Published at 17th of May 2024 06:32:35 AM

Chapter 359

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Sun Yan felt resentful in his heart, but he couldn't say it on the surface. After drinking a few mouthfuls to relax, he began to prepare for the next competition.

She can't lose one of the last three pharmaceutical competitions. Once she loses, it's all over.

Jing Yunzhao has a good memory and can recognize drugs, but she may not be able to make drugs. Although she is not as proficient as those masters, she is the best among her peers and can definitely win.

Sun Yan appears a little thin, Jing Yunzhao leisurely, but the atmosphere is particularly tense.

Many people hope that Sun Yan and he can suddenly counter attack and turn defeat into victory.

In front of them, there are complicated tools. They stand on the stage, and soon someone will carry the covered long plate, which is one of the medicinal materials to be processed today.

Open the top of the red cloth, immediately show people scalp numb things.

Jing Yunzhao and Sun Yan are both women. Generally speaking, women's psychology is weaker than men's medicine. For example, in front of them, it is the Agkistrodon acutus, Viburnum acutus, which looks disgusting and poisonous.

However, the Viper has been removed and its internal organs are dry. There is no need to worry that it will suddenly rush up and take a bite.

It's just that even dead snakes look numb.

After all, Jing Yunzhao is not very old. Even in his previous life, he only lived for more than 20 years. Although he has strong mental quality, he can not face such things without fear, but that was before he met old Xu.

In those days when she stayed in old Xu's yard, she had seen many kinds of snakes, even most of them were living animals. She had to be responsible for the slaughter, and her fear was overcome.

So now it was just a flurry, and he reached out and took the dried snake in his hand.

Next to him, Sun Yan's hand trembled.

She has learned medicine, but she mostly focuses on plants. Of course, she has seen other people concoct snakes. But this kind of thing is disgusting. She has never started it herself.

It can be seen that Jing Yunzhao has moved her hand. How can she fall behind?

Bravely took up the snake.

There are about two catties of five legged snakes in the head. He only watched Jing Yunzhao brush the appearance of these snakes and clean up the dust left on them because of drying. Then he took a knife to cut off the head and the two or three inches behind the tip of the tail.

People can see that her technique is somewhat green, but the steps are not wrong.

After a long time, the snake was taken out and peeled off its scales and back bones. After that, it was washed and dried.

It's not complicated, but the details are important.

The scales of the head, tail and back of the snake are poisonous and should not be used as medicine.

This question is not so much about medicine as courage. I'm afraid the author thinks that both of them are girls, so he chose the five step snake specially.

Jing Yunzhao's actions are flowing freely. While she is waiting for drying, Sun Yan next to her is still shaking away the scales of the snake.

The hands holding the knife were shaking, and the people at the bottom were all worried.

It is easy to see who is good and who is bad.

Before long, the first pharmaceutical game ended in a draw.

Although Jing Yunzhao made this medicine well, it's a pity that Sun Yan won the hearts of the people. Many people had to give the Cui family a face. Therefore, after Sun Yan finished, he decided to draw directly. Jing Yunzhao didn't want to say anything more. After all, Sun Yan did a good job.

Sun Yan breathed a sigh of relief. After finishing, his face was still pale.

But before Sun Yan completely relaxed, another round of processing began. Opening the jar, the dense centipede was still alive!

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