Published at 17th of May 2024 06:22:10 AM

Chapter 674

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Not only Jing Yunzhao didn't respond, it was su Chu. They were all a bit dull. They turned their heads and listened to the news.

The girl who was called "Jing Yunzhao" laughed twice: "in fact, as long as you study hard, no matter which university you come from, you will be very promising."

"It's very kind of you But Can I take a picture with you? I'll send the photos to my parents. They always mention you in front of me. By the way, you may not know that I have a cousin who is a teacher of No. 1 middle school and taught you... "

The girl turned pale when he said this.

"Group photo? Well, forget it. I'm not on camera. I'm afraid of taking pictures... "

He waved his hand and shook his head.

A, but you are disappointed that you didn't listen to the major? Why don't you leave me a call and I'll invite you to dinner then! "

The girl's face has been a little embarrassed.

After a lie, there are more lies to make up for.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little sleepy. Now I need to have a rest..." Finish saying, lie directly on the berth, close eyes, for fear that others call her Jing Yunzhao again.

Next to the other three people are some look at each other, do not know why this girl just a face to talk about the appearance, but in an instant become indifferent to others.

The girl in the upper bunk was OK. She just spat out her tongue to relieve her embarrassment and climbed back to the upper berth to have a rest. However, one of the boys on the opposite side said with disgust: "how is this? Isn't it just a champion? What's the big deal? If you don't want to take a group photo or stay on the phone, you can't say anything now

"Well, don't talk about it. People with good grades don't fit in well. I can understand." Another boy laughed.

"So, it's useless to be the number one in the exam. Now people don't go to high school or university, but they become the boss. Those top ones finally become part-time workers. What's the use of doing well now? If you don't understand the common manners, you may not be better than us in the future. " The careful boy said again.

Not to say good, this said, let the girl to temper.

Then he sat up from the shop, looked at them and said, "I don't think you can eat grapes and say sour grapes! What does it matter to you that I am the champion? In your way? Also said that I may not mix in the future is not better than me, brag! Although the university you went to is also from Kyoto, I haven't heard of it. It's just a rotten and broken primary school! "

As soon as he said this, the smell of gunpowder became strong.

It was quiet in the carriage, but at this time many people were woken up and had some opinions.

However, the girl didn't mean to stop. She snorted and said, "I said so much to you. I think it's just like casting pearls before swine for you. As far as your knowledge is concerned, you are only worthy of being led by the nose. You know where a university is. You know in your mind that all of you are elites. Even if I don't learn anything, I will have more contacts after I come out!"

There was a murmur about it.

The two boys were surprised and didn't expect such a big counterattack.

Before they opened their mouth, an old man said, "little girl, I just heard that you've just won the first place in the exam. It's very excellent. But can you adjust your voice a little bit, because the big guys are very tired in the car, and many of them are sleeping..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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