Published at 17th of May 2024 06:31:50 AM

Chapter 375

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Seeing Xiao Daoan's reaction, Jing Yunzhao knew that he had no idea about his daughter's affairs, so he specially clarified for Xiao Haiqing.

Without waiting for Xiao dao'an to open his mouth, Jing Yunzhao chuckled and said, "Haiqing's performance is not stable. Sometimes it ranks in the top 30 or so, but sometimes she can sprint to the top five of the class. A few days ago, she participated in a city wide competition and won the third prize."

Jing Yunzhao doesn't lie. Although Xiao Haiqing appears to be unruly, she has achieved very good results. She is smart, quick at learning and good at logical thinking. Once she gets serious, her grades will go up like a rocket.

There are more than 30 students in the class, which means that they are the same name in the whole school.

Xiao dao'an looks surprised, for a moment feel his daughter is a little strange.

Is Jing Yunzhao really talking about his daughter? Isn't his daughter a little sister who only asks for money from her family and then goes out to have fun with her friends?

Xiao dao'an suddenly got a little tongue tied and didn't know how to say it.

Just looking at Xiao Haiqing still sitting there, eating food, as if Jing Yunzhao said that the person is not her.

"Why don't you say more about such a good thing?" Xiao Daoan smiles and says to Xiao Haiqing.

Xiao Haiqing raised his eyebrows: "I said, every time I want to show you the test paper, my aunt will rush over and say that I have tried my best. Then you will scold me and say that I am a useless waste. I have no future in my life. If I pass the exam, you all say so. What can I do?"

Finish saying, still sneer of roll a white eye.

A long time ago, she also wanted to repair the relationship with her family, so she conscientiously went to study. She did a good job in the exam. She was so excited to ask her father to sign for her. However, she didn't say how many points she got in the exam. Aunt Jiang began to speak for her. In a moment, her father's attitude was out of control, she was severely scolded, and even nearly beat her.

Since then, she has been too lazy to pay attention to her grades. If she is in a good mood, she will learn and if she is not good, she will play. No one cares.

It was not until she sat at the same table with Jing Yunzhao and saw that she was serious every day, and she was desperate to be thirteen lang. later, she wanted to be in the same class with Jing Yunzhao. Therefore, it was necessary to maintain the school's top 50 grades, which gradually stabilized.

Xiao Haiqing's words made Xiao Dao an's face jump.

He can't remember his daughter taking the report card at all. He only remembers that every time she enters the door, she quarrels with Jiang Rong. It's clear that Jiang Rong is tolerant to her, but she is still not satisfied

So, was it a misunderstanding?

"It turns out that Haiqing's performance is so good All blame me, blame me, I don't think before Haiqing test is not very good, afraid you see the report card after angry? I didn't expect that it was me who made the Oolong... " Jiangrong opened her mouth and said, "Haiqing, I'm a good Samaritan. You have to forgive me..."

Jiangrong is not very old, and now she is only twenty-eight years old. Therefore, this face is still very young. In addition, it is soft and soft to speak. It is really hard to hate.

Xiao dao'an had some blame on her. When she confessed to her mistake, her dissatisfaction disappeared: "we wrongly blame you for this, and your aunt is also kind-hearted. If you didn't do well in the past and always make a fool of yourself, wouldn't it be so?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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