Published at 17th of May 2024 06:20:23 AM

Chapter 739

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The so-called Chenxiang string can be divided into dead weight and living weight.

After death, agarwood is buried in soil and flooded. After hundreds of years of corrosion, the remaining part is called agarwood, which is dead and heavy. This kind of agarwood is very rare and its price is very high. As for the living sink, it is made directly from the living agarwood.

No matter dead or alive, it must be full of fragrance after being smoked and burned. However, the string of "dead heavy" in Mrs. Zhou's hand is very different even if there is only one more word in it.

"There is a kind of tree growing along the border of China. The tree species is the same as agarwood. The only difference is that Agaricus trees slowly oil because of the destructive conditions of the outside world. The dead people sink naturally when they are growing. Of course, the dead also carry a fragrance, and the taste and appearance are the same as that of agarwood. However, fake is fake, and the difference will be established after the dead burn The horse appears to have the smell of burning plastic, and the smoke stains are dark black Jing Yunzhao has a secluded mouth, and his conditioning is clear. When he speaks, the whole person is glowing.

On the other hand, she said with a smile: "but I don't think you care about the truth, Mrs. Zhou. No one will do anything to you when you walk around with the dead. Besides, it's something you bought at a high price. How can you be willing to burn it? So, I'm just talking. It's none of my business to listen or not. " Jing Yunzhao deliberately said.

Jing Yunzhao did not lie.

There is no absoluteness in everything. Although the taste is the same, we have to see who is smelling.

If she can't tell the dead from the dead, old man Xu will die of anger.

However, no matter what Mrs. Zhou is doing, Huo Tianxian only thinks that it is a fake. Even if Jing Yunzhao's words are vague and have no evidence, it sounds like a bluff, but it can stimulate people who are disgusting. It is a different thing for them.

Mrs. Zhou's face was frightfully cold.

The string cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the money was not small. She flattered her husband for a whole day before he agreed to give her the money.

Now it's better for her to carry several hundred thousand worth of bracelets, but she is said to be fake.

This Shen Tong is also here. If she says it, I believe it will not be long before people in this circle will know that what she brought is fake, even if it is true, no one will believe it!

"Nonsense! Jing Yunzhao, you said my hand string is fake!? Well, I'll burn this hand now. If it's true, how about you? " Mrs. Zhou roared.

"How about me? Jokes, your strings, have anything to do with me Jing Yunzhao immediately became a rogue.

Just talk about it. Are you serious?

Isn't Zhou Meijun like this? Then he talked nonsense and did not make any argument. In this case, why should she pay for these big truths?

Jing Yunzhao said that Mrs. Zhou couldn't stop herself.

How can there be such a disgusting girl? As expected, birds of a feather flock together. The friends made by Ren Xingyue, a dead girl, are not good things!

"Waiter, are you telling me the truth?" Huo Tianxian couldn't help asking.

"It's true, of course." Jing Yunzhao smiles gently.

On hearing this, Huo Tianxian slightly pursed his mouth and looked at the Zhou family's mother and daughter and said, "otherwise, you'll burn this hand. If it doesn't smell like Jing Yunzhao said, I'll pay for the money. But if it's just like what she said How about a hundred thousand dollars? Do you want to bet? "

Since she came back from the base, she really fell in love with this kind of gambling, especially when it comes to Jing Yunzhao. She will definitely win! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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