Published at 17th of May 2024 06:02:20 AM

Chapter 1323

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As soon as Li Shaoyun finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone with a "pa" sound. The next second, he asked the driver to start the car. Only the sound of the car rang. He only saw a servant suddenly burst out of the room and ran over to remove the password from the door lock.

Jing Yunzhao looks at Li Shaoyun and smiles.

After all, she is a younger generation, and the people in this room are the parents of the people she loves. If the other party insists on embarrassing her, she can't easily shake her face. She has to endure a little. Of course, she has never been that kind of temperament. If it is not her fault, it depends on Li Shaoyun's attitude.

Fortunately, her man was nice to her.

"Big little, just now my wife called us to work, so no one heard the doorbell..." The servant quickly explained.

Li Shaoyun eyebrows a pick, thin lips slightly pursed, some do not like.

Can't he understand such a bad lie? All the devices in this house are the best. As soon as the doorbell rings, the phone rings directly inside, and you can see the situation outside directly. It is absolutely impossible to say that you haven't heard it.

"Let's go." Li Shaoyun takes Jing Yunzhao's shoulder and walks inside.

Jing Yunzhao was just about to pick up the gift on the ground, but Li Shaoyun directly grabbed her hand again: "if there is a servant to take it, what else would you ask them to do?"

Jing Yunzhao took a look at him and said, "are you sure you don't want to hate me?"

"People who like you won't hate you because you didn't perform well for the first time. People who don't like you won't improve you because you are polite and polite. In our family, it's like this at present." Li Shaoyun said directly.

As for whether it will be improved in the future, it is not very important for him.

Jing Yunzhao's eyes flashed. He also knew why Li Shaoyun was so cold to his parents.

Li Shaoyun was once taken by his mother for a while when he was young. However, his mother was rather stingy. She often discussed with her husband about her children. She wanted to make him pay some money and other things. The old man had a hard temper, so he simply took his grandson to his side.

At first, Li Shaoyun's mother did not want to, crying and crying, but she did not stop the old man's identity.

Li Laozi is not a heartless person. Although he takes it with him, he often lets his children see his parents. However, every time he meets, his mother will cry and speak ill of him in front of Li Shaoyun, so that he can please his grandfather. Sometimes, he can ask him how much property he has. More often, he asks Li Shaoyun to act as his father Li Shaoyun was very smart when he was a child. He went back and forth. He also found that his parents took advantage of his affection. He might even be more and more. Therefore, he simply asked to meet them as little as possible.

Li Junwei was very busy when he was young. His son, Li Peixian, was also in the army when he was a child. However, he was not like the old man. He was so gentle that he did not approve of fighting, killing and killing. Therefore, the old man did not like his spineless appearance.

Li Peixian is not bad, but he is not shrewd. According to the old man's words, he is able to be moderate, and he can never be placed in an extremely important position. Therefore, although officials have been promoted higher and higher over the years, they are all idle posts.

After thinking about the parents' character, Jing Yunzhao thought that when meeting, he must try to restrain his temper as much as possible. At this moment, the door inside opened and Jing Yunzhao were invited in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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