Published at 20th of June 2024 05:04:17 AM

Chapter 234: Chapter 234: Chapter 225: Take Eating As Heaven (50+

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Chapter 234: Chapter 225: Take Eating As Heaven (50+

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Monthly Tickets Update)

Translator: 549690339

Find someone to buy the things that I asked you to send, take me to the hotel under your name during this period, I want to discuss tomorrows menu with the chef. Tell them to cooperate fully with me. Whether it will succeed or not, will depend on their performance.

Is it really that simple? Yu Mingli had been worried about this for a long time.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Even if I dont get involved, you cant get this bid anyway. The worst-case scenario is already like this.

Xiao Qian spoke with full confidence, and Yu Mingli could only be half-convinced, and sent Xiao Qian to the kitchen.

When the chairman brought this little girl into the kitchen, the entire hotel kitchen got nervous.

From now on, listen to her.


Xiao Qian gathered the people in the kitchen together and swept her gaze around.

Who is the least skilled among you here? Preferably, someone whos apprentice level.

The chefs looked at each other, wondering what was going on. Was someone getting fired?

In front of the big boss, no one is willing to admit that their skills are poor.

Xiao Qian repeated her question. Seeing that no one was willing to admit it, Yu Mingli addressed the head chef.

You tell me.

Seeing that the Chairman had spoken, the Head Chef pointed at a chef with the shortest hat standing nearby, who had just joined. It should be Xiao Ma, he just graduated from culinary school, his skills are actually quite good, he cant compare with the head chef, but hes not any worse than the regular chefs. Boss, we all started when we were young, give him a chance to learn.

Xiao Qian glanced at the person the chef pointed out and nodded her approval. Good, its him then. You, step forward.

Xiao Qian spent nearly 3 hours in Yu Minglis kitchen. At first, Yu Mingli watched her from the side, but after a while, he couldnt stand it anymore.

Just as there was an urgent matter at the company, he left. When he returned a few hours later, Xiao Qian had completed her masterpiece and was lavishing praise on the young chef.

Young man, you must perform to this standard tomorrow. Dont mess up. Sister, can I really do it The young chef stared at his creation, nervous.

Is it really okay to feed this to the important clients? He wouldnt be fired by the boss, would he?

Is it done? Yu Mingli came in, and Xiao Qian handed him a pair of chopsticks.

Yu Mingli had a look, casually picked up a piece with the chopsticks and put it in his mouth, immediately freezing up.


Big brother, how is it? Xiao Qian looked at him expectantly.

Yu Mingli struggled to swallow the food and gulped down a mouthful of water.

Xiao Qian, are you trying to kill me?

The chefs shrank when they saw the boss take a bite.

Its over! His bright future was over! Was he going to be fired?

Big brother, you have to trust me. We are on the same boat from now on, we sink or swim together.

Xiao Qian was very satisfied with the food she had concocted after all this trouble. The success or failure of the plan depended on this.

Im not doubting you right now, Im doubting life. Yu Mingli took a few huge gulps of water before he managed to suppress the strange taste in his mouth.

The world in the eyes of normal people is different from the world in the eyes of the people I meet. Big brother, when things are done, remember to give your employees a raise.

Looking at the ordinary food, there was a subtle mystery hidden within.

In her previous life, Xiao Qian had to do a lot of explorations and summarizations in order to treat this big client. This food, which was close to Shuixians taste, was achieved after painstakingly visiting people around Shuixian and communicating with them countless times.

The benefit of rebirth showed itself. The method that she had to explore many times in her previous life, she has shortcutted now.

Yu Mingli was still not at ease, but what Xiao Qian said was right. In this situation, he could only resort to desperate measures. He also felt that if he didnt do something, he would definitely lose this greasy fat bid.

When sending Xiao Qian home, Yu Mingli asked Xiao Qian.

Xiao Qian, how confident are you about this bid?

More than 50%. The main reason why Xiao Qian helped her elder brother was not the bid, but she really wanted to see her patient from her previous life earlier.

Youre too confident, I just called to invite Director Tang, but was rejected. Do as I say, send things to his home, Im sending this, he should still be at the company and not at home, its the best time for you to send it. Xiao Qian handed her elder brother a note she wrote.

Wont it annoy Director Tang? I feel like he very much protects his family. Its precisely because his family values are very important to him, thats why we need to send things to his daughter. You just wait for him to call you. Xiao Qian unbuckled her seat belt, prepared to get off the car, opened the car door, didnt hurry to get off, but looked ambiguously at Yu Mingli.

Big brother, I know who Im dealing with and I know his surname. Just because I know his surname, I clearly understand what I should do. I dont know how far I will go with Yu Minglang in the future, but as long as he is my boyfriend for a day, Im on your side for a day, its a done deal. Does that make you happy?

After speaking, she casually slammed the car door shut and walked away with style.

Yu Mingli, a seasoned veteran, didnt respond to Xiao Qians words for a long time.

In his eyes, these arent words that a little girl should be saying, but rather those of a well-versed player. Few women he had met had the guts like Xiao Qian.

This girl, if Ming Lang doesnt marry her and she ends up in a competing familys home, our old Yu family will really lose out. Yu Mingli murmured to himself, shook his head. Xiao Qians words echoed in his ears.

She said, she knew what Minglangs surname was, and thats why she knew what she should do.

She didnt agree to Yus elder brothers request yesterday because she didnt want to be in a disadvantageous position of accepting someone elses favor, nor did she want to be the sort of person who lower themselves and wait for others to help.

Today, she made it clear that she is a member on the boat but not a beggar waiting for benefits.

As for whether shes telling the truth, that will be revealed tomorrow.

When Xiao Qian got home, the meeting had already disbanded, and Eldest Uncles family was chatting with Jia Xiufang.

Qianer, youre back.

Mm. Xiao Qian responded indifferently to Eldest Aunt.

She glanced at Jia Xiufangs face, and guessed that the two families must have reached an agreement. By the day she decided to take a stand, Eldest Uncle probably had smoothed things over.

Xiao Qian didnt ask, she excused herself and went upstairs, claiming she was tired. Jia Xiufang came up after a while.

Qianer, have you eaten?

I ate at Yu Minglangs house.

Why didnt you tell me before going to someone elses home?

Theres not as much drama there, I know what Im doing.

She knows how to interact with the Yu family members so they wont be repulsed. She cant just wait for Yu Minglangs presence to go there. After all, Mother Yu sends food to her not just when Yu Minglang is present.

Relationships are built up gradually. She still has a long road to walk with Yu Minglang, and maintaining a harmonious relationship with his family is beneficial for both of their futures.

Just like what she told her eldest brother, she is already on the ship, and that ship has the surname Yu..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!