Published at 20th of June 2024 05:04:20 AM

Chapter 228: Chapter 228: Chapter 228: Still a Child (Monthly Ticket 2150+ Update)

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Chapter 228: Chapter 228: Still a Child (Monthly Ticket 2150+ Update)

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In the afternoon, when receiving the first installment of the resettlement payment, they need the Old Lady to be present and sign the agreement, or at least have an authorization letter, otherwise they wont get the money.

With Yu Minglang blocking the way, Second Maternal Uncle couldnt get hold of the elder. Under Second Maternal Aunts instigation, they came up with this rotten idea, but they didnt expect to run into Yu Minglangs muzzle.

Ya Ming, Ill leave the lawsuit to you. I have to go back to the army tomorrow, so I might not be able to follow up on this. Yu Minglang patted his friends shoulder.

Ya Ming nodded, The urgent matter is to invalidate the authorization letter in their hands. If, according to you, the elder has already lost her civil capacity due to dementia, their actions definitely warrant a lawsuit. As for breaking into a private residence and drugging the elder, we can sue them for that too.

Yu Minglang nodded, knowing he could handle this matter but wasnt able to find the time; leaving it to his friend would save Xiao Qian from worrying.

Jia Xiufang was greatly shocked, Drugging the elder!!!

How immoral must one be to do this? She could understand if they didnt care about Mother anymore for the sake of the money, but why did they have to mess around like this? The elder was so old, and they didnt know if their actions would hurt her or not.

Ive already called for an ambulance, it should be here soon, said Yu Minglang.

Xiao Qian patted Jia Xiufang, Ive been telling you not to restrain scumbags with your moral values or get angry and hurt yourself over others mistakes. Mom, dont worry about anything now, dont get angry or soften, leave dealing with that family to us.

When good meets evil, its always the good that gets hurt first. In order to protect the precious goodness in the hearts of those around her, she didnt mind becoming an evil person.

With Yu Minglang and Xiao Qian there, Jia Xiufang didnt have to worry at all. Yu Minglang had already arranged everything. The elder was sent to the hospital, and the doctor confirmed she had been drugged. The dosage was not large enough for stomach pumping, which made Jia Xiufang furious. After making a call to her eldest uncle, he immediately said he would come over and join Jia Xiufang in fighting against Second Maternal Uncles family.

Second Maternal Uncles family got the Old Ladys handprint authorization letter, and excitedly went to get the money. There was 50,000 yuan from the early resettlement payment, in the form of a check The two of them were overjoyed holding the check They had the elders ID and documents in their possession, and fearing that the longer they waited the more things could happen, they headed straight for the bank after leaving the village committees office.

Everyone was waiting to receive the money, and the queue was long. Second Maternal Aunt was both anxious and triumphant while waiting.

Chen Xiaoqian, that little troublemaker, thought she was so capable. But didnt we still get the money in the end? It doesnt matter that she found a soldier, theyre all poor, and she deserves to be poor for a lifetime, said Second Maternal Aunt.

Hurry up and get the money, I always feel a bit uneasy, Second Maternal Uncle was still somewhat shadowed by Yu Minglang.

Whats not to be at ease about? We have Old Ladys handprint, her ID, and household registration book with us. The Demolition and Relocation Office recognizes these things, not people. Let them take care of the old woman, they deserve it!

After Second Maternal Aunt finished saying this, it was her turn in line. As she was about to hand over the check and the Old Ladys documents with joy, a hand patted her on the shoulder.

What are you doing? Get in line and dont cut in! Second Maternal Aunt stared fixedly at the bank teller using the banknote counting machine, thinking she would get the money any moment now.

Are you Hao Dapao and Zhen Xiaojie?

Second Maternal Uncle and Second Maternal Aunt turned their heads simultaneously to see several plainclothes officers standing beside them.

We suspect you are involved in a case of breaking into a private residence and poisoning an elderly person. Please cooperate with our investigation, said the officers.

Who poisoned her! We just gave her some sleeping pills! Second Uncle yelled, and Second Aunt slapped him on the face.

You idiot! What nonsense are you talking about!

It was over, completely over. They didnt even need to be interrogated, and the moron had already confessed everything!

It took almost no effort to deal with these two fools. At the police station, they clearly explained the whole matter. While Second Maternal Aunt understood the law a bit, Second Maternal Uncle was unyielding, not even realizing hed done something wrong.

At the police station, he even argued with the officers, saying that the elder was his mother and he was her son, so if the relocation payment wasnt given to the son, was it supposed to go to the daughter? As for drugging her, it was even simpler. The Old Ladys mind was gone, and she didnt remember people or things. She howled and wouldnt press her handprint, so they used some drugs, completely unaware that this was a criminal offense.

Second Maternal Uncle was still arguing, saying that the drugs couldnt kill anyone and there was no reason to arrest him. He demanded to be released immediately because he needed to get the money, and soon the bank would close for the day

His ignorant arguments had made people explain to him several times, but when he couldnt understand, they lost patience and just detained him.

Yet again, Yu Minglangs long-awaited midnight movie date was ruined.

Xiao Qian had to accompany her mother as their family was going through such troubles. Jia Xiufang was angry, upset, and heartbroken, and Xiao Qian couldnt just leave her behind without a care.

After talking to Jia Xiufang until midnight, Xiao Qian returned to her small nest and sent a text message to Yu Minglang from her phone.

Are you asleep?

It only took less than 20 seconds for the reply to arrive, Not asleep.

At this moment, Yu Minglang had already returned to his fathers house. After settling Xiao Qians family matters, he went back home to be with his parents. Per chance, Father Yu was home and father and son were playing chess together.

Mother Yu had urged them several times to rest early, but the father and son were so addicted to chess that they had her make tea instead, as they couldnt bear to stop playing.

Just as it seemed Yu Minglang was about to win against his father, a text message from Xiao Qian arrived.

Taking advantage of the moment Yu Minglang was looking at his phone, Father Yu quickly replaced the chess piece that had just been captured by Yu Minglang, and after doing so, sipped his tea nonchalantly.

The usually sharp-eyed Youngest Brother Yu didnt notice his fathers little trick He looked at the text message on his phone and smiled slightly.

Restrain yourself a bit, I can see your little tongue sticking out, Father Yu teased while stealing Yu Minglangs chess piece.

Dad, I have to go now, Im still a child and staying up late isnt good for me, Yu Minglang said as he decisively got up after his phone rang indicating another text message.

The second text message from his Xiao Mei had quite a connotation.

She just sent three words, Im hungry.

Father Yu grabbed his sons wrist as he tried to leave just a few hours after coming home.

Youngest, cant you have some morals? Finish the chess game before you leave!

Yu Minglang glanced at the chessboard. His father had shamelessly put the chess pieces back and even regretted making a move. But even so, he could still win in another 10 minutes without leaving any pieces of his fathers untouched.

But no, ten minutes was too long. Yu Minglang didnt want to waste even a minute.

Seeing that his father was unwilling to let go, Yu Minglang devised a plan. Suddenly, with a swift movement of both hands, he flipped the chessboard!

The chess pieces scattered all over Father Yus study, specifically on the Luohan bed where the father and son had been playing.

Yu Minglang! You bastard! Father Yu was furious, blowing his beard in rage.

Yu Minglang played innocent.

Dad, it slipped from my hand, and we cant play anymore. Ill come back some other day to play with you and keep you entertained, he said.

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