Published at 17th of May 2024 06:26:37 AM

Chapter 542

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Zhong Qing looked at the man in front of him affectionately, like a small and medium-sized woman in happiness, with a pair of eyes hazy with water light, pulling his arm, like coquetry or pleading, this look, but no man, I'm afraid, can bear it.

Zhong Qing was very happy. During this time, many men looked at her with naked eyes, which made her hate.

At the thought of being able to move out of the slum immediately, she felt that her blood began to flow happily. Moreover, her husband was a successful man. He was handsome, gentle and dedicated. I'm afraid it's hard to find such a man in the world.

Jing Yunzhao that shameless little bitch wants to harm her, but she has to rely on her own ability to find happiness, that stinky girl will be jealous to death.

However, the villain has bad retribution, and she can't wait to let Jing Yunzhao see her life in the future

Zhao Qing looked at her, took her to the car, did not answer directly, but said: "go, let's go home."

The direction of the car is the place where Zhong Qing lived before.

"Husband, I have nothing to move. I don't want the things I used before." Clear the bell again.

Zhao Qing didn't say a word. After returning downstairs, she stopped the car. The next second, she only looked at several people coming out of the building. Zhao Qing handed in the key and began to pick up her suit before she went home. Zhong Qing was dumbfounded.

After a few minutes, just watching Zhao Qing have changed.

Light this arm, wearing underpants, without saying a word to drag her upstairs.

"My daughter-in-law, you will be my man in the future. Please serve me well first..." As soon as he entered the room, the door was not closed, so he rushed directly to Zhong Qing.

"Wait! Husband, what happened just now Zhong Qing asked in a hurry.

Why did he take off his clothes downstairs just now? What's more, the car has been driven away

"Qing'er, if I don't have money, will you still love me?" Zhao Qing asked.

Zhong Qing panicked for a moment, but looked at Zhao Qing and nodded definitely.

How can you say that no money, no money? Besides, as the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even if Zhaoqing company goes bankrupt, it is certainly better than being a young lady here.

Zhao Qing gave a cold hum in his heart and said with a smile, "I am a poor man. I used to drive a big family. Now that family has driven me, Xiaoqing, our family can rely on you in the future."

"You lied to me..."

"Lie to you? Do you think I'm a liar? Xiaoqing, you won't hear me say these, you want to abandon me? I can tell you, even if you run to the ends of the earth, I can catch you back The man suddenly became ferocious, and suddenly pinched her neck and said, "from today on, I will bring someone here. You will meet me in this house. You are not allowed to go anywhere. Hum, or I will break your leg and make you unable to stand up in this life."

The change in the picture made Zhong Qing tremble for a moment and couldn't believe looking at the man in front of him.

It looked really strong before, but now without that outfit, it's disgusting under ferocity.

Zhong Qing shook his head: "husband, don't scare me. What's going on here? We're married. How can you let me in this house No, no, we're moving to your house... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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