Published at 14th of June 2024 10:03:19 AM

Chapter 221: Chapter 221: Chapter 221: Talents in Both Literature and Martial Arts (Birthday + Update)

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Chapter 221: Chapter 221: Talents in Both Literature and Martial Arts (Birthday + Update)

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Translator: 549690339 |

Second Uncle was seen making a fist with his left hand in front and right hand stretching forward, posing like he was charging with a bayonet. All the while, shouting, Kill, kill, kill!

Yu Minglang didnt move, blinked his eyes and Xiao Qian facepalmed.

Second Uncle halted with satisfaction.

Back in my day, I was the best in this! Are you impressed?

To create an enhanced effect, Second Uncle repeated, Thrust, thrust, kill, kill, kill!

Is that stupid or what stupid, stupid, stupid. Xiao Qian muttered to herself.

Yu Minglang calmly extended one finger, pressing it against Second Uncle s forehead.

Second Uncle felt deeply insulted, this pose of him resembled as if he was playing with a dog?

So, he swung his arm and shouted, Kill!

The next moment

Ai Ma, help me out, my back gave out

Yu Minglang shrugged, looking innocent, I didnt touch him

Being so clumsy and bold enough to provoke Yu Minglang, he felt that if he did retaliate, it would seem as if he was bullying him.

Hmm, dont use hands, use feet then!

Yu Minglang lightly kicked him, and without much force, Second Uncle fell down.

He groaned in pain, clutching his waist. He was overweight and did not exercise; he had inadvertently twisted his waist from the minor tussle.

Second Uncle fell to the ground, groaning and yelling in agony from his back pain. More than one cousin was clutching their forehead, hurt by Ming Lang s move. As Ming Lang took a step forward, they immediately retreated, feeling Yu Minglang as an unpredictable wind, unfathomable and unstoppable, and yet, when he wanted to hurt someone, it was ever so easy.

Seeing the family of three robust men immobilized by Yu Minglang, Second Maternal Aunt felt indignant yet helpless, managing only to gain some superficial advantage with her words.

-Jia Xiufang, what are you all up to, battering my family like this? You need to compensate us! And of attempted assault, we, were going to sue you!

Yu Minglang lightly smiled, Didnt I tell you earlier, your testimonies are invalid. Auntie, brothers, did any of you see me hitting them?

He turned to ask Xiao Qians family.

Chen Zilong shook his head like a rattle drum.


Second Maternal Aunt was furious, Arent you just twisting the truth and making false claims?!

What kind of trick is this? She had never seen anyone more brazen than this before.

Xiao Qian found Yu Minglang extremely pleasing.

His annoying manner in dealing with others has proven to be highly effective. He could linger on whoever he wanted and have them unable to retort. Linguistically intelligent to outwit anyone and physically strong enough that no one could beat him How to deal with such an individual?

Thank you for the compliment. I have my own ways of dealing with different people. A great man once said, when friends come, serve them the best wine, when enemies do, get the shotgun. Since you guys dont treat yourself as friends, then I can only treat you as enemies, Yu Minglang remarked, followed by a combination punch towards Big Cousin that stunned the Second Maternal Aunt.

She felt that her son in his hands was just like a punching bag.

Thats too cool, his punching speed, I feel its even faster than those in the boxing matches! Chen Zilong looked on with stars in his eyes, full of admiration.

Hes controlling his force, I guess he didnt even use 40% of his strength,

Xiao Qian objectively commented.

His moves were not fancy; if Yu Minglang hadnt deliberately played around and truly used his force, Big Cousin would surely be vomiting blood. Many of his moves were fatal in one shot. In his past life, when Xiao Qian played with him, he never dared to counterattack fearing he might hurt her unintentionally.

The twenty-something Yu Minglang seemingly enjoyed playing more as compared to his future self ten years later. He was even chanting rhymes, Twenty-eight, twenty-five, six, twenty-eight, twenty-five, seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty-one!

Seeing his elder brother beaten up badly, Second Cousin wanted to sneak attack from behind with an axe. Xiao Qian saw it and was about to shout a warning, but Yu Minglang, without even turning around, reached back and strangled his neck with his elbow!

If Yu Minglang hadnt been careful, he could have easily broken his neck!

-Bro, why are you so cruel? This thing can easily kill if swung randomly, do you know that? With a swift chop of his hand, the axe from Second Cousins hand was now in his, no one saw how he managed to do it.

The axe in Yu Minglangs hand came to life as it started rotating rapidly, creating dazzling patterns.

Both the Second Cousin and Big Cousin, already beaten to a bloody pulp, stepped back in fear. Yu Minglang hack threw the axe onto the wooden stair bannister, it couldnt even be pulled out.

Ah! My furniture! Jia Xiufang exclaimed. Yu Minglang turned around apologetically, Sorry Auntie, I got carried away

This wasteful child this is all solid wood its been used for so many years,

just to be chopped like this

Xiao Qian patted her mom, Its okay, anyway, these all have to be demolished during the resettlement.

The team of Second Maternal Aunt, already terrified, suddenly found courage at the mention of resettlement.

Chen Xiao Qian, enough nonsense, hand over the old lady right now, or else, or else

Xiao Qian, out of curiosity, asked, Or what? Continue the fight? Ming Lang, arent you finished with the last rhyme? Come on, continue reciting!

Given his rhyme recitation rate, it could last more than 100 times by the time it finishes. By then, the two hefty sons of Second Uncles family would swell up like pig heads, even if they are not ruined by the beatings.

Yu Minglang was most obedient to Xiao Qians words. On her command, he started twisting his wrists.

Second Maternal Aunt realized things were turning sour. When brawn failing, it was time for some brain work!

Next moment, she fell to the ground dramatically, laying there.

Ai Ma, life is unbearable! Theyre bullying us to death, someone help us! Theyre trying to kill us!

While saying this, she was also rolling all over the room.

Jia Xiufang was dumbstruck.

Xiao Qian nudged her mother, Mother, learn some lessons. You see? If one has no shame, theres nothing they cannot do.

Jia Xiufang looked at the rolling Second Maternal Aunt, stuttering her shaking head, This this is too shameful

Although Jia Xiufang didnt have much education, she couldnt be so disgraceful. Jia Xiufang was still a simple woman. Second Maternal Aunt truly widened her horizons, this kind of person was rare, even in the city as well as the countryside, truly unusual.

Money rules, who needs face? Can you eat face? Sometimes, Xiao Qian admired those changeable people too. The face was a magical thing, once they chose to be shameless, they would lose their bottom line. Then, they could move freely in the whole world.

This point, she must give credit to Second Maternal Aunt, a true shrew.

Ah! Someones trying to kill us! Someone help us! While Second Maternal Aunt was rolling, she kept shouting. Second Uncle sat on the ground and didnt get up, clutching his waist and crying out in pain, You all must pay us!

Both of Second Uncles chubby sons, one helping the father and the other the mother, made quite a touching scene..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!