Published at 17th of May 2024 06:21:08 AM

Chapter 714

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Jing Yunzhao's ear power is amazing. She can hear it clearly. Zhou Meijun's words are very simple. She just tells Tao Ge that there is a boy who can fight in her class and can help her.

With the backing, Tao Ge certainly doesn't want to be sorry for his vanity.

"Drop out? Well, what if you lose? " Jing Yunzhao frowned and said coldly.

Tao Ge is stunned. If she loses?

Drop out? No, she didn't want to drop out of school because she finally got into the a university.

"I don't ask you to quit school either. As long as you stand in front of all the students at the end of the military training, admit your mistakes in front of all the students, and promise that when you meet me at the a university and stay away from the place where I'm Jing Yunzhao is, you'll take a detour. If you fight against me again, you'll never get out of your life, OK?" Jing Yunzhao knows clearly that she can't gamble on her future.

However, compared with the future, although the conditions she said were a little simpler, as long as Tao Ge recognized it, the days after that would never turn over.

Tao Ge is vain in character, otherwise she would not have pretended to be her at the beginning. If she was allowed to make a promise in front of all the people after she lost, she would have suffered in the past few years in a university.

"Good." Tao pigeon gnaws its teeth.

She didn't believe that she was bound to lose. Jing Yunzhao was a little stronger, but she had also learned fighting skills in her class. When the instructor taught her to help in front of everyone, if she helped in private, the competition would not be counted at all.

So she's not afraid.

"Since we want to gamble, everyone in 07 and 08 will also participate. The number of your two classes is equal. When the time comes, we will have a car fight, and Jing Yunzhao and Tao Ge will take the lead. Which class will be the winner if there are more people left in the last class. I will give special awards to the winning class." Qi Zhong also said.

As soon as he said this, the students were all in a commotion.

Two classes of students have been on, now a said to fight, one is also a little excited.

In particular, Zhou Meijun and others are more confident.

There is a trump card in their class. How can the novices in Jing Yunzhao's class compare with each other!

With more than ten days to go before the competition, they have already started to imagine one by one, but Qi Zhong did not give them too much time to imagine, and a new round of training began.

At the end of the day, one by one exhausted.

Almost one night back to the dormitory, one of them collapsed on the bed, snoring big sleep.

After being trained by Qi Zhongxun once, Yao Baobao is afraid that his bed tomorrow will not pass the standard, so he pesters Jing Yunzhao to teach her to tidy up the internal affairs. However, her clumsy teaching still has no effect after several times. Finally, the three people work together and toss around for several hours, and all the lights have been turned off. This is just a bit like this.

The base is very quiet at night, and there is no sound at all.

When the next day, I only saw that the pottery pigeon arrived early on the training ground, surrounded by many students. One of the boys stood in the middle, teaching the basic knowledge of ceramic pigeons seriously.

The instructors will also teach these fighting skills. However, no matter how much they teach, it depends on the students' absorption ability, and more importantly, they should be trained frequently.

"There is a practitioner in their class..." Huo Tianxian frowned.

Even other students are also a little worried.

"How about it? Give up as soon as possible, or you will be miserable if you are beaten up Zhou Meijun's face was blatant.

"Don't worry. I'm here." Jing Yunzhao smiles and looks confident.

She will never bury herself in the pit she dug for those people. If she can't even solve the problem of these three legged students, her training in space over the years is really blind! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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