Published at 17th of May 2024 06:00:43 AM

Chapter 1374

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Jing Yunzhao is not unable to understand Xiao Haiqing's ideas. After all, his peers are used to getting along with each other. If he does not change his mind, he may let outsiders gossip.

But when you think about it carefully, she is now living in the old house of the Jing family. She is busy with so many things every day. Even the Xu family only goes to the Xu family a few times a month. She has no mind to pay attention to other people's opinions, as long as she lives comfortably.

"Look at your stiff face, we Xiao big star will be worried for a while." Huo Tianxian added some sugar to the coffee for her. He could see through.

The onlooker knows clearly. She has known these two people's temperaments for a long time.

"Anyway, my opinion is neutral. If you think the second uncle is good, you can make do with it. If he is not qualified, you can change people. In a word, don't miss my lifelong happiness because of me." Jing Yunzhao said again.

Xiao Haiqing clenched the cup.

In fact, she had expected that Jing Yunzhao would not object, but she could not get through the hurdle in her heart. In addition, she was really busy with her career and didn't want to think about other things for the time being, so she killed the bud in time.

But I have to say that with the words of Jing Yunzhao, the pressure in her heart is small, and she has no strong sense of guilt before.

"Anyway, I heard from my uncle that my second uncle lived for more than 30 years. It seems that my second uncle was only attracted once when he was in University. Since then, he has been very picky. This proves that your charm is still good." Jing Yunzhao sees her a pair of know wrong to change appearance, this just exhibition Yan smile, say.

Before seeing that her second uncle was still in her early thirties, she was worried. She also talked with her uncle once. She heard from her uncle that although he was picky when he was young, he was not a hard hearted man. She had been close to a school flower in the school, and seemed to have become a boyfriend and girlfriend. However, at the beginning of school, the second uncle was very low-key, and the eldest uncle was very low-key My uncle's official position is not the same as now, so although he is rich, outsiders don't know, and the girl soon dumped him with an older man, which disgusted the second uncle for a long time.

It may be that he was young at that time, and even his heart was not too strong to be a monarch. Therefore, although the second uncle was sad at that time, he was more trampled on his dignity. Therefore, later, he was extremely disgusted with the woman who was extremely pure and lovely and faced with no harm.

Xiao Haiqing, on the other hand, does not belong to that category, but to another extreme.

"Uncle Xu had only one girlfriend before?" Xiao Haiqing's clothes look unbelievable.

Xu Yuancheng is not too young. She is excellent in all aspects, but she has only been close to one woman. The news is a little too frightening for her.

"Yes, my second uncle is very picky. In fact, he doesn't have much experience. I heard that the only girlfriend I talked about at the beginning had only been dating for a few months. At that time, my family education was strict, and I estimated that he was just pulling hands and could not do anything intimate." Jing Yunzhao seems to be donating treasure. Xiao Haiqing is speechless in his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. You always think that you are thinking about something filthy." Xiao Haiqing mumbled.

Jing Yunzhao is happy.

She was also regarded as a God's assistant. She told Xiao Haiqing in advance how her second uncle was pure hearted, so as not to think that he had experienced many battles if she didn't get along with each other.

She and Xiao Haiqing are the same type of people. They have a great passion for cleanliness. They don't want their men to be surrounded by all kinds of warblers. They are not afraid of the past. What they are afraid of is that the past is too complicated. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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