Published at 14th of June 2024 10:03:17 AM

Chapter 223: Chapter 223: Chapter 223: Thats Exactly the Case

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Chapter 223: Chapter 223: Thats Exactly the Case

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Seeing that the people had arrived, Second Maternal Aunt was energized, lying on the ground and howling, her voice instantly raising up eight octaves. Ah, Im going to die, Im going to die, Comrade, save me, this is too much bullying!

Xiao Qian recognized the leading man, wasnt he the director from last time? He was the one who wanted to invite her to persuade Yu Minglang to arrange a visit for the police station.

As soon as he saw Yu Minglang, the man was excited and stepped forward, reaching out his hand, One, youre here!

Director Wang, we meet again.

When Second Aunt saw the seriousness of the two, her crying voice stopped abruptly, what was going on?!

This is The director pointed at the person on the ground.

These people came to my girlfriends house to make trouble and injured my girlfriends younger brother. When I arrived, I saw them trying to attack, so I stopped them out of self-defense But they seemed to want to scam me.

After hearing what Yu Minglang said, the situation had turned into this, Xiao Qian nodded, yes, thats right.

Second Maternal Aunt couldnt even cry, pointing at Yu Minglang, mimicking his tone just now.

His testimony is invalid!

Seeing Second Maternal Aunts words, Yu Minglang revealed a very gratified look, turning his head to Xiao Qian and saying, Look, she can mimic, shes not Biaozi, she still has the ability to engage in civil acts, we can sue her.

Dont judge by appearances, how do you know shes not Biaozi? Dont believe me, ask her which law this comes from, and which provision, see if she can learn it? Xiao Qians tone was completely like a top students contempt for scum.

Theres no need to go through the trouble, just let her recite this sentence in its entirety can you remember what I just said? Yu Minglang asked kindly.

Second Maternal Aunt was taken aback, who could remember such a long string of words that Yu Minglang had just said, but if she said she couldnt, wouldnt that be admitting that she was Biaozi?

Chen Zilong shook his head at the side, muttering to himself, I really have to study hard, this brainless thing cant do it, cant even beat people in a fight

He thought his top student sister was troublesome enough, but how could the Brother-in-law be like this too? A two-in-one top student, unstoppable, and one of them knows martial arts

Seeing that the Second Maternal Aunt couldnt get past Yu Minglang and Xiao Qian, she clapped her thigh, lay on the ground with a 360-degree turn, just like having tetanus, howling and crying, even kicking off her shoes.

Comrade, please control your emotions and stand up to speak, the captain couldnt stand it any longer.

They often had to mediate family conflicts in Urban Village and had seen many a shrew, Second Maternal Aunt! It was even considered a masterpiece among shrews, splashing out with a bang.

Its too bullying, what are they going to do? I wont get up, Mother-in-law, I miss you, they wont let me see you, and they call me Biaozi, they have no conscience! The Second Maternal Aunts acting had reached the point where she couldnt stop, crying pitifully.

Youre not Biaozi, youre a lunatic! Being crazy and stupid is not the same thing, you cant insult the Biaozi.

Xiao Qian suddenly wanted to play a tune, The Moons Reflection on the Second Spring. With Second Maternal Aunts state like this, play a sad tune, put a broken basin in front, sit on the roadside, Second Uncle lying on a broken straw mat, and if the body is covered with a broken blanket

Xiao Qian laughed out loud, Yu Minglang glanced at her, their eyes met, and the corners of his lips raised as well. She looked mischievously at the Second Maternal Aunt, and he looked at her tenderly.

On one side, they were crying like mourners, while on the other, they were full of tenderness These people looked at each other, feeling a bit awkward.

Theyre not human! They wont let me see the elder, its too heartless! Second Maternal Aunt knelt on the ground, held out her trembling hand in the direction of the stairs, and exclaimed.

Mother, I miss you! Mother-

Pff! Xiao Qian couldnt hold back, she could no longer bear to watch.

Second Maternal Aunt, your current behavior is seriously diverging from the facts. I must remind you that when you drove the elderly away, my record of calling the police still exists in the police station. Have you forgotten? Are you Biaozi or a lunatic?

What driving away the elder? Youre talking nonsense! Mom, my dear mother-in-law! Second Maternal Aunt slapped her thigh.

People really couldnt bear to watch.

Sister-in-law, your pen record at that time has been filed by us, and we can call it up at any time. I remember you didnt say it like this at that time

Second Maternal Aunt immediately stopped crying and looked at the person with a dumbfounded expression, Filed?

At that time, this young lady called the police, and we had to make a record when we came out. Do you remember what you said at that time? Everyone remembered this.

Yu Minglang added, Its all in black and white, and she even pressed her handprint. According to the relevant regulations, Xiao Qian and her mother, if they want to sue you, can ask the court to request the record from the police station at any time.

At the beginning, in order to drive the elderly away, Second Maternal Aunt said a lot of things that were contrary to the truth, but Xiao Qian had been on guard against her and kept the injury report from the Hospital, which came in handy at this time.

I have also saved the recording of my eldest uncles conversation with you. If you dont agree, we can confront the three families. Xiao Qians meaning was very clear, she didnt want the elderly back then, and she wouldnt raise them now, the money had to be spit out and divided equally.

When Second Maternal Aunt heard this, she felt a bit dumbfounded, knowing that she couldnt take the elderly away, and unwilling in her heart, she simply crawled a few steps and lay directly on the stairs of Xiao Qians house.

If you dont let me take my mother-in-law away, Ill just lie here and not leave, if you have the guts, just beat me to death, come on, beat me, beat me!

Seeing her like this, everyone couldnt help but laugh and cry. There was really no reason to talk to a legal illiterate like her.

Xiao Qian squatted down and spoke in a voice that only she and Second Maternal Aunt could hear.

My boyfriend is studying law, and if you dare to play hooligan in my house, well sue your family into oblivion, want to try?

Once Xiao Qian finished speaking, Second Maternal Aunt immediately stood up, as if she were a magician, the expression of extreme grief on her face disappeared, and she looked at Yu Minglang guardedly.

Youre studying law?

Yu Minglang glanced at Xiao Qian, and the meaning in his eyes was clear that he was saying, hey, youre using my name to deceive people again?

Xiao Qian pushed up her glasses, to deal with legal illiterates, one must use tricks and nonsense. Talking reason to her would only work if she could understand it.

He is a very outstanding talent, many people in our department admire him very much. Director Wang, who didnt know Xiao Qian was fooling people, accidentally cooperated with her.

Second Maternal Aunts face turned white, and she immediately signaled to her man, Second Uncle immediately stood up.

Yu Minglang swept a contemptuous look at them, Regarding the issue of the elderlys support, we will formally sue the court, and well settle the matter through the law. In the meantime, if you dare to make a fuss in my girlfriends house

Before he could finish, Chen Zilong, who had already admired Yu Minglang, immediately took up the cause.

My Brother Lang can chop bricks, and he can chop wood too, all kinds of chopping! As he said this, he gesticulated, looking like he had already become Yu Minglangs little follower.

Xiao Qian laughed and said, Chopping bricks is not illegal Second Maternal Aunt, are your family members heads as hard as bricks?

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