Published at 17th of May 2024 06:15:52 AM

Chapter 898

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As soon as the crazy words outside came out, someone immediately found the crew. After a while, the director knew it. But at this time, there were more and more reporters, which was a headache.

Jing Yunzhao didn't know the situation at first, but as soon as the reporters and fans came, she could know it even if she didn't want to know. She immediately boarded her account. Sure enough, someone had searched her number one fan. In a short time, there were tens of thousands of comments, and they were growing at a straight-line growth rate.

"This woman is very capable of pretending." When Huo Tianxian heard about it, he rolled his eyes in the direction of Yi Wan.

At this time, the director has been surrounded by reporters, and more cameras are constantly shooting at Xiao Haiqing. Xiao Haiqing is not flustered. She has been filming just now. Although she doesn't know what happened, she knows that if she doesn't behave properly, she will become a black spot in the future.

"Director Wang, I heard that there were many famous actors competing for the role of Xin Han at that time. Why did you choose Xiao Haiqing, a new and irreplaceable new person?" The reporters were aggressive.

The director turned blue with anger.

It's not easy to make progress a little faster today, but it's happening again.

He is a member of the circle. He is aware of the importance of the first girl and knows the way of hype. Therefore, he can't talk about some topics that are unfavorable to Yi Wan.

"Based on her strength, Xiao Xiao is an actor I like very much and has a bright future. She also interprets the role of Xin Han very well." The director said directly.

"But we heard that she didn't go to the audition through regular channels. She was introduced by a person with a strong image in the entertainment industry. You should know who the other person is, right?" Journalists' rights dig for the truth.

"The actors in my works only look at strength, which is a fact everyone knows."

"That is to say, you admit that Xiao Haiqing was introduced to you by others through the back door?"

The director's face turned cold.

Xiao Haiqing's side is more difficult, and Jing Yunzhao looks at those comments and has the intention of killing people.

These days, she has been operating this account. There has always been a pool of clear water at the bottom of the account, which is extremely harmonious. Now it's good. Almost all the swearing words are gathered and she can't bear it.

Jing Yunzhao glanced at Yi Wan, who was comforted by reporters and fans, snorted, thought about it, and then called Shen Tong.

"Aunt Tong, I want to trouble you Take a short video Yes... "

The phone call was short, but after a while, Shen Tong had already sent the video.

After Jing Yunzhao confirms it, he uploads it directly.

"Shen Tong? What's the matter with Shen Tong? " One side of the reporter is confused, almost at the same time to open the mobile phone to see Jing Yunzhao's Micro blog, all of a sudden silly eyes.

Just looking at this account named "Yunxiao", the owner suddenly sends a video. In the video, Shen Tong, who has been officially absent for many years, speaks to the camera very seriously and seriously.

"I feel very sad about Xiao Haiqing's remarks on the Internet. At the beginning of the official palace election, director Wang was very distressed because he didn't find a suitable person for the role of Xin Han. I happened to know Xiao Haiqing and felt that her temperament and potential surprised me, so I recommended it to Director Wang..."

The video is short, but it has a lot of influence.

Shen Tong has been a cinnabar mole in almost everyone's mind for 20 years.

The roles she played in those years were very beautiful. Now, if you look at them again, you can see that her appearance has not changed a lot, but her appearance has more mature charm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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