Published at 17th of May 2024 06:05:25 AM

Chapter 1228

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Jing Tianyi carefully recalled the past.

However, although it was said that Ruan Xiaoxia had time to learn martial arts, she was somewhat unconvinced in terms of selfishness. After all, he had been with Ruan Xiaoxia for a long time before. His relatives of more than 20 years met almost every day, but nothing suspicious was found in her. If she really knew martial arts, her mind would be

Jingtian Yimou flashed a trace of gloom, gently rubbed the ordinary ring with the fingertip.

At present, with the Ruan Xiaoxia go to the East and West.

However, because of meeting this woman, Jing Yunzhao always feels uneasy and hesitates about the house. However, Jing Tianyi doesn't care about it. Now he doesn't want to live in Xianhe hall, and he can't live in Xu's and Li's. The move is imminent.

Soon, Jing Yunzhao will pack up things to sort out the house.

In addition, Jing Yunzhao has prepared a very powerful security system. There are security guards outside the house. There is a 24-hour shift system. Some of the warning lines are also very complicated. Anyone who breaks in will inevitably trigger the alarm and be ready in advance.

It's not that she is too thoughtful, but the feeling that Ruan Xiaoxia conveyed to her is too dangerous.

Jing Tianyi doesn't say much about Jing Yunzhao's practice. He is very cooperative. Jing Tianyi has even been used to the life of house arrest for so many years. Therefore, even if he stays at home alone, he doesn't feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, he doesn't like it.

At the same time, shiyijiao gauze can be removed, people naturally do not need to live in the crane hall.

However, today's Shi Yijiao looks less lively than before. Especially in front of Jing Yunzhao, her eyes are full of fear, as if she saw some terrible monster. But even so, she lingered in the crane hall for a long time before leaving.

Disgusting people disappear in front of you and everything is back on track.

The school is in a new round of hot, many people are talking about those stars, idols. Before Jing Yunzhao was not interested in other figures in the entertainment circle, so he didn't like to hear more. However, Xiao Haiqing is the most popular one now, which is totally different.

Before the release of Xiao Zhaojing's account number, many of Xiao Wanqing's fans have even been looking forward to the latest news of her application.

"Jingjing, I cry to death!" When Jing Yunzhao returned to the dormitory from the outside, Yao Baobao called out, pointed to the picture in the computer, and said: "look at Xinhan, how pitiful it is! No one loves her. She should have been pampered by the boss in the palm of her hand!"

At first, Jing Yunzhao was startled to hear her cry, but after listening to her words, she couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Haiqing's "Xinhan" is indeed a sad reminder. When the treacherous minister is proud, her identity is opposite to that of the treacherous minister. When the treacherous minister is in bad luck, she is the alliance of the treacherous minister. However, she always thinks that she is a loyal minister, but her faith in the last life has become void, which is just a shield and a paving stone for female No.1.

However, it also shows that Xiao Haiqing is really good at acting. The kind of enduring sadness makes people feel sour.

"How can Xiao Xiao's acting be so good? Obviously she is a bad person, but no one in this comment thinks she is hateful. It's really too flattering Yao Baobao's eyes can come out of the heart, just like a small fan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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