Published at 17th of May 2024 06:16:56 AM

Chapter 864

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As soon as Jing Yunzhao left, several old doctors jumped in a hurry. They wanted to know too much, such as her acupuncture method and the interpretation of some prescriptions. Moreover, although they were old, they also had a lot of gossip. They wanted to know what relationship Jing Yunzhao and Mr. Xu were.

We should know that the medicine made by Mr. Xu is the best among all the pharmaceutical masters. We can give full play to the limit of medicinal materials' properties. Some rare varieties are even more. It is a pity that Mr. Xu has been away from Kyoto for a long time, so it is hard to find a medicine.

Jing Yunzhao can't come to the pharmacy many times. I'm afraid the curiosity of these old doctors will last for a long time.

But the old lady Yufu was in trouble. Several old doctors suddenly became noisy and asked her to contact Jing Yunzhao to come to work from time to time. However, Yufu knew that Jing Yunzhao was a busy man and would not do what the old doctors said. Finally, she was annoyed and shut the door of the backyard and refused to enter.

Jing Yunzhao goes to class as usual. The hot feeling in the campus has disappeared. However, for the sake of beauty, people wearing coats but bare legs are still everywhere.

"Let me tell you, Yu Xuechang took Zhou Meijun to the dean of the hospital. Maybe he can help her restore her school status..."

"I don't think so? The rumor spread so much before, but also related to Professor Mo, the Dean certainly will not sell Yu Xuechang's face. "

"I'm not sure. I have a family background. Have you forgotten? If the schoolmaster says to his father, the dean will have to step back? "


Passing by the pavilion, Jing Yunzhao hears several girls whispering.

Hearing these three words, Jing Yunzhao stops.

"What did you just say?" Jing Yunzhao walked over and asked directly.

Several people looked up and looked at Jing Yunzhao. Their faces became strange. One of the girls even said, "that We're just talking about Zhou Meijun, the one who was expelled because of making random posts... "

"I know, you don't have to be nervous. I just want to ask you what happened when Yu Xuechang took her to the dean?" Jing Yunzhao's tone is gentle and reasonable.

"In fact, we are not very clear about the details. I heard that someone saw her come with Yu Xuechang. Yu Xuechang's father and uncle have both rights and money. He is a real rich man. What he said is still very useful." The girls also relaxed and explained carefully.

Jing Yunzhao picks her eyebrows. She has dealt with the dean. It can be seen that the president is not the kind of person who will let people go through the back door.

Zhou Meijun has already been cancelled. Do you still want to cheat? There are no doors.

"Who are you talking about Yu Xuechang?" Jing Yunzhao asked.

"He is one of the four famous boys in Kyoto. His father is Xu yuanze, the mayor of Kyoto. In our a university, he is one of the people who can't be offended." The girl said again.

A little surprise flashed in Jing Yunzhao's eyes. He didn't expect that Xu's grandson was also in a university, but he never heard about it.

According to the law, although the son was expelled from the family by Mr. Xu, his grandson still belongs to the Xu family after all. The older generation should not even mention it when he pays attention to the important offspring? Moreover, she remembers that even Xu Xingyuan is the same. Every time she mentions the Xu family, she uses the name "Xu family's children and grandchildren", which means that she categorizes the grandson and the son together and doesn't care at all.

"Yu Xuechang is a senior student, but she doesn't come to class very often. Zhou Meijun is lucky enough to climb up to him. Even if the Dean doesn't help her to return to school, she will certainly try to get her student status back. Maybe she won't record demerit. In this way, she can transfer to other good schools..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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