Published at 11th of June 2024 05:38:08 AM

Chapter 216: Chapter 216: Chapter 216: Ill share half with you (

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Chapter 216: Chapter 216: Ill share half with you (


Requesting for monthly passes )

Translator: 549690339

Wearing a suit? Only Zhu Daodao and I. Daodao is the nickname I gave him. But you wouldnt know how much he nags, he prattles on more than the law codes I memorized.

Is he a local from Qiang City? And what about his family background?

She recalls her benefactor mentioning that he is not a local. Although he never spoke about his family, the fact that he managed to resolve the issues with the scumbags family implies that his own family is relatively influential.

He is not a local. Never heard him talking about his family. Once while drinking, he unintentionally mentioned that his father was a leader, which is probably why he has officialdom in his speech Xiao Mei, why do you seem

more interested in him than you are in your boyfriend whom you havent seen in a while?

Things seem off to Yu Minglang as his long-lost girlfriend seems to be more interested in asking about somebody else. Worse still, that man is someone whom Minglang dislikes, leaving him simmer with jealousy.

Xiao Qian doesnt have time to think about all that, she needs to confirm who her benefactor is.

Taking the two wish cards from her pocket, Look at these, which handwriting is his?

Yu Minglang looked at the two wish cards she had taken out, and his eyes lit up.

Xiao Mei, why do you have my My goodness, such an awkward feeling.

Its like having my secret exposed.

Xiao Qian doesnt notice Yu Minglangs discomfort. Holding one card in each hand, she asks, Which one is his?

Yu Minglang suddenly becomes resentful.

I dont want to tell you.

He decides to be unfeeling, he doesnt want to comply with this ungrateful woman.

Be serious, Im discussing an important matter. Xiao Qian intends to confirm the handwriting. If she can, then generally speaking, she can confirm her past life benefactor is Zhu Dexi.

The benefactor sent her tuition fees in the past using his friends name. She, therefore, did not know his real name.

Why are you so hung up on him? What has Zhu Daodao done to have left such a lasting impression on you?

Ahh, my classmate received a scholarship, and he wrote me a letter in this handwriting. These two handwritings look alike, so I want to confirm which handwriting is his

Xiao Qian reluctantly comes up with an excuse. Logically speaking, it makes sense, because anyone who could help strangers must have a big heart and may regularly support students.

How could these two be the same? See, this handwriting is strong and firm, clearly someone with deep skill. Look at how moving it is, expressing his fondness for his wife. It says: Choose who I love, Love who I choose. If a time limit were to be added, it would be forever. Such a responsible man is hard to find.

Yu Minglang detailed one of the cards, then looked disdainfully at the other one. Now look at this one: a healthy family. Clearly, it is from a single man, can you tell what kind of a man is still single at the age of 30? Always rambling about tradition and customs, its obviously because he has defects. Look at his ugly handwriting -

Xiao Qian is confused by his evaluations. He was required to distinguish between two seemingly similar handwriting styles, so why are they being portrayed so differently?

So, you know both of them?


Xiao Qian immediately shook his arm, Tell me, please?

Yu Minglang was usually really vulnerable to Xiao Qians coquetryhed practically offer her his head as a football if she were to coyly ask him for it. But not today. The more she pouts, the angrier he gets.

Tell you what? So what if he donated money and sponsored a student? Did your classmate receive money with a remittance slip signed by Wang Erfu? How do you know that?

Yu Minglangs gaze drifted. There was a coworker named Wang Erfu at my old unit. He limped due to a leg injury. Whenever any of us donated money or sponsored a student, we always did it in his name.

What?! I didnt expect that.

So, you dont need to go investigating. Over half the people at my old unit have sponsored students. Zhu Daodao wasnt the first, and he certainly wont be the last.

Righteousness, justice, these are engraved in our hearts, and they wont change even if we part ways.

You mean, one of these slips was written by Zhu Dexi? Xiao Qian grasps the point in Yu Minglangs words.

You figure it out, I wont tell you. After saying this, Yu Minglang grabs both cards.

His phone ringsits his unitting calling him. Everyone is ready.

Xiao Mei, stop running around during the holiday. Ill see if I can take time off to come meet you. He warmed Xiao Qians cheek with his hands before he turned to leave.

Xiao Qian pouts. She was dealing with a worthless scoundrel who wouldnt share useful information. She didnt feel like saying goodbye to him.

Yu Minglang had walked quite a distance before he looked back to see Xiao Qian. She was heading the opposite direction, she didnt look back, and muttered to herself.

This heartless little girl, couldnt she say something nice? She doesnt even recognize her own boyfriends handwriting and still managed to throw a tantrum at me.

On his way past the wish-granting tree, Yu Minglang stopped to ask the girl selling cards.

The beauty who was just here with the mole on her forehead, which one did she write?

That sister? I remember this one! The girl pointed to an empty one.

She didnt write anything?

Yeah, the sister said that she would get what she wants through her own efforts and didnt need to write a wish.

Yu Minglang laughed, thats definitely Xiao Meis style. He reaches out, takes one card, and also takes Xiao Meis card. He intertwined the two card strings together to make one, then ties it back on the tree.

Brother, what are you? The girl selling cards was confused.

Shes my girlfriend.

Yu Minglang looked at the combination of the two cards, his eyes warming.

He now shared his wishes with her blank card. Now both of them could be happy together.

Regarding the other card Yu Minglang untied Zhu Daodaos card and tied it far, far away from his and Xiao Meis. The further away the better. All Zhu Daodao did was donate some money, was there really a need for Xiao Mei to overthink it?

As if nobody else ever did a good deed

Xiao Qian boarded a bus home, preoccupied with thoughts of her benefactor.

By now, she was nearly certain that her benefactor was Zhu Daodao. No, his real name is Zhu Dexi.

But something felt strange. Did her benefactor in her past life wear glasses?

She couldnt remember And his height didnt seem right either. She vaguely remembered her benefactor being unusually tall.

But Xiao Qiang said that in this park, the people who fit the description of the girl selling the wish cards were Zhu Dexi and Yu Minglang. If it wasnt Zhu Dexi could it be that it was

Xiao Qian shook her head, no. She couldnt possibly not recognize her own boyfriends handwriting. Xiao Qiang wrote very beautifully, not in this style. And if Yu Minglang had saved her, wouldnt she remember something? Also, when she pursued Xiao Qiang later in life, he didnt act like someone who knew her.

Xiao Qian quickly brushed off this fleeting thought. She was now convinced that Zhu Dexi was her benefactor from her past life..

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