Published at 17th of May 2024 06:26:35 AM

Chapter 544

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Zhong Qing became Zhao Qing's cathartic tool. Every night, in addition to Zhao Qing's own house, he took others with him almost every day.

Zhao Qing took a picture of her, the picture is beautiful, smile sweet, many men will look at the photo after the special to see.

Every cent of his income naturally went into Zhao Qing's pocket. Apart from eating and drinking, Zhong Qing had almost no other human rights.

This continued until one month later, when Zhong Qing became red.

After Zhao Qing found out that she was pregnant, she became more and more serious. She bought medicine for her and gave birth to her baby.

The child itself can't stay, because these days, Zhao Qing will buy some stimulants from various channels. If the child is born, the problem will be not small, and even may die directly in the stomach.

And after abortion, Zhong Qing's expression has been a little trance.

She used to know how to yell, but now she's numb.

Looking back on her child, she doesn't even know who it is. It may be Meng Lin's, Zhao Qing's or Hu Qiang's, or even those benefactor's when she sold herself.

Zhao qingsai gave her medicine itself is not safe, after eating, Zhong Qing directly bleeding, Zhao Qing this rushed to the hospital.

Zhong Qing wanted to ask for help, but Zhao Qing threatened her with death. If she dared to say a wrong word, she would kill her. Because of this, she could not tell the truth to others at all. In addition, Zhao Qing showed a warm and gentle appearance when she entered the hospital. She told others that her wife had worked in a dirty place before, used drugs indiscriminately and was pregnant with other people's children The eyes of those doctors and nurses looking at her were full of disdain, and no one was willing to say a word to her at all.

It's not easy to save his life, but Zhong Qing has to continue to live the same life as before.

However, compared with Zhao Qing's coercion, Zhong Qing has already begun to cooperate and try to get better treatment from Zhao Qing.

Because of the relationship between taking medicine before, the hospital decided that she would never have a baby again. Zhong Qing didn't even know whether to be sad or to be happy.

The resentment in the heart has never dissipated, but now I don't know who to hate.

After a few months, Zhong Qing's appearance was no longer as pure and lovely as before, and her face even began to show wrinkles. She looked like a crazy woman. Some of her scars were caused by the beating of her guests, and some of them were scalded by candles or cigarette ends. Even her lower body was in a mess.

Not only that, Zhong Qing began to feel that the body is not right, begged Zhao Qing for a long time, had a chance to check her body, but found that she had a sexually transmitted disease.

Shocked and desperate, I just feel that the long life seems to be full of darkness.

After returning from the hospital, she saw Zhao Qing, who was still oppressing her, and finally stabbed her directly with a fruit knife.

A few months ago, she kept saying to the police that she didn't kill people. Now, after killing people, she goes straight to the police station with a knife. She looks crazy and keeps shouting: "I've killed! Catch me, I really killed people, Zhao Qing is dead! "

After months of torment and hopeless life, he was sent to prison.

However, the life in prison is obviously not so easy, who let Zhong Qing do is the occupation that women hate most.

Many of the prisoners inside had been destroyed by the third generation of the fox spirit outside before their families could go to the end. Therefore, when Zhong Qing went in, the endless torture began again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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