Published at 20th of June 2024 05:04:16 AM

Chapter 235: Chapter 235: Chapter 226: Sugar and Fists (Monthly ticket 100+ update)

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Chapter 235: Chapter 226: Sugar and Fists (Monthly ticket 100+ update)

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If it were Xiao Qian from 10 years ago, she might not have understood these principles so thoroughly. Shes grown wiser now. It doesnt matter if she doesnt end up with Yu Minglang, but if they eventually get married and have their names written on the same household registration book, could she escape the shadow of the Yu family?

Obviously, it would be impossible for her to do so. Even if she tries to distance herself from the Yu family, would others do the same?

No matter where she goes, she will have the label of being a part of the Yu family. Since she cant escape it either way, its better for her to stand firm from the start and prove everything with her strength.

Jia Xiufang casually chatted with Xiao Qian for a while and quickly brought up the results of todays negotiation with Eldest Uncles family.

Qianer, your Eldest Uncles meaning is that were all family, so lets not make a big fuss out of it. We wont sue your Second Maternal Uncle, and the house issue will be split among the three families. His two children also came today and agreed with the idea.

Xiao Qian snorted, My Eldest Uncle really knows how to play the peacemaker. He wants our family to be the bad guy so that he can be the good guy, and still get a house for nothing?

Well, Eldest Uncle has a point too. After all, Second Uncle is my biological brother. If we go the legal route, none of us would look good.

Theres room for negotiation, but you shouldnt just agree to everything Uncle says. He wants to be the good guy on both sides and throw you out as the bad guy? No way!

Then what should we do? Jia Xiufang asked Xiao Qian.

If they want to negotiate, tell them our Second Uncles family needs to approach you directly. What Eldest Uncle says doesnt count. He didnt stand up for us when we needed him, so why should we give him face now? Yu Minglangs lawyer friend has already informed the Demolition and Relocation Office on our behalf. Without aU three of you signing, no one is getting the


Ah?! Can we do that?

Usually, the demolition compensation is given to the head of the household. Until recently, this wasnt a rigid rule. In cases like our Second Uncle, where the house is in the name of an elderly relative, if no one stirs up trouble, and my grandma agrees, it would be his property. But now, Yu Minglangs lawyer has raised doubts, and so the Office will freeze the proceedings and treat the house as a disputed property. If you and Eldest Uncle dont sign, no one is getting anything, and whoever dares to decide on their own will get sued down to their underpants!

Xiao Qians point is that if the Second Uncles family doesnt have the right attitude, no one will get the house. Taking care of the elder has to be agreed upon by all parties, and they cant get cheated by treating Jia Xiufang as a fool. Qianer, wont we offend your Eldest Uncles family by doing this?

Mom, youre wrong. If you give people a candy, theyll forget you once they eat it. If you give them a slap, theyll remember you for a lifetime once it hurts. After this experience, lets see who dares to bully our family again. Good and evil clash in this world, and the ones hurt are always the kind ones. But is your kindness useful now? Without you fighting, what will happen to Elderly?

Ill support them then.

No, my grandma might be confused, but deep down, she still wants her son to take care of her in old age. Dont feel guilty, think about it differently. If my grandpa were alive, how would he distribute things?

Your Grandpa would definitely give the house to his sons, and then give me some money, or buy us a car.

Xiao Qian nodded, So, were just following Grandpas intentions. If he was still alive, we, the three siblings, wouldnt be fighting over money or having issues with taking care of the elderly. In the end, its my grandma who couldnt handle sibling disputes, and now that shes confused, we need to help sort things out. Seeing that Jia Xiufang still didnt understand, Xiao Qian patted her, We 11 divide the house equally. Freeze the Elderlys money. Whoever takes good care of them gets the money. If Second Uncle can manage to take turns in caring for the elderly, then all the money will go to him after the elderly passes away. You dont need any of it. This way, the elderly will be taken care of, and he wont cause trouble. Eldest Uncle can choose not to participate in the care, but he has to pay. That part of the money will be used for Elderlys medical and living expenses.

At first, Second Uncle wanted to monopolize everything. But Yu Minglang suppressed the issue, and it didnt get big yet. If its escalated, it could become a criminal case, or downplayed as a family dispute. Crush Second Uncle, then give him a little sweetener, and he will be humbled and obedient.

If Jia Xiufang keeps being weak, even if she steps back, Second Uncle will think everything is rightfully his. He wont appreciate the kindness and would rather be forced to a dead end, then given a way out. He might respect Jia Xiufang in the end, and thats human nature.

After Xiao Qian had thoroughly brainwashed her mother, Jia Xiufang finally gained confidence. She had no choice but to admit that her daughter was much clearer and smarter than her.

Having persuaded her mother, Xiao Qian called Chen Zilong over.

Da Long, tomorrow follow our mom. If the cousins come over and Eldest Uncle pressures mom to sign and let Second Uncle off, just lie on the sofa without getting up, complaining about your body aches, and get mom to take you to the hospital. Stir things up and disperse.

Sis, why wont you be at home for such a big event?

I have something even bigger to do. Xiao Qian didnt care about the demolition of the old house. She provoked her mother because she wanted to settle her awful relatives in one breath.

How much money could one house bring? The matter Xiao Qian plans to deal with tomorrow would be like a big land business.

Im not very confident Sis, I want to buy a phone.

Chen Zilong didnt care about these things at all. All he knew was that their house was going to be demolished, and he would have money soon.

A middle school student with a smartphone? Xiao Qian despised this playboy in her heart. All he thought about was acting cool, but her face remained pleasant.

Da Long, youre the boy of this household, and you have more responsibilities as your abilities grow stronger. If you want something, you need to work hard for it. Do you understand?

Chen Zilongs eyes lit up. Are you saying that if I can handle everything youve asked, youll buy me a phone?

Xiao Qian smiled without answering. So the idiotic Playboy Zilong got played by his sister again.

Sis, dont worry. I will definitely get things done as you asked.

One more thing, if anyone dares to insult our mother with harsh words, go up and hit them, the harder the better. Remember it and tell Brother Lang if you cant defeat them.

Chen Zilong, who had been given a sacred mission, felt like a real man as he patted his chest.

Sis, dont worry. Ill handle it.

After settling all the matters, Xiao Qian bathed briefly, climbed into bed, and closed her eyes to rest.

These things were trivial to her and not tiring at all. She had a little too much to eat at Yu Minglangs parents house during the day and tasted some dishes at Eldest Brothers place in the afternoon. She felt her stomach was a bit indigested.

Just as she was about to sit up and ask Jia Xiufang if there were any hawthorn pills, Jia Xiufang entered the room holding a plate of food.

Upon seeing the food, Xiao Qian weakly wailed and covered herself with the blanket..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!