Published at 20th of June 2024 05:04:21 AM

Chapter 227: Chapter 227: Chapter 227: As Expected (2100+ Monthly Tickets Update)

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Chapter 227: Chapter 227: As Expected (2100+ Monthly Tickets Update)

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Translator: 549690339

Xiao Qian took a couple of steps, but before Yu Minglang could catch up, she stopped doubtfully and turned her head back, ending up in his strong embrace.

Do you want to strangle me

Yu Minglang really wanted to say how much he would cherish Xiao Qian in the future, but holding her in his arms, he didnt want to say anything. All he wanted to do was hold her close and never let her go. How could he live without this strong, independent woman who was enough to deter eighty percent of men

Xiao Mei, I think youre like Chi-Chi from Dragon Ball, so powerful

Xiao Qian decided to check who this was later, and after checking, she didnt talk to Yu Minglang for a week. She asked him why he couldnt praise her properly, and wondered how she was like a housewife who didnt do anything.

What Yu Minglang wanted to express was that his Xiao Mei was definitely a woman who could keep a man obedient, and he was kind of willingly being controlled by her.

After sending Xiao Qian home and seeing the white sedan parked at the door, Jia Xiufang felt it looked familiar.

Qianer, hasnt someone given us a ride in this car before, called., what was it neo-nets?’

Volvo, one of the favorite car models among well-paid white-collar workers. Xiao Qians answer made Jia Xiufang slap her forehead.

Oh, I remember now. The lawyer who helped us with the lawsuit drove one of these.

Seeing Yu Minglangs car, Ya Ming directly got off the car and waved at Yu Minglang. Jia Xiufang was puzzled, was this really that lawyer? Why was he here?

Ya Ming, how long have you been waiting? Yu Minglang got out of the car and patted Ya Ming on the shoulder.

Just got here, and I just happened to be passing by for some business.

Jia Xiufang noticed that her daughters friends had come to their house, so she quietly asked Xiao Qian, Qianer, does Ming Lang have any urgent business?

Xiao Qian glanced at her mom, He is fine, its our house that might have a problem.

Our house? Jia Xiufang didnt understand. Xiao Qian pointed to the door, Open it and check on my Grandma.

Jia Xiufang hastened to open the door and went up to the second floor. Xiao Qian called for Yu Minglang and Ya Ming to come in and let Chen Zilong make them some tea. Then she followed her mother upstairs.

The old lady was mostly confused these days and couldnt recognize people well. Jia Xiufang would change her diapers before leaving the house, and place water and fruits on the bedside table for her.

The old woman still slept, and Jia Xiufang let out a sigh of relief.

Your Grandma is doing well. Lets give her a bath later. You can help me lift her onto the wheelchair.

She was already very filial in taking care of the elderly like that, wiping their bodies daily and bathing them every few days. Taking care of a paralyzed old person required a lot of patience and love, which Jia Xiufang had been doing for years.

Xiao Qian didnt answer her mom, but instead, reached out to take Jia Xiufangs wrist.

Whats wrong? Jia Xiufang asked.

Mom, you have a set of social norms in your heart, which you have been living by for many years. You always hold yourself to those values, but you cant apply them to others. So when others let you down, you become very, very angry. Whats the matter with you? Youve been studying at a university away from home for half a year, and now you cant talk like a normal person? Jia Xiufang didnt understand but felt her daughters expression was too serious.

All this time, youve educated me to be a kind person. Of course, you didnt say it directly; you showed it through your actions. You always say that heaven is watching what people do, so even when nobody is around, you make sure to do everything right. Thats why, when you see Second Aunt not living up to your expectations, youre furious. You always say that heaven will punish her, but I want to tell you that sometimes heaven is too busy, and more often, we have to rely on ourselves.

What on Earth are you trying to say, child?

Xiao Qian shook her head. These words were not just for her mother but for herself as well. In her past life, before she turned 18, she was just like her current mother, always using strong moral values to limit herself but giving those who didnt follow the rules the opportunity to hurt her.

What I want to say is that no matter what Second Uncle and his family have done, you cant be angry. Anger can cause harm to your health, and I dont want you to hurt yourself because of someone elses mistakes. No matter what you find out later, trust me and let me handle it.

Ah, I cant even talk to your Second Uncle anymore. I cant believe our family has come to this.

Jia Xiufang still wanted to sit down and talk to her elder brother. Although her daughter had been discussing the house issue, Jia Xiufang thought that if her Second Brother could take good care of their mother, she could give up the property. After all, they were just two siblings, and she didnt want them to ignore each other forever when they met.

But today, the performance of Second Brother and his wife completely chilled Jia Xiufangs heart.

Theyre treating you like a fool by doing this. Talking to them about feelings is useless now, so Mom, its time to fight. Xiao Qian clenched her fist and was slapped on the head by Jia Xiufang, Have you lost your mind? Fight what?

Xiao Qian stuck out her tongue, One of my roommates is a chuuni girl. She probably infected me.

She couldnt just come up with lines for a stage play, see, it left her with aftereffects.

Xiao Qian saw Jia Xiufang laughing and returned to the topic.

Mom, dont you think Grandma has been sleeping for too long?

Yeah, whats going on? She shouldve woken up by now. What time is it and she and Xiao Qian had been standing in front of the old ladys bed talking for so long, how could she not be awake?

Xiao Qian held her grandmas hand and showed it to Jia Xiufang.

The reason my Grandma cant wake up is that someone gave her sleeping pills. The this.

Jia Xiufang took a closer look, the old ladys thumb was red, and she exclaimed in fear.

Ai Ma, what happened to your moms hand!

Dont be scared, its not bleeding. Look carefully, what is this!

Xiao Qian had already anticipated this situation.

Eh, it looks like ink? Jia Xiufang hadnt figured out why her paralyzed mom would have ink-colored prints on her hand when she couldnt even get up.

Yu Minglang came up with Ya Ming and the police who had been here before.

While Xiao Qian was psychologically preparing her mom, the police had already arrived.

A group of people, taking advantage of you two going out to eat, sneaked into your house, drugged the old lady, and made her press her thumbprint. Officer Wang, please come over to collect evidence. Yu Minglang said.

The officer came over to examine the old lady, then went to the window. The bedroom was on the second floor, and the window had been tampered with there was a footprint on the white windowsill.

We will file an investigation.

In order to achieve their goals, they randomly broke into someone elses house and drugged the elderly. Second Uncles family would stop at nothing for money.

Xiao Qian and Yu Minglang had already expected all this before they went out to eat.

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