Published at 17th of May 2024 06:04:16 AM

Chapter 1261

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Qi Yuguo has become a habit of taking painkillers. Many times, when he just felt the uncomfortable pain, he would immediately take the medicine, which also led to his huge dosage.

Of course, this is also because Jing Yunzhao's medicine is too easy to use. If it's those painkillers before, I'm afraid that after a few times, the effect will be very little. Because Qi Yuguo didn't feel any side effects from this medicine, he would take it as sugar beans.

But in the eyes of Jing Yunzhao, a doctor, he should not use drugs indiscriminately when he should not.

"I know if this sign will destroy you. I only know that your habit of taking medicine is not good." Jing Yunzhao said with a smile.

"Well, you're a doctor, don't let patients take medicine? Joke Qi Yubian is the country of Qi.

Jing Yunzhao checked the corner of his mouth: "you also feel uncomfortable. I can massage you. It must have some effect. I will live according to my requirements in the future. It is not impossible that the pain will disappear completely."

Qi Yuguo had a good time, but he didn't believe it.

If the disease can disappear, he will live well without these people watching him step by step. After all, he also knows the importance of himself now and won't make fun of the military region's major events. She is just a little girl, can she have that ability?

The doctors he has seen in recent years can't even count himself. So many people have no ability. But she has?

"Qi Lao, I know you don't like doctors, but my method is different from others. I won't ask you to control your diet. I'll cook what you want to eat. I'll definitely put enough ingredients into it. Even if you want to drink, as long as it's not particularly indulgent, I can also satisfy you." Jing Yunzhao's eyes are shining with a trace of pure light, deliberately luring the way.

Grandfather Li said that this old Qi used to love wine.

As soon as this saying was said, Qi old body bone moved: "you this wench is really a doctor?"

"I am what you say I am, a nurse or a cook." Jing Yunzhao said directly.

If she insists on taking charge of Qi Lao's affairs, it's OK to have the three levels of Li family, Xu family and Jing family. However, once something goes wrong, she will have to pay a little more responsibility. But if she is not fully responsible, Qi Yuguo will never get better.

"Nonsense." Qi Yuguo couldn't help murmuring.

But I really want to make a fool of myself.

Jing Yunzhao said with a smile: "I'm not fooling around. Take my lunch cooking as an example. It's good for your health if you eat it with it. Although I put a lot of large ingredients, I put those medicines which are not only good for your appetite but also for your health. Why not do it?"

"Those of you? What are the advantages of that dish

"Snake soup or rabbit meat?" Jing Yunzhao seemed to smile. Qi Yuguo thought of the two dishes, dried his mouth and said, "talk about them all."

"This snake is a good thing. It can clear away heat and cool blood, relax tendons and collaterals, expel wind and damp, nourish yin and moisten the lung, regulate endocrine, and harmonize qi and blood. As for the rabbit meat, it is good for the symptoms of emaciation, dizziness and weakness of waist and feet. You can only see the meat, but not the vegetables I made. Those vegetables are natural green food, which can cool and relieve the heat and smooth the heart." Jing Yunzhao jumped out of the room in four words. The listener's head was dizzy. Before he could react, he listened to her again: "food tonic is just one of them. If you want to stay in this room less in the future, I will accompany you to go out more. If this arm and leg do not move, under the treatment of that group of doctors, sooner or later, you and zombies will be no different." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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