Published at 17th of May 2024 06:02:49 AM

Chapter 1306

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Shi Yijiao's voice was clear and clear. She read slowly. After a few hours, there was a cup of water in front of her. Li Shuyuan was extremely distressed. But Li Wenbo was watching the newspaper next to her. If she didn't hear her voice, she would be unhappy. It was obvious that she was warning her.

"Peach kernel, safflower, Fructus aurantii Immaturus, pollen Typhae, Angelica sinensis, Sparganium, leech, Tabanus, pangolin, frankincense, myrrh It has the function of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis... " Read a place, Shi Yi Jiao looked more.

Clove, Dalbergia odorifera and musk are also easy to cause premature birth or abortion The raw Nanxing, cinnabar, realgar, Euphorbia, aconite, Phytolacca acinosa, cantharides, centipedes, arsenolite and other substances have certain toxicity Realgar can cause malformation, and cinnabar can easily cause microcephaly, deafness, strabismus and mental retardation

Shi Yijiao's eyes flashed.

The piece of meat in the mother's stomach should not have been left. If only it could disappear.

"Jiaojiao is tired It's time for me to eat, too. Take a rest. " Li Shuyuan didn't think much about it. He felt that the time was almost up. He felt relieved that he didn't hear his father's displeasure.

Shiyijiao subconsciously wrote down these drugs, and then helped Li Shuyuan to leave together.


On the third day of Jing Yunzhao's return to school, news came from people who secretly investigated the situation of the Li family. Li Shuyuan had lost his baby.

The specific reason is not clear, but Li Wenbo immediately fainted. He still lives in a hospital.

When Jing Yunzhao heard the news, she just sighed "do evil" and didn't take any more measures. However, at noon, a person suddenly appeared at the bottom of her dormitory building with a worried face, and this person was Shi Yijiao.

At this time, if Zhaojing meets zhaogen for a long time, she may not want to see zhaogen for a long time.

When the weather turned cold, Shi Yijiao put on her simple pajamas. When she saw her, she almost immediately rushed over: "cousin, help me!"

Hearing this, Jing Yunzhao couldn't help laughing.

Is this Shi Yijiao really stupid? Even ran to her in front of help, the brain is burned? Can't I forget how I was tossed about by her when I was treated before?

"Cousin I beg you, only you can save me "I killed that monster The monster in my mother's stomach My grandfather already knew that if he hadn't fainted, I wouldn't have run out I don't have a dollar on me now. My grandfather controls all the cards in my family these days. I can't help leaving and going abroad... "

"But if I stay at home, my grandfather will try to kill me! You don't know. He's crazy. He only wants grandchildren every day. Every day he fantasizes to raise his grandson. He wants that monster to be better than you in the future! That's his life. He won't let me go when I do this kind of thing... "

Shi Yijiao's face was extremely flustered and her tears kept on.

If Shi Yijiao had not done anything wrong with her and Haiqing before, maybe she would be soft hearted, but now, she is cold-hearted, only think she is a little funny.

"Miss Shi, why should I help you with your own mistakes? And even if you don't have money, don't you have a friend? As far as I know, you know a lot of rich families, don't you? " Jing Yunzhao said sarcastically. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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