Published at 17th of May 2024 06:10:31 AM

Chapter 1066

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Shen Tong's attitude is very clear, and Jing Yunzhao is not easy to say anything. After all, nothing has been found out. It is too early to say anything.

After telling her some details, Shen Tong quickly goes back to his room to have a rest. However, Jing Yunzhao can't sleep any more. He simply goes to the space to read and study.

However, the next morning, taking advantage of Shen Hong's downstairs, Jing Yunzhao secretly went to his room. The room was very clean. Jing Yunzhao found two short hair on the bed and put them in a self sealed bag.

In the courtyard downstairs, Shen Hong is learning health preserving boxing with Xu yuanze. They are chatting and laughing. Jing Yunzhao brings two cups of tea, and they stop.

"Uncle, is this regimen pretty good?" Jing Yunzhao said with a smile.

She taught boxing, and her grandfather knew it. The only one in the family who was not interested in health preserving boxing was his second Uncle Xu Yuancheng. In his words, he was still young. Let others learn this kind of old man boxing

"Yes, after practicing for so many days, I feel that my body is much better and I eat a lot more every day." Xu yuanze was very satisfied.

Because of his work, he has been sitting for a long time. He is not a young man now. He should practice more.

Jing Yunzhao smiles. The reason why her uncle is getting better and better is not only the health preserving boxing, but also the result of changing food ingredients every day during her previous holidays, as well as the various herbal teas prepared according to his constitution, which are good for his health.

"Uncle, you've got gray hair. Can I help you pull it out?" Jing Yunzhao took the opportunity to glance at his hair and deliberately said.

Although the eldest uncle was forty-eight years old, he looked only forty years old, and his hair was still very dark. However, when he heard what Jing Yunzhao said, he frowned and lowered his head.

Jing Yunzhao pretended to pull out two.

"But it's the wrong light. I read it wrong. I pulled out two black ones." Jing Yunzhao snickered and held her hair in her hand.

"You girl." Xu yuanze couldn't help but poke her in the head.

His hair is very expensive. Every day when he goes to work and looks at the clean Mediterranean in the office building, he feels that his hair is a bit dangerous. However, the Xu family is a pharmaceutical family, and he also knows medical theory. In private, he also finds some medicine juice to wipe it, so as to prevent the disease from happening.

Jing Yunzhao's nose is very smart. When his uncle gets close, he can feel the taste of several herbs, so he can't help but feel funny.

Although he is middle-aged, his whole body exudes a steady elite feeling of success. He never thought that he would care about such small details as hair in private.

When Jing Yunzhao smiles, Xu yuanze's face is slightly abnormal: "zhao'er, don't you go to dinner soon? Not going to school for a while

"I'm going to..." Jing Yunzhao hooked the corner of his lip and turned to leave. Before he left, he stopped for a moment: "uncle, I have confidence in my own medical skills. If you have any problems with your hair, you can ask me for help. It's better not to use drugs indiscriminately."

With that, he walked away.

Xu yuanze puffed at the back of his mouth. Shen Hong looked at his hair with a puzzled look on his face. All of a sudden, Xu yuanze felt more embarrassed and coughed: "let's continue to practice boxing, don't care about that girl..."

"No, uncle. Yun Zhao's medical skills are really good. If you lose your hair at your age, it will be more serious. If you have her, you can definitely prevent it." Shen Hong said something very uninteresting.

Suddenly, Xu yuanze also had some hair: "what's wrong with me at this age? Very old? You are still young. You will know that men are most valuable when they are in their forties... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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