Published at 17th of May 2024 06:42:34 AM

Chapter 74

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Ye Qing only felt that he had lost all the people, especially in front of the people he hated. He felt that there was no place to hide his humble self-esteem, which was exposed to the sun and dissipated completely.

Ye Mu is still a little dizzy. She slowly slows down. Disappointment and despair coexist in her eyes, and her will will will will be consumed.

Once she changed from being rich to being heavily in debt, she could not accept it. But she had a reason to stick to it before, but now, the reason is a little far fetched.

"What do you want to do! Jing Yunzhao, why do you have to get along with me? " Ye Qing angrily said.

Jing Yunzhao looked at her sarcastically: "so you don't feel against your heart? I've never offended you. You've listed me as your imaginary enemy, aiming at me everywhere, isn't it? I have been lenient to you, but you still ask me what I want to do? Don't you think it's funny? "

"You reach out to your parents for money, but have you ever thought about how much you owe them? You feel ashamed, but in my opinion, having a daughter like you is the most humiliating thing in your mother's life! "

Jing Yunzhao is not a virgin, nor did he expect to kidnap with morality. He just thinks that one should have the most basic conscience.

During the fifteen years in Qiao's family, ye Qin was polite and alienated to her. It can be said that Ye Qing had something that she could not get at all, so she was so angry.

Ye's mother waved her hand: "I deserve it if I don't teach my adopted daughter..."

"No one deserves it! Aunt ye, she is now hurting people, not to the point of killing people, but if you let her, later development into what kind of who can not imagine! You are her own mother, not her nanny slave. Today you allow her to ignore you, so you should be prepared to be abused by others for her mistakes in the future. If you still think it's all your own fault, it's not strange that your daughter mixed up like this! " Jing Yunzhao's voice is simply indifferent and says coldly.

What parents give their children is what they give back.

Ye's mother always felt that it was her fault not to educate Ye Qing well, so Ye Qing naturally felt that she was the one who was wronged.

Jing Yunzhao's voice, word by word, beat hard in Ye Mu's heart.

If it was before, she would have listened to these words, but she has been hit too much recently, especially at the moment. Therefore, even a few simple words of Jing Yunzhao seem to be engraved in her mind and can not be forgotten.

Her expression gradually became clear. Ye Qing was only 15 years old. She had not spent half of her life. She could not allow her to be so selfish for the next 50 years.

Pushing aside Jing Yunzhao's hand, Ye's mother's face was a little serious: "you go to apologize with me."

Ye Qing's eyes glared: "I won't go!"

"Pa!" In an instant, ye Mu slapped the past: "you don't have to go!"

"Mother! I hate you! I'm going to leave this place. You'll never see me again! " Ye Qing roared and threatened.

"Then you go! You're leaving just in time! I immediately divorced and remarried with your father. After that, my life is still bright. Without you, my mother's life is better than anyone else! What's more, you steal money from your family. As soon as you leave, I'll go to the police immediately and let the police teach you how to behave! "

Ye Mu's voice is hoarse and she has some panic expression when she just opens her mouth, but it is hidden in an instant. Especially when she sees Ye Qing's frightened expression, she feels that she is doing the right thing.

Jing Yunzhao is also surprised. Unexpectedly, aunt Ye has made up her mind so quickly. However, it is also true that she can stand up after breaking. A strong woman like her gives her a reason to survive regardless of everything. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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