Published at 17th of May 2024 06:06:26 AM

Chapter 1193

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Xiao Daoan's arrangements are almost the same. Xiao Haiqing is relieved to wait for his father to come to Kyoto and run into a wall everywhere.

But Jing Yunzhao has been more publicized these days than before. If according to her previous temper, she certainly would not show her ability everywhere. But now she wants a reputation that no one can compare with. Therefore, even if there is a lot of talk about her outside, she still often appears in Xianhe hall to prove her medical skills are not just rumors.

If you want to be a miracle doctor, you have to be a famous doctor first, then there will be patients.

As for Shi Yijiao

Jing Yunzhao secretly let people inquire about the places she likes to go in and out.

Shi Yijiao is a young lady full of pride. Her daily entertainment activities are also a little enriched. In addition to shopping for luxury goods, she also loves other activities. From time to time, she goes on a cruise with people, or goes abroad occasionally or goes to gambling city to have a look.

In addition to the usual trip with friends, other times will be accompanied by two bodyguards in black.

Jing Yunzhao asked Song Wen and song Wu to follow Shi Yijiao for a month. They almost knew her preferences very clearly. They also learned that she had a regular habit of going to a restaurant on Wednesdays. When they went to the restaurant, they were almost alone.

As for the reason for going to that place, Jing Yunzhao also found out.

The restaurant was owned by a woman in her forties. She had a son under her knee. She was very handsome. The woman was the daughter of old lady Li's former friend, so she also knew them all.

What Jing Yunzhao wants is when she acts alone.

This week, it's a set day again. It's dark, windy and cloudy. It's suitable to do something not so bright.

The restaurant's location is not impressive, even in a very dark alley, but the layout is very emotional, it is because of the quiet, so business is good.

When the time came, Jing Yunzhao appeared in the restaurant on time. She only felt that the light was very weak. She could only see the looks of people within three meters. If she was too far away, she would be a hazy figure. Of course, her night vision ability was very strong, and the darkness had no effect on her.

However, although the arrangement is somewhat romantic and there are many lovers, I don't know what's going on. Jing Yunzhao always feels that this kind of atmosphere is very strange and makes her uncomfortable.

Shi Yijiao sits in the same position every time she comes, so Jing Yunzhao also chooses the most appropriate angle and waits. Sure enough, before long, the sound of wind chimes rings at the door of the restaurant. Shi Yijiao comes in wearing an ambiguous black skirt and becomes extremely clever.

"Where's brother Yanpeng?" Asked the waiter carefully.

"The little boss will be here soon. Wait a minute." Shi Yi nodded her head.

Drinking coffee and waiting.

Jing Yunzhao flicks a small stone lightly and hits her leg. Shi Yijiao gives a light cry and bends down to have a look. At this moment, Jing Yunzhao raises her feet to the door and passes by her desk. She puts a small pill that can be dissolved into her cup.

She has rarely used drugs to harm people, but some people have touched her bottom line.

This medicine won't kill her, but it can be used to clamp the Li family.

Jing Yunzhao quickly out of the restaurant, from the window outside the door to see Shi Yijiao sit up straight, and drink a few coffee.

With a smile, it's done.

Just about to leave, but ran into a person, Jing Yunzhao a Leng: "Hong cousin? Why are you here? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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