Published at 1st of July 2024 05:06:26 AM

Chapter 239: Chapter 239: Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty: The Smell of Home (200+ Monthly Tickets Update)

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Chapter 239: Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty: The Smell of Home (200+ Monthly Tickets Update)

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Upon hearing Xiao Qian mention the illness directly, Tang Dayes face changed.

I dont know what youre talking about.

Im just reminding you out of professional habit, no other meaning. If I offend you, please dont mind. My big brothers car is here, I need to go.

Who are you really? Tang Daye questioned.

I am psychologist Chen Xiaoqian, till we meet again. Xiao Qian got into the car. After the driver started the car and pulled away, she closed her eyes and added quietly.

And Im also Yu Minglangs girlfriend. This did not conflict with her being a doctor.

Yu Mingli, who had been sitting in the passenger seat, had remained silent all night. Now that they were alone, he finally had the chance to speak.

Xiao Qian, what did you say to Director Tang? He looked quite upset.

Nothing much.

What Xiao Qian cared about was how long it would take to cure Lily Tangs anorexia, and whether she could beat her previous record.

If you can pull this off, big brother will owe you one. Yu Mingli said.

Xiao Qian shook her head, My main purpose in coming isnt just to help you make money, I genuinely want to help my patient. Big brother, I am a doctor.

Yu Mingli was amused by her.

Alright, doctor, youre right in everything you say.

Honestly, big brother, you really need to start losing weight. You have enough money. Stop drinking and smoking all the time outside. Eldest sister-in-law doesnt care about you making huge profits, being healthy is what matters most.

Gee, you sound just like my wife and Eldest sister-in-law. Yu Mingli joked, partially, I do want to be healthy too, but the social obligations at my position are inevitable. By working harder, our ship can sail steadier.

Big brother, youve strayed too far, youve forgotten your original intention. How much money can you use to buy a healthy body? Showering Eldest sister-in-law with tens of millions doesnt make her as happy as having a stable meal with you does.

Little Girl, youre lecturing me now. Big brother laughed, really considering Xiao Qian as one of his own this time.

After Xiao Qian left, the driver asked Yu Mingli,

Boss, are we heading back to the office?

The boss was a workaholic, spending all his time in the office, often working late.

Backwait a minute. Yu Mingli, recalling what Xiao Qian had said, suddenly remembered that his wife was off today and the kids were home.

He caught sight of an envelope in the car, which contained amusement park tickets that someone had given him. He picked up his phone and called his wife.

Zhaozhao, what are you doing?

Eldest Sister-in-law was checking over the twins homework. Hearing her husbands call, her first instinct was that big brother had forgotten to bring some documents.

Did you forget to bring something? Do you want me to deliver it to you?

Um, sort of.

Where is it? Ill go find it.

Its in my heart, Zhaozhao. Bring the kids to the amusement park. Im waiting for you at the entrance. It seems I forgot about you and the kids.

Clatter Eldest Sister-in-laws phone fell onto the table.

The twins huddled around her, Mom, what happened?

Quick! Get dressed, your dad is taking you out to play!

Awesome! The two kids cheered.

Hearing the sound of joyous chaos on the other end of the line, big brother laughed at his stunned driver.

Being corny is contagious, remind me in the future to stay away from Chen Xiaoqian, this little girls really good at stirring emotion.

But this feeling wasnt too bad, his wifes reaction was indeed happier than when he told her about landing a big deal. From now on, he needed to make time to spend with his family more.

When Xiao Qian returned home, Jia Xiufang came to meet her.

Qianer, have you eaten?

I have, but the food wasnt good, Im a bit hungry. Mom, can you cook me some noodles?

You wait a bit, always going out and not eating properly, then coming back and bothering me. Jia Xiufang complained verbally, but her hands never paused in her work.

Xiao Qian squeezed into the kitchen to help Jia Xiufang pick vegetables but because of her clumsy hands and feet, her mother pushed her aside. Jia Xiufang quickly made the noodles on her own.

Chinese people believe that food is heaven, we habitually ask if someone has eaten when we meet, because food is the basis of life. Everyone struggles for all kinds of valuable things, but the ability to have a full meal is the most fortunate thing. Look at how many big bosses are out there, they look successful, but are they really enjoying their meals?

While frying vegetables, Jia Xiufang answered her daughter, Why wouldnt they be enjoying their meals? Theyre eating all kinds of exotic food, lobsters, abalones, hairy crabs, even rinsing their mouth with Moutai.

What you eat isnt important, its about who youre eating with. Eating those things every day, the dining table becomes a battlefield, every sentence has a deeper meaning, you have to think before you say anything. Its strange if they can enjoy their meal, many big bosses have stomach problems. I, on the other hand, think the noodles my mom makes are the best.

Just like Lily Tang who has all the delicious food at home but suffers from anorexia, big brothers business is so big, but he has three highs and a big belly. Are they really happy?

Xiao Qian ate the food made by Jia Xiufang, which was very delicious, she was blessed.

Qianer, youre nearly 20, and yet you cant even cook. How will you get married in this condition? Im anxious. I have to teach you properly, I cant let you harm Ming Lang.

Jia Xiufang sat opposite Xiao Qian, chattering away. Xiao Qian slurped her noodles and mumbled a reply.

Yu Minglang can cook, this is his job from now on.

Nonsense, hes so busy with work, where would he find the time to serve you! Look at your lack of ambition as a woman, you cant even cook, I must teach you well. Jia Xiufangs view is very traditional.

Well, I can do other things that other women cant! Mom, dont worry about it. If you dont believe me, I can text Yu Minglang, asking him if he still wants me even if I cant cook?

Youre really thick-skinned, eat some more! Jia Xiufang pushed the vegetable plate toward Xiao Qian, choosing to take her daughters comments as a joke.

Actually, it doesnt matter if the food is good or not, whats important is whos eating with you. The taste of home is the most precious. Mom, when you were young, did you eat in a big family?

Yep, your grandma has always been partial since I was a kid. Whenever we had good food during the Lunar New Year, There was always plenty of meat and eggs, she filled two plates. Your eldest and second maternal uncles were served with meat and eggs, while my plate didnt have either. At that time these were rare delicacies. But out of these two sons, neither are as useful as me.

The old lady is still lying upstairs. The Eldest uncles family just paid a ceremonial visit, had a plan to divide the house and property with Jia Xiufang, and then they left.

Have you done as I told with the house?

Yes, while you were out, the second child from your uncles family came over, and Ming Langs lawyer friend also happened to be here. Your two cousins were almost kneeling down to me. We made a notarization. Both your Eldest Uncle and I left our handprints. From now on, we will take turns to take care of your grandma according to your plan. The money will be frozen, the house will be evenly divided, and your Eldest Uncle will send money every month..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!