Published at 20th of June 2024 05:04:20 AM

Chapter 229: Chapter 229: Chapter 229: Xiao Qiang Being Naughty

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Chapter 229: Chapter 229: Xiao Qiang Being Naughty

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No matter how angry his dad was, Yu Minglang grabbed the keys and ran out. Youngest, have your midnight snack before you leave. Mother Yu brought over the midnight snack.

Yu Minglang looked at it, Fresh Shrimp and Winter Melon Congee and Toothpick Meat?

Mom, wheres the lunch box? Ill take it with me.

Okay, you wait for me.

Five minutes later, Father Yu, who had just finished cleaning up the chessboard, sat cross-legged on the Luohan bed with anger. He wanted to have some food to cool down, but when he saw what was on the plate, he got even angrier.

Wheres my meat? How come I only have a bowl of Winter Melon Congee? Your eldest son took it with him.

This little brat! Thats outrageous, he should at least leave me a shrimp! Father Yu fumed, puffing his beard and glaring.

Not only did Yu Minglang take the whole plate of Toothpick Meat, but he also scooped the Winter Melon & Fresh Shrimp Congee so there was only Winter Melon and no shrimp.

Eat less at night, so your stomach doesnt have trouble digesting it whataya staring at? The youngest ones like a bandit, just like you, you old bad man!

Next time he comes home, Ill have to scold him, hes getting more and more outrageous, tsk, so bland, spouse, go get me a jar of pickles.

I cant be bothered with you.

Comrade Qi Jiao, follow the order!

Fine, with your attitude, wait a moment, Ive hidden half a plate of meat for you.

Father Yu laughed, Comrade Jiaojiaos enlightenment is not bad.

Get out of the way, obstructive old man!

Xiao Qian sent the text message and waited more than ten minutes for Yu Minglangs reply but didnt receive it.

She wasnt in a hurry, opened the wardrobe and started looking for pajamas. Lets see if my judgment of Xiaoqiang is accurate. Personality determines fate.

She put on her prettiest pajamas, picked up a book, leaned against the bed to read. After a few minutes, she heard someone knock on the window.

She opened the window, and Yu Minglang, who was standing on the balcony, held up the lunch box in his hand.

Midnight snack delivery, please sign for it.

Xiao Qian stepped aside, Yu Minglang jumped in. Xiao Qian poked her head out of the window, looking left and right, trying to see if anyone had noticed.

Yu Minglang hugged her from behind.

I ve scouted it out beforehand, no one saw us, dont worry.

Well done. Youve delivered the food, now you can get lost.

Ungrateful little thing, my car is parked on the side of the road, and I jogged all the way here, dont you want to reward me?

Climbing through windows can be an addictive behavior.

Xiao Qian dragged over the only chair, and the two sat side by side on her narrow bed, starting their midnight snack.

On his way to the bathroom downstairs, Chen Zilong passed by Xiao Qians room, his nose twitched.

It smells so good Was he sleepwalking, or why did that smell so good? His younger brothers voice was clearly heard through the door panel, Xiao Qian made a shushing gesture, signaling Yu Minglang not to talk.

Mom, Im hungry, do we have any food at home? Chen Zilong ran over and knocked on Jia Xiufangs door.

There are steamed buns in the cabinet, you can find them yourself. Jia Xiufangs vague voice came through.Yu Minglang compared the delicious snacks he had brought, silently asking if he should send some to Playboy.

Xiao Qian made a tch expression, saying that this Playboy disturbed Mothers sleep in the middle of the night, so it was better to starve him, lest his brain be filled with fat and no IQ.

Chen Zilong went to the bathroom with a steamed bun in his mouth and a big green onion in one hand.

I dont know if its an illusion, but I think I smell fried meat. Mom, can you make fried meat tomorrow? Chen Zilong went to his mothers room again to ask.

Xiao Qian couldnt bear it any longer, stormed out, and kicked Chen Zilongs buttocks.

Chen Zilong, can you stop driving us crazy in the middle of the night? Can you let our mom have a good sleep? If you dare to show off, Ill make you into fried meat!

Chen Zilong was afraid of his sister. He returned to his room with a bun in his mouth, took a bite of the green onion, and muttered to himself.

I really smelled fried meat. When my sister came out, the smell became more obvious

Xiao Qian returned to her room, and Yu Minglang, sitting on her bed, grinned, his eyebrows disappearing, Eating alone?

He whispered.

Xiao Qian snorted, If you feel sorry for him, go and feed him outside and see if my mom wont chase you away with a broom!

Yu Minglang stuffed a piece of toothpick meat into her mouth. I feel sorry for you. Look at how skinny you are, like a monkey, with no meat on your bones. Only he thought Xiao Qian looked skinny; Chen Zilong and Jia Xiufang thought Xiao Qian hadnt lost any weight in the past six months.

How could she not have gained weight? One cant avoid gaining weight without latenight-snacking. When she was at school, Yu Minglang stuffed her with snacks from afar via his mom, so when she returned home, he directly brought food to her. It would be strange if she didnt gain weight.

Im thirsty, Ill go downstairs to get some water, Xiao Qian prepared to get up, but Yu Minglang held her down.

Ill go.

Someone was diligent, and Xiao Qian was happy to be lazy. Leaning on the bed, wiping her hands with a tissue, she waited for a while, but Yu Minglang hadnt come back yet, so she went out to check.

When she got to the staircase, she heard someone coming up the creaky stairs. The light on the stairs was broken, so she could only see a silhouette.

She lowered her voice, whispering, Why are you so slow?

Hmm? Hehe, I remembered theres a salted duck egg in the cupboard, sister, do you want it? one hand holding the salted duck egg, the other hand holding a flashlight, Chen Zilong, hearing Xiao Qians voice, mischievously turned the flashlight on and shone it on his face, trying to create a terrifying atmosphere.

Ah!!! Xiao Qian let out a scream.

Sister, when did you become so timid? Youre scared just like that? Chen Zilong often played these cruel games with Xiao Qian.

The light in their home staircase had been broken for a long time and they hadn t bothered to fix it, so the family members either groped around in the dark or brought their own flashlights when getting up at night. Chen Zilong liked to scare Xiao Qian, although he had never succeeded so far.

Xiao Qian covered her mouth, her heart still pounding.

It wasnt because of Playboy being frightened, but because Yu Minglang was right behind Chen Zilong!

How could Yu Minglang be so mischievous? He followed Chen Zilong, who didnt notice him at all.

When the flashlights beam hit Chen Zilongs face, it also illuminated the huge figure of Yu Minglang behind him. At first glance, he looked like a ghost, scaring even the fearless Xiao Qian.

Yu Minglang, the big bad guy, saw Xiao Qian scream and made a scary face at her.

Sis, whats wrong with you? Chen Zilong had never received such intense gaze from his sister before.

Its nothing, just get in your room! Xiao Qian was afraid Chen Zilong would turn around since Yu Minglang couldnt be more than two steps behind him. It was strange Chen Zilong couldnt see him.

With such a big living person right behind him, Chen Zilong just couldnt see, not knowing whether to praise Yu Minglang for his sniper-like stealth camouflaging skills or Chen Zilong for being too slow.

Oh, okay. Chen Zilong took one step at a time, with Xiao Qian watching as Yu Minglang followed him, maintaining the same pace, silently.

Xiao Qians heart hung in her throat, fearing Chen Zilong would turn around. Dont turn around, just go upstairs

As Chen Zilong passed by Xiao Qian, he suddenly turned sideways, and Xiao Qian cried out again.


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