Published at 17th of May 2024 06:36:32 AM

Chapter 232

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Jing Yunzhao finished and looked at the policeman's face and knew he had guessed it.

As expected, he was one of these two people. Qiao Zizhou couldn't have done it. He wanted face, so it would only be Jiang Xia.

However, thinking of Jiang Xia's state these days, Jing Yunzhao gave a faint smile: "can you believe Jiang Xia's words? Police uncle, I advise you to check Jiang Xia. He and Qiao Hongye have a deep relationship. If Qiao Hongye runs away from home, he is the most likely person to turn to. "

"You really don't know where Qiao Hongye has gone?" The police still don't believe it.

"That's right." Jing Yunzhao determined the way.

When Jing Yunzhao finished speaking, a couple came to the stairs. As soon as he saw the police standing in front of Jing Yunzhao, they rushed up immediately.

"What's the matter? What are you looking for our big girl? She won't do anything! " Wang Xinfang said immediately.

Jing Tiejun eyebrows heavy, quickly handed a few cigarettes in the past: "children do not understand, if there is any problem, you look for our adults to say."

"Don't worry, we just came to understand the situation. It's not that the child has problems. Anyway, if you have any news, you should inform us at the first time. Qiao Hongye is not safe outside. You were sisters before. You can help, right?" The police politely reminds a sentence, finish saying, also don't stay much.

Jing Yunzhao looks at the file bag in Jing Tiejun's hand, and then looks at his attitude. At this time, he knows the appraisal result without looking at it.

The couple waited outside for a while. After school at noon, Jing Yunzhao sat down with the two in a nearby restaurant and opened the bag. Sure enough, it was.

According to the genetic law, the paternity probability is more than 0.9999.

That is to say, it is a parent-child relationship.

Jing Yunzhao was a little confused for a moment. She thought about the result, but when she saw it, she didn't know how to face it. Especially when she thought of her miserable life in her previous life, she felt more speechless when she saw them.

Abandoned children.

It's not a favorite word.

"Xiao Yun, now it's OK. Our family is finally reunited. You don't know. My mother's eyes are almost blind these years." Wang Xinfang drags Jing Yunzhao's hand.

Jing Yunzhao's hand is extremely cold.

If the time of this acquaintance was in a previous life, she would cry with joy and be crazy, because the Qiao family was so bad to her that she had to despair. However, in this life, she has experienced all the pain, and even has experienced death. At this time, the family relationship is a little late for her, which makes her too strange.

But in any case, consanguinity cannot be denied.

Jing Yunzhao took the corner of his mouth and laughed. He wanted to change his mouth, but when the word came to his mouth, it was extremely heavy and could not be called out at all.

There was a little awkwardness at the moment.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. You're not afraid to call it out now..." Wang Xinfang said quickly.

After that, the couple looked at each other. After a few seconds, Jing Tiejun opened his mouth again: "Xiao Yun, since we have known each other, do you want to accompany your parents back to Shuichang village? On the one hand, it is to pay a visit to the old ancestors' graves. On the other hand, there are still several younger brothers and sisters in this family. They should meet each other, don't they? "

"It should be." Jing Yunzhao nodded: "tomorrow, I will ask for a leave with my teacher."

When he said this, they were overjoyed.

In addition, a meal is silent, Jing Yunzhao has classes in the afternoon, so she takes the opportunity to flee in a panic. She can't bear the sight of her parents.

But as soon as she left, Wang Xinfang breathed a sigh of relief: "I've never seen such a hard to handle stinky girl. Finding her own parents is still like this. If I'm really her father and mother, I have to kill her!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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