Published at 12th of June 2024 07:29:11 AM

Chapter 218: Chapter 218: Chapter 218: Attracted by the Money (1800+ Monthly Tickets Update)

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Chapter 218: Chapter 218: Attracted by the Money (1800+ Monthly Tickets Update)


Translator: 549690339 |

For someone who had grown up in an environment with a strong preference for boys over girls, Jia Xiufang has made great progress in her thinking.

Silly girl, what you earn is yours. You and your brother are my children; all my money will belong to you in the future. Jia Xiufang felt warm being hugged by her daughter, and tears flowed when she thought of her difficult past.

Finally, she could provide a better life for her children; the bitter days were coming to an end.

Mom, dont say these things in front of Da Long, especially about money. Never give him the impression that my money is for him. Understand? Xiao Qian felt the need to be cautious with the playboy.

He was the type to go bad with money and could not rely on his mother forever if he wanted to succeed.

Qianer, what should I say if your little brother asks about the money? Jia Xiufang also felt that her son was too arrogant; if she told him about the money, he would definitely stop studying even harder.

You cant hide the demolition issue. How much will we get, how many houses will we get others will tell him. If that playboy knows were getting rich, he will definitely go astray, maybe even go out and mess around with friends. Hes too gullible.

Xiao Qians analysis of her brother was accurate. Chen Wanku was particularly naive, blindly pursuing brotherhood and admiring those in the underworld. He always wanted to do something big, but ended up accomplishing nothing.

Qianer, dont speak so ill of your brother. While you were away at school, your brother always missed you. Hes still young and doesnt understand things sometimes. But always remember, you two are siblings, and you can always count on each other during tough times.

Xiao Qian rolled her eyes, Mom, your thinking is wrong. What do you mean hes still young? If we dont discipline that brat, his childishness will never grow up, and I dont want to clean up his mess later.

Jia Xiufang wanted to argue back but saw Chen Zilong leaving the yard on his bike, two yellow-haired friends following him on their bikes.

Da Long, where are you going? Jia Xiufang opened the window and shouted.

Mom, were going shopping, Ill be back soon. Chen Zilong shouted back and rode off, leaving Jia Xiufang fuming. No matter how much she called, he wouldnt come back.

That little brat! I told him not to hang out with those messy people, but he wouldnt listen! I shouldve taken the money in his pocket. Those two must have asked him to treat them to a game. Damn, theyre making me angry!

Chen Zilongs earnings, aside from buying gifts for his mother and sister, he kept some for himself. Xiao Qian managed to stop him from playing games, and he didnt have many expenses. But several of his bad friends kept calling him out to play, and Jia Xiufang couldnt stop him.

See, I told you. If you dont discipline him, hell squander your money.

Chen Zilong wasnt inherently rotten but rather naive and had a unique middle-schooler characteristic, constantly trying to look cool but acting foolishly.

Ill put the money in a fixed deposit. Jia Xiufang had no one to consult for advice and discussed everything with Xiao Qian.

I said dont do fixed deposits. Use the money to buy a house, Ill tell you where to buy. Dont buy residential properties, buy commercial ones. Exchange your 200 square meters for as many shops instead. Having two or three residential properties now is useless; how much can you rent them for? You need commercial storefronts; their value would be higher.

But where will we live? You dont have a home, Grandma doesnt have a home either. Jia Xiufang was frightened by her daughters words.

Who says I dont have a house? I can have the three-room apartment which belongs to Grandma, just add some money, and thats enough.

According to Xiao Qians calculations, after the demolition, Jia Xiufang could have a storefront and a apartment. With the money in hand, she could buy soon-to-be-demolished houses which would then be exchanged for several more houses when they are demolished. Jia Xiufang, in her later years, could live like a rich woman just by relying on rents.

Oh, I forgot about Grandma! Jia Xiufang suddenly remembered her mother who had been living with her for half a year. Second Sister-in-laws family never visited, probably thinking they had taken advantage of the situation. How is Grandma doing recently? Xiao Qian asked.

Shes the same, a bit confused. She asked who Da Long was yesterday, and her speech was all over the place. I went to ask the health center, and they said its because of her old age, her dementia is advancing. I wanted to talk to your Second Uncle about this, but he hung up on me. He even let his dog loose to bite me when I went to his house sigh, what should I do?

Xiao Qian, seeing her mother so sad, didnt say anything. She just patted her mothers back.

Compared to the dementia onset in her past life, Grandma was living better this time. Jia Xiufang had taken great care of the elder, and Grandma had enjoyed some happiness, but life, aging, sickness, and death are things that cant be changed.

Qianer, do you think we can get a share of your Grandmas house? Jia Xiufang had been taking care of the elder not for any inheritance, so she didnt focus too much on getting a house. However, now the demolition is a big issue.

Mom, you cant back out now after looking after her for so long; what did your Second Uncles family do? Stand your ground; the house has to be ours!

Xiao Qian was afraid her mother would give up voluntarily, so she deliberately agitated her.

This isnt about whether you want to earn the money or not you, my Eldest Uncle, and my Second Uncle will all have to fight for the house eventually. After being bullied by Second Uncles family for so long, taking care of the elder and having them take all the money, its time to teach them a lesson. Even if you dont say anything, my Eldest Uncle will certainly take action.

Demolition exposes peoples true nature; its not just her family, many others fight over family property just like this.

As if proving Xiao Qians words, while she was discussing the matter with Jia Xiufang, there was a commotion outside.

Their voices could be heard upstairs.

Xiufang! Xiufang, are you home? Second Maternal Aunts voice was piercingly loud, and it was irritating to hear it upstairs.

Im here! Jia Xiufang replied and muttered quietly to Xiao Qian.

Look, her nose is better than a dogs, smelling money and coming right over.

Grandma had been living here for so long, getting sick several times. Jia Xiufang had ridden the tricycle with the old lady, passing by Second Uncles house several times, but they never came out to see the old lady or sent her some fruits. They didnt even visit once.

But as soon as they heard about the demolition, they came.

Jia Xiufang took Xiao Qian downstairs and saw two burly cousins behind Second Maternal Aunt and a fierce-looking Second Uncle..

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