Published at 17th of May 2024 06:10:44 AM

Chapter 1059

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Shen Tong knew that if she stayed outside, maybe one day a car or a madman would rush out again on the road. Even if she had nine lives, it would not be enough. Moreover, if she was alone, hong'er would have returned home.

But if you live in the Xu family, it will be different. Although the Xu family is Shen Xi's territory, Jing Yunzhao and Xu Lao are there. Shen Xi will never do it easily, and she will not be the one who will hold back her will!

Since Shen Xi doesn't read affection, why does she feel that this elder sister is good by herself?

What's more, she didn't think too much before, but now that she knows that Shen Xi is unkind to her, she can't help thinking about it. Why was she put into a dark cabinet? She remembered that room, which was very spacious and imposing. It was definitely one of the few good rooms in the hotel. As long as she checked carefully, she could definitely find out who was living in it. Moreover, she did not believe that Shen Xi had nothing to do with it

She was the first one to show up. In less than a day, she searched the whole hotel to find her. She doesn't believe it now.

The seeds of doubt germinated a little bit. Shen Tong only felt that the unexplained things that had happened seemed to have been done by Shen Xi, which made her more and more shivering.

Shen Hong is not stupid. He can see that his mother is worried.

However, since she did not say that, it proved that she did not want him to know, so he could only observe by himself.

Shen Tong recovered very quickly. Because he was in a coma for a short time, his body functions were normal, and his legs and feet were agile. Therefore, he moved out of Xianhe hall.

Jing Yunzhao told his uncle and others in advance, and they agreed.

Of course, there is one exception.

Jing Yunzhao asked his uncle to keep it secret. He didn't tell Shen Xi that Shen Tong and Shen Hong wanted to live in. What's more, Shen Tong refused to visit anyone including Shen Xi during his days in Xianhe hall.

Therefore, until now, Shen Xi only knows about Shen Tong's recovery, but he has no idea about the specific situation of Shen Tong's body at this time.

The most important thing that people in Xianhe hall can guarantee is their character. It's impossible to buy them. Even those medicine children know etiquette, righteousness, benevolence, wisdom and faith from childhood, let alone other people.

The day Shen Tong lived in the Xu family, Jing Yunzhao had already entered the school, so he asked his second uncle to help him.

As a leader of a company, my second uncle is very free now. She has the ability to shake hands with the manager.

When Shen Cheng received Yuan Tong, he was only surprised when he wanted to see him off.

He knew that his sister-in-law didn't know that there would be guests at home today, that is to say, the sister-in-law's sister-in-law entered the house but kept it from her? What's wrong with Xiao Zhao?

Although he and his elder brother are checking sister-in-law now, the woman's surname is Shen anyway. He is ready to investigate together, but now

Xu Yuancheng looks strange and embarrassed all the way.

After Shen Tong arrived at the Xu's house, he lived in the main building. Because Shen Xi came to the main building every day to show his virtue, Jing Yunzhao specially arranged for Shen Tonglai to hinder his eyes.

As soon as Shen Tong enters the door of the Xu family, he sees Shen Xi pushing Xu Yu sitting in a wheelchair in the sun, looking peaceful.

However, at the moment when his four eyes are opposite, Shen Tong clearly feels the meaning of anger and resentment flashed in Shen Xi's eyes.

She used to be really stupid to the extreme. How can Shen Xi feel such a big opinion about her until today!? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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