was blocking our way, so I came here to check it out you know them?

Upon hearing about a car blocking the path, Zheng Xu looked towards the riverside and found that it was indeed his car.

Yu Minglang was happily looking at his Xiao Mei, her little face flushed from the cold. Next to her stood the highly annoying Zheng Xu, whom Yu Minglang instantly blurred out in his mind, pretending not to see him at all.

Zheng Xu was uncomfortable with Yu Minglangs presence, especially his sickeningly sweet exchanges between him and Xiao Qian.

Thats my car, Ill move it now. Dr. Chen, until next time. Zheng Xu said to Xiao Qian.

Yu Minglang gave him a pretentious look, Ah, its Young Master Zheng, what a coincidence.

He acted as if he had just noticed him.

Zheng Xu just glanced at him, Fourth Brother Yu, if you dont have the time to accompany Dr. Chen, so that shes feeling so sad and upset, stop squandering your resources.

Xiao Qian was considering ending it all, and Zheng Xu put the blame squarely on Yu Minglang.

Yu Minglang wasnt a fan of Zheng Xu to start with, and when he heard Zheng Xu acting high and mighty, schooling him, he got furious and started counting on his fingers.

Which eye of yours sees my Xiao Mei being sad? Besides, what business is it of yours!

Zheng Xu isnt usually an impulsive man, but today he was scared by Xiao Qians behavior. Suddenly, he swung his fist at Yu Minglang.

Yu Minglang was looking at Xiao Qian, love streaming from his eyes. It was such a joy to come across his Xiao Mei while at work. He didnt expect Zheng Xu to attack without any warning. Unable to dodge in time, he was hit on the shoulder.

Yu Minglang was about to punch back in anger when Zhu Dexi hurriedly held him back.

Old Yu, speak calmly! Remember the impact!

Damn, Zheng Xu, you wait for me! Wait until I get a day off, Ill beat you till your father cant recognize you! Yu Minglang knew about the potential repercussions of beating Zheng Xu in the middle of all the people. The impact would be too negative.

Ill show you what a real calf is like, see you at the parking lot under the family home building on New Years Eve! Zheng Xu said furiously.

Xiao Qian was left speechless, Can you two stop messing around? Its the New Year, you must have something better to do than picking fights

Zheng Xu gave Xiao Qian a glance. His eyes were filled with frustration and disappointment. He turned around and left.

Yu Minglang gave the retreating figure of Zheng Xu the middle finger, mentally. If it werent for him being busy at work right now, he would make sure Zheng fell into the ice hole.

Chen Xiao Qian is my girlfriend. Xiao Qian, this is the Deputy General Manager of our company.

Yu Minglang was the General Manager, mainly responsible for operations. Zhu Dexi was the Deputy General Manager he brought in, mainly responsible for the companys internal matters. Essentially, he was Yu Minglangs right-hand man. Zhu Dexi was one of the trusted aides Yu Minglang brought from his old unit. They had a solid relationship.

Zhu Dexi was more principled and gentle while Yu Minglang was more assertive and manly. They didnt always see eye-to-eye in terms of methods, but they generally worked well together. This was a good thing about Yu Minglang he was objective and did not let personal feelings influence his judgment. Even though he thought Old Zhu was too stubborn, he still recognized his managerial skills and thought him the most suitable for the role.

Hello. Xiao Qian continued to stare at Zhu Dexi, trying to find something familiar about him, but regrettably, she didnt remember anything.

Nice to meet you. I should have invited you out for a meal, but work isnt done yet. Ill take you two out next time when I get the chance. Old Yu, Im going to check out the situation with the clients representatives. You chat with your girlfriend for a while. After Zhu Dexi finished speaking, he lowered his voice and said a few more words.

Theres a small grove over there, not too many people.

Yu Minglang elbowed him, Got it, get going already. Your reminder is making it hard for me and my girlfriend to talk.

Leading Xiao Qian to the small grove not far from them, Yu Minglang looked around, made sure they were alone, then embraced Xiao Qian.

Xiao Mei, youre on vacation today. Thats great.

Yes, I knew you were busy so I had Hai Zhao pick me up. What are you doing here?

We have a project nearby. The clients representatives need a break, so we came here to enjoy the scenery. Im stuck showing them around.

Yu Minglang was studying Xiao Qian intently from all angles, especially her lips. He missed them so much, and desperately wanted to kiss them. But he refrained, out of concern for appearances.

Was the man earlier your Deputy General Manager?

Yes, hes a bit of a pedant, always rambling on, sometimes I want to sack him. But hes quite capable at work. I brought him over from my old unit, he even gave up a regular position to follow me. Hes part of my team.

Xiao Qiang, are there many men wearing suits here in the park today?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!