Published at 11th of June 2024 05:38:07 AM

Chapter 217: Chapter 217: Chapter 217: Going to Make a Fortune

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Chapter 217: Chapter 217: Going to Make a Fortune


Translator: 549690339

Although Zhu Dexi didnt save Xiao Qian in this life, without the reminder of her past life, her current character wouldnt have made it this far, becoming a super Psychological Expert had a direct connection with him. Even after the rebirth, her character and professional knowledge were brought to the present; she needs to repay his kindness.

She never expected her benefactor to be Xiao Qiangs friend, and both worked in the same company. What a small world!

Thinking of Xiao Qiangs reaction just now, it seems to be showing displeasure towards her?

Xiao Qian couldnt figure out what was bothering him, maybe seeing her and Zheng Xu together made him unhappy?

As for who wrote the other wish list, Xiao Qian felt it could be ignored, the benefactor had been found, and the similarities in handwriting were no big deal.

Knowing who saved her, there would always be an opportunity to repay them in the future, there was no need to rush.

As soon as Xiao Qian stepped into the courtyard, she felt something was off about the atmosphere at home.

Qianer, youre finally back, come here quickly! Jia Xiufang came over without explanation, took Xiao Qians hand and went upstairs, also directing Chen Zilong.

Da Long, keep an eye on the door, dont let anyone in, just stay downstairs.

When she entered Xiao Qians room on the second floor and locked the door, Xiao Qian couldnt help but ask due to her mothers mysterious behavior.

Mom, what are you doing? Have you joined some evil organization?

Go! Stop joking about your mom, I have big news for you. Jia Xiufangs face was full of worry.

Alright, tell me.

Our house is going to be relocated. Jia Xiufang had just come back from a meeting, her heart was in a daze, and when Xiao Qian came back, she seized the moment.

Oh, let it be. Xiao Qian had been mentally prepared for this and wasnt surprised.

Im not joking, its really happening! After the new year, they will demolish the house. Weve already signed, and this afternoon, they will give us 50,000 yuan in resettlement fees. Once the house is demolished, we can get a house of over 200 square meters and everyone gets an additional 60,000 yuan. There are three people in our family, including the lower room. Its all cashed out, Qianer, what should we do!?

Jia Xiufang was completely stunned now.

They had been talking about relocation for years, but nothing happened. Today, they suddenly called everyone to a meeting, and the signing was done immediately.

When Xiao Qian came back last time to eat Shunxin noodles, she directly added a floor to the lower room without asking Jia Xiufangs permission. Back then, Jia Xiufang blamed her daughters impulsiveness, but now, just a few months later, its all cashed out.

They suddenly become wealthy, this is too sudden, having several houses and demolition money make them rapidly rich.

This is all good news, theres nothing to be caught up in. Judging by your expression, I thought something had happened to our family.

Now the housing prices are still not too high, but in the future, the housing prices in Qiang City will surge to the top in the domestic ranking. Housing prices in small places can catch up with first-tier cities, a more than 200 square meters house worth millions.

How come youre not surprised at all?! I didnt even dare to tell your brother, Im afraid hell go and blabber After signing the agreement and coming out, Jia Xiufangs mind went blank.

Living a difficult life for half a lifetime, suddenly having money was an overwhelming happiness.

We really cant let Da Long know about this. When the money comes, dont keep any cash, buy all real estate, Ill tell you where to buy.

I was thinking about saving some money for you and your brother, in the future when you get married and your brother gets a daughter-in-law, you will need money. Should we save it for the long term?

No, bank interest is too slow, just listen to me: do as I say. Xiao Qian said confidently.

Seeing Jia Xiufang still hesitating, she continued to persuade her.

Yu Minglangs brother is Yu Mingli, a real estate businessman in our city. Follow him and buy old houses wherever he develops, including buying storefronts from him thats cheaper than outside.

Isnt his brother a restaurant owner?! Jia Xiufang was greatly surprised.

He both cooks and invests in real estate. Its absolutely correct to follow him and make bold investments in real estate, buy as many storefronts as you can, rent out a few and the future rent will be hundreds of thousands a year, which is enough for the rest of your life.

Jia Xiufang was still immersed in her amazement that her future son-in-laws brother was a big profiteer. No wonder Minglang could afford a car and a house at such a young age and start a company Thats right, their names sound similar.

It has nothing to do with his brother; it was all his own efforts. Even if Xiao Qiang is just a double masters degree, would I like him if he didnt have any economic sense at all?

It was absolutely impossible for Yu Minglang to participate in his brothers investments. Although their brotherly feelings were good, they inherited different companies within the same big group, and they were in different businesses. Yu Minglangs side was a bit more complicated, but he refused his brothers help and relied on his own efforts.

Xiao Qian wouldnt let go of Yu Minglis line; there was no need to involve other people. As soon as the elder brother developed a plot of land, she would ask her mother to buy a house there. That was absolutely foolproof.

Our house can be exchanged for a 200 square meters house, Qianer, do you think we should go for two larger ones, or three smaller ones? Im thinking of giving one to you and your brother, and I worry if I should live with your brother or not

Mom, Im your daughter, why do you want to give me one? These things werent there in her past life.

After the demolition in the previous life, Jia Xiufang was thrown out penniless by Chen Lin, who took all the money and properties. At first, he said it was for Chen Zilong, but when Chu Xue got pregnant and had a son, Chen Zilong was kicked out, and a child from the demolished family ended up driving for Xiao Qian.

I came to my senses that sons and daughters are both my children. Your Grandma valued her son so much that she still had to rely on her daughter to support her in the end! Now that Ive divorced your father, Ive been on my own raising you both. Look at your brothers character, its uncertain whether he can support me in the future, but youre a reliable child. Im also relieved to have you marry a man like Yu Minglang. The only concern is that I dont provide you with enough dowry to be assertive when you go there.

If it wasnt for Xiao Qians firm stance on the divorce issue, Jia Xiufang might still be living in the shadow of Chen Lin. The days after the divorce felt like a new lifeevery day was fulfilling. Now that she had money, she naturally wanted to be fair.

But theres one thing, Qianer, dont blame mom for being partial. After all, your brother is a boy, and he needs money when he marries a daughter-in-law. I plan to save more money for your brother, and both of you get a house, is that alright? Jia Xiufang cautiously consulted with Xiao Qian.

But she found her daughter in tears.

Qianer, dont cry. I dont think youre not good enough. Im just considering that I may live with my son more in the future, and if I dont give him more money, my daughter-in-law might not understand Jia Xiufangs words were cut short by Xiao Qians embrace.

Its okay, mom, you dont have to give me anything. I can earn money by myself. Xiao Qian didnt want her mother to see her tears, and she didnt expect to cry over such a small matter.

She didnt care about the houses and money, but what touched her most was that her mother finally had her in her heart..

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