Published at 17th of May 2024 06:35:25 AM

Chapter 267

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"Mom, this is the miracle doctor introduced by Mr. Xu You see? " The woman looked at the old lady with some embarrassment.

The old lady was in her seventies and eighties. She was very thin, and her skin was covered with age spots. She looked like a skin and bone. It seemed that the skeleton model could be seen by the naked eye.

The old lady quickly got up and rushed over: "miracle doctor?! Are you a miracle doctor? You must save my grandson

As soon as Jing Yunzhao took a puff, she was doubted more. Suddenly, a man who called her doctor was really uncomfortable.

The woman sighed: "Mom, our family law may be The miracle doctor is so young that Mr. Xu is not willing to come... "

"Shut up!" The old lady begged one second before, but then she gave a cold drink: "Mr. Xu is highly respected and never talks in vain. Since this little doctor was introduced by the old man, he must have real material. Besides, we have more doctors with laws to see. Those people have a mysterious face one by one. Isn't it still useless?"

The woman choked: "it's the same."

With that, he bowed gently to Jing Yunzhao: "little miracle doctor, I shouldn't doubt you. I hope you don't get angry and look at my son."

The patient's family members were so kind that it was beyond Jing Yunzhao's expectation. However, after careful consideration, there are still ordinary people in the world, such as the mother and son of Qin Zhixue.

Jing Yunzhao nodded and went to the bedside to have a look.

The little boy was unconscious and did not say anything. His body was cold and his breath was very weak. He was no different from the dead. But since Mr. Xu gave the man to him, there was some truth in it. That is to say, this man can be saved.

Jing Yunzhao tried pulse test again. He found that his pulse was depressed and weak. Heart failure occurred due to deficiency of yin and Yang of Qi and blood, dysfunction of Zang Fu organs, loss of nourishment of heart and blood circulation, resulting in stagnation of Qi, phlegm and blood stasis. Water and drink blocked Yang Qi of the heart and caused heart failure.

"Did he have a history of epilepsy?" In addition to heart failure, Jing Yunzhao also found a little different and asked.

The old lady's eyes brightened: "yes, that's right. My grandson was born with brain injury. From the age of one, he would get sick every year. When he was serious, he would have dozens of times a day. We visited all the hospitals in Ningshi city of Kyoto, but we didn't see it well. A few days ago, he said that there was a new drug, so my son bought some for the child to eat. Who knows, after eating, the child can't stand it After a long time of rescue in the hospital, it still didn't work. Let's prepare for the future. I heard that the pharmaceutical masters in Huaning County were good at medical skills, and they were very good at it, so I asked for help from the door... "

The old lady said it very carefully, for fear that missing a little bit would affect Sun Tzu's condition.

After that, he also showed the medicine box to Jing Yunzhao. However, Jing Yunzhao didn't understand it because it was written with some Western medical terms.

"The hospital also said that the drug was toxic and unsafe, but the family bought a lot of drugs for the child's disease, so they didn't pay attention to it..." The lady on one side added.

Jing Yunzhao nodded. Although this medicine can cure epilepsy, the epilepsy is good, but the boy can't stand other aspects of his body. Therefore, heart failure occurs and his life is in suspense.

Jing Yunzhao pondered for a while, but there was a prescription that could be used, but it was also toxic.

We have to use Fuzi Jiuxin decoction, but the amount of this aconite can't follow the routine. However, if the amount of aconite is too large, it is easy to cause poisoning, so we should be careful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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