Published at 21st of June 2024 12:33:50 PM

Chapter 237: Chapter 237: Chapter 228: A Perfect Ending for Qian Zong

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Chapter 237: Chapter 228: A Perfect Ending for Qian Zong

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Yu Mingli, seeing the situation, eagerly cooperated with Xiao Qian, My younger sister is right, these two young ladies are of the same age, and the main thing is to let them have fun together. My brother is usually quite busy at work, and his girlfriend has been repeatedly urging us to take good care of her, haha.

Your younger brother is really an interesting person. Tang Dayes gaze stopped on his daughter.

The small talk of outsiders didnt have much effect on Tang Shuixian. She said coldly to Xiao Qian,

If you cant fulfill your promise, Ill leave immediately. I hate people who use me to get close to my father.

Shuixian! Tang Daye smiled awkwardly at Yu Mingli, My daughter, Ive spoiled her. Im sorry, shes causing laughter.

Alright, lets go, look at the time. Xiao Qian pointed at Tang Shuixians watch and grabbed the Nine Linked Rings.

Tang Shuixian said start, and all anyone saw was Xiao Qian rapidly weaving her ten fingers, leaving everyone watching, unable to keep up.

Let me tell you a trick, pinch the ring down with your two fingers, and never let your hand leave the ring. This will increase your speed.

Xiao Qian talked while untying the rings, but her thoughts went back to her past life when Yu Minglang hugged her and taught her this. People are strange creatures; when the two were together in her past life, she always felt too calm together. But now, after all these years, reminiscing on the past only makes her realize that it was not calm at all.

In her past and present lives, Yu Minglangs figure overlaps. Recently, Xiao Qian occasionally dreams and cant distinguish between the Yu Minglang of her past life and the one from this life.

At the beginning of their relationship, Xiao Qian felt that the young Yu Minglang was different from the one she knew in her past life, so she felt she had met a fake Yu Minglang.

But as their interactions deepened, the invisible line that separated them from her past life began to blur, and she increasingly realized they were the same person.

Xiao Qians fingers were still untying the Nine Linked Rings, but everyone only saw her fingers flying fast. They didnt notice the instant her expression showed confusion.

She may have really missed some beautiful feelings in her previous life.

Tang Shuixian initially questioned her, but when Xiao Qians hand got faster, a look of admiration finally appeared on Tang Shuixians face.

Youre awesome, 4 minutes and 40 seconds.

Xiao Qian placed the untied Nine Linked Rings on the table, returning to her calm state and smiling modestly.

Its been a while since Ive done it.

Can you teach me? Is there a trick to it? Tang Shuixian found a topic she was interested in, and her words began to flow.

Seeing this, Yu Mingli quickly had the dishes served and began to talk leisurely with Director Tang, avoiding any business matters and just chatting about unimportant things.

The dishes were quickly served. Tang Dayes dishes were all quite normal, with expensive abalones and seafood. In front of Xiao Qian were three small plates, which looked ordinary to say that its plain would be kind. To be precise, it was rather simple.

In such a setting, these kinds of dishes shouldnt appear. There was a plate of chive dumplings, a plate of fried yellow croaker fish, and a plate of tomato scrambled eggs.

Noticing Tang Dayes strange gaze, Yu Mingli recited the lines he agreed on with Xiao Qian in advance.

Im sorry, Director Tang. My little sister has some strange diet habits. Shes very picky about food and doesnt like to eat much. We all suspect that she might starve to death. The only things she can eat are these odd dishes.

Tang Daye sighed in sympathy, Yeah, my daughter is also extremely picky. Its such a headache trying to get her to eat anything.

Nowadays, young people, theyre all the same! Yu Mingli raised his glass, and Tang Daye clinked with him.

How can it be the same? Xiao Qian might be a little picky, but shes normal. Tang Shuixians pickiness has reached a pathological level. Tang Daye knew this in his heart but couldnt say it aloud.

Xiao Qian picked up a chive dumpling and asked Tang Shuixian, Do you want one?

She had dinner before coming here, so she might not be hungry. Tang Daye answered for his daughter, also trying to avoid any embarrassment for Xiao Qian in case she was rejected.

Tang Shuixians extreme pickiness sometimes makes her go without food for two or three days, only drinking some rice soup. Whenever she faints from hunger, she would be sent to take nutrient injections. Theres no shortage of delicacies at home, but she just has no appetite. Tang Daye didnt think his daughter would eat the unappetizing chive dumplings.

But to his surprise, his extremely picky daughter actually took the chive dumpling from Xiao Qians hand and bit into it.

Xiao Qian hooked the comer of her mouth, picked up another one, and pretended to enjoy the taste. In her heart, however, she was silently crying.

Its so hard to eat Being a doctor is not easy in order to treat a condition, you have to stuff this kind of unpalatable thing into your stomach, and still pretend to enjoy it.

What made the sun come up from the other side today? Im going to taste this; it must be exceptionally delicious for my Shuixian to eat so much.

Yu Mingli was also curious. He had tasted the fried eggs and fish yesterday, but not the chive dumplings. Was this dish especially delicious?

The two executives, with great interest, each picked up a dumpling and bit into it.

And then, the world went quiet.

Its terrible, the chives are too spicy, they werent processed well. Xiao Qian broke the silence first. Seeing the two bosses uncomfortable expressions, she felt a sense of relief in her heart.

Seeing only herself eating this right now made her feel aggrieved. At least now, everyone would suffer together.

Executives of this status cant just spit it out, right? Being able to see these two powerful figures with such disgusted expressions at the same time, Xiao Qian was content.

Let them pretend all the time, let them suppress their emotions all the time. Now it was time for them all to hurt each other!

Why are these chives so spicy! Yu Mingli put the chive dumpling down, still feeling the spicy taste in his mouth. It was not the same as the spicy taste of chili, it was a very unpleasant sensation that was hard to swallow.

Terrible, isnt it? Xiao Qian asked.

Eldest Brother didnt even dare to laugh, feeling that their big business was about to fly away.

Terrible. The one who answered was Tang Shuixian. She said it was terrible, but she just kept eating it, finishing half of it.

Tang Daye was shocked. How could his daughter eat this terrible thing? Xiao Qian then handed her a small fried fish.

Try this.

Shuixian doesnt eat fish. Tang Dayes words hadnt fallen when he saw his daughter, who never ate even the most luxurious deep-sea fish, biting into the small, simple fish Xiao Qian had handed her.

Bitter Tang Shuixian said, frowning.

I also want to taste it. Oh, it seems they didnt take out the bitter gallbladder. Xiao Qian pretended to say.

Yu Mingli swallowed, realizing that the extremely salty fried fish he ate yesterday was not the final version. The final version was not only salty but also bitter!

Its not important if this business deal cant be closed. Eldest Brother is now worried that feeding this stuff to her precious daughter will make them enemies later on..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!