Published at 17th of May 2024 06:34:02 AM

Chapter 315

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The leader was in his twenties. He was not very good-looking. His eyes were slanting, his lips were thin and his nose was big. His face was pockmarked. However, when he spoke, he had a certain momentum. He was a ruffian. He looked like he was mixed up in the streets.

Jing Yunzhao had been intercepted by others before, but the number was small before, and he was not even some practitioners.

Now these people, after all, are little gangsters who fight and kill every day. The boss seems to have some leg skills, so naturally, he can't compare with those he met before.

"I've been threatened before, but some of them have been sent to prison, some have been beaten and they can't stand up any more. What do you think you're going to be?" Jing Yunzhao suddenly said.

At the beginning, Lv Jia and her cousins also said that they would scratch her face and let her cooperate well, but in the end, it was not her.

The other party is stunned, immediately, burst out laughing.

"Strange things happen every year, especially this year! Brothers, do you hear me? What did the little girl say? Threat to our heads!? Oh, why can't I hear you? If you have the ability, I'll hear it again! " The old man stretched out his ears in exaggeration, with a face of ridicule and disdain.

After hearing this, the little gangster immediately flattered him and said, "is she scared to be silly?! Big brother, this little girl looks pretty. How about we take her to play? "

"Go! What to play with? If we collect money, we should follow the rules. OK, little girl, I won't talk nonsense with you. Our brothers have offended me! " The eldest brother replied, and then he winked at his brother.

All of a sudden, there will be gangsters forward, trying to restrain her hands.

Since these people have to do something, she doesn't need to be polite.

With a backhand, Jing Yunzhao directly nips two small gangsters in front of them. They are twisted out of a strange arc. They can't react for a moment. They scream twice in pain. Jing Yunzhao raises his feet and kicks them fiercely. In an instant, they face the ground and rub a piece of blood.

The others looked up and looked up at the old man. The old man didn't expect that Jing Yunzhao had the ability to resist. He frowned: "since you are not good, we don't have to be polite to you! Brothers! Go on

A big drink, just look at the alley, instant chaos up.

Forty or fifty people rushed to Jing Yunzhao. Even if they were unarmed, the situation was really frightening.

This night, the sky is bright and clear, and there is no one around. Even the residents are poor. Although these people are moving and quiet, they can be hidden in the night. How can anyone pay attention to them?

Dozens to one, in the boss's eyes, it was a must win scene, so when he saw the brothers coming forward, he directly backed back to watch the battle.

However, suddenly a few howls, only to see that the first wave of people rushed up was suddenly shocked out!

The next second, Jing Yunzhao's figure soared into the air like lightning and kicked the second wave of people. Her jumping action was as high as a human being. She kept turning around in cold, holding a person's neck between her legs and feet, and directly threw her out.

The old man stood in the same place, just feel the cold wind behind him, a face confused circle: what's the situation?!

Do you really know martial arts?

When Jiang Wensheng contacted him, he did say that it was Jing Yunzhao's irascible character. Before he beat the son of Jiang's family, he could not get out of bed. People in the school also said that she had some skills, but there was always a gap between the rumor and the reality. He thought that Jing Yunzhao was just a little stronger than others! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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