Published at 17th of May 2024 06:32:47 AM

Chapter 351

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After Jing Yunzhao started writing, he did not stop, but suddenly he became quiet. He could not even be curious.

Is it hard to write it out?

Inexplicably, everyone is looking forward to what is written on Jing Yunzhao's paper

Sun Yan shook his hands and thought wildly in his heart. At this time, Ji Shanshan was about to explode: "how did she stop? Write quickly? It's not time yet

"I think she has written it?" Tong Yan said uncertainly.

Jing Yunzhao put down his pen, put on his pen cap, and sorted out the things in his hand. Then he sat upright at the table, very quiet, and did not look around. He even waited slowly with some pleasant feeling.

This gesture of her makes others more and more unable to judge.

A minute passed quickly, but for Sun Yan, it was a torment. The day in December was already a little cold, and under the tension, his hands were a little rough.

Hearing a whistle, Sun Yan was frightened. The brush fell to the ground. Her face flashed for a moment, and then she recovered. Compared with Jing Yunzhao's attitude, she fell into a lower level and was almost a bit worse.

The comparison between the two girls is obvious.

Sun Yan's appearance is pretty good, but at this time in front of Jing Yunzhao, he looks gloomy, even his temperament is quite different.

Although Jing Yunzhao is young, she is tall, magnanimous, generous and firm in her eyes, while Sun Yan is wearing light make-up, which makes her beautiful. However, she is so close to Jing Yunzhao that she seems a bit vulgar. In addition, the appearance of panic just now has obviously reduced her temperament.

As soon as this time arrived, the paper on the two people's table was taken out and pasted on the panel in front of several judges for the public to watch together.

There is a person nearby who is responsible for reading the original book.

Jing Yunzhao's handwriting is clear and handsome, vigorous and powerful. It doesn't look like it's written by a woman, but it's more delicate than rough, which makes people look at it more.

"Amomum villosum, Psoralea corylifolia, digin, Qianjin Jiangxiang, Wuyao, leiwan, sulfur, bird's egg, swallow nest... " On one side, someone has already read it.

With the sound, people are closely staring at the words of the two people. In front of the panel, a special person is responsible for marking to ensure that everything is safe.

In the beginning, there was no mistake in the medicinal materials.

People have long thought that Sun Yan's ability is not bad, but they didn't expect that Jing Yunzhao was right.

It turns out that she was not writing in a random way. It is rare that she could write such correct things calmly after wasting two minutes. Moreover, if they remember correctly, Jing Yunzhao was also very fast when reciting.

"White wax, lizard, black tip snake, tomb Tian Hui, purple tip flower, Hosta root..."

"Wait, there's a graveyard lost here..." Suddenly, a humanitarian.


In an instant, the big guy's neck was stretched out, and many people looked directly at Jing Yunzhao. However, few people noticed that Sun Yan's face turned white and the whole person trembled.

"Miss Sun is wrong." He added.

There is a similar word between the black headed snake and the purple tip flower, which is easy to put together. It is also common to lose a medicine which is not easy to remember.

After that, there will be no mistakes, or the probability of making mistakes must be less than that of Jing Yunzhao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!