Published at 17th of May 2024 06:23:45 AM

Chapter 639

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Before waiting for the aunt to open her mouth, Jing Yunzhao said directly: "his initial symptoms are just some anxiety, but if you press him step by step again, you will lose sleep, depression and mental strength. If you are lucky, you will persist in the past. If you are not lucky, you will easily suffer from depression and even schizophrenia."

"Auntie, have you ever heard of karoshi? Long term overwork can lead to sudden death caused by heart failure, lung failure, renal failure, myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage and other diseases, which is quite frightening to listen to. "

"Of course, in fact, I don't know the terms of karoshi very well, but I have just read it for your son. He is lack of Qi, blood, yin and Yang, and the function of Zang Fu organs is somewhat out of balance. The so-called accumulation of deficiency leads to damage, and the damage leads to work and overwork leads to disease. Do you want your son to become old before he grows old?"

After a series of words by Jing Yunzhao, everyone was stunned.

The aunt's face was stiff: "how do you, your child, talk?"

How to die suddenly for a while, and then to be young!

"I'm sorry, maybe what I said is a little heavy, but auntie, I really can't agree with your statement of" only one year ". You should pay more attention to his performance than to pay attention to his body first. For Chinese medicine, labor hurts. Although this kind of injury can't be clearly shown from the appearance, there are also some signs. For example, your son, who has serious eye circles, must often stay up late, Therefore, even if I didn't look at it, I could know that his tongue coating must be thick and greasy, which could prove that he had damp heat inside. Moreover, due to the dampness of the spleen, he usually had a poor appetite... "

My aunt's face was ugly.

Her son goes to bed after about 12 o'clock every night and gets up at five in the morning, even during the summer vacation.

As for appetite My son really doesn't like to eat very much. No matter how delicious the meal is, he only tasted a few mouthfuls and then lost his mind. She also thought it was his son who was picky about his food.

According to Jing Yunzhao, is his son sick?

Just think like this, hastily have shake one's head.

How can I believe a little girl's story? She and her son are classmates, so she must know something about her son, so she will say such words.

"Jing Yunzhao, I admit that my son has a bad appetite, but he has been picky about food since he was young. How can he be so serious as you said?" The aunt said again.

She knew that Jing Yunzhao had a poor life experience. She had heard from her son that she was very smart and good-natured. Other students in her class usually asked her to answer questions.

Jing Yunzhao sighed secretly and said, "if you don't believe me, how about letting me check your pulse for you?"

The atmosphere in the room was strange, and everyone was a little confused. I don't know how this good parents' meeting became a medical club.

But the aunt was also said to have a temper, directly reached out and said: "you try, I would like to see what you can say!"

"Your body is full of yin deficiency and fire. Is your throat dry and your mouth dry and irritable?" Jing Yunzhao speaks slowly.

"This That's right. " The aunt still nodded.

"It's right to have a lot of sleep at night, isn't it?" Jing Yunzhao said again.

My aunt thought about it and nodded.

"Palpitations, short and red urine." Jing Yunzhao, with a hook in his mouth, took back his hand and added another sentence.

The aunt's face turned red and embarrassed, but she heard Jing Yunzhao say: "you should like to eat some warm and dry fruits, such as durian and mango, or put more star anise pepper and cinnamon when cooking. Besides, you prefer greasy food and eat more dinner."

Jing Yunzhao finished and looked at her quietly with a smile in his mouth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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