Published at 14th of June 2024 05:37:03 AM

Chapter 29

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-- Lava

I held Prismet down as I awaited her answer.

"Ilsia is my family! Ilsia cares about me!" She cries.

Raine said she has at least one person that actually cares about her.

There's nothing I can do if she won't even disillusion herself for that person.

"Oh yeah? Then who raised you? Who fed you? I bet it wasn't Ilsia! So who was it?!" I pressured.

"He was just doing what Ilsia said! Ilsia was too busy to take care of me!" She kept trying to believe.

"Whatever. I don't have time to convince you to take your freedom. The only thing I can offer you is advice; Go appreciate the only true family you have, unless you want to regret it later."

With that, I hop off her charred scales and get Raine and Ria to ride on my back.

I almost forgot the Orichalcum again...

If Raine didn't pick it up I would've left it here.

As I got closer and closer to home, I was certain I had to enjoy what little peaceful time I had left.

This time I couldn't just lay down and enjoy a bunch of family playing on top of me.

I knew I was only going to be any good with magic, but I felt so helpless that I couldn't think of anything to do but trying to sharpen my claws.

They were not as sharp as they should be. I let them get so dull because I have so many tiny bumbling idiots around me that would get cut if I didn't.

Ria was already telling everyone stories about how I was their new dragon god or whatever.

They better not start getting crazy with that or I'm gonna whack them!

I was just sitting there doing my thing when Gramps was told everything by Raine and stormed over to savor me like I was leaving forever.

There's no choice for me to ignore the invasion, and he doesn't have the means to trap me here like a crazy overprotective parent.

"I don't want to lose my little dragon..." He complains.

"You're not going to lose me." I huffed, "I'm not a baby anymore. Instead of coming over here to cry over me, why don't you go make sure I have something sweet to enjoy when I win."

I'm going to be fighting a literal god, I deserve some candy for that!

"I'll make sure you have the best sweets in the whole world!" He promises.

Alas, my time to relax was already interrupted, as Raine interjected.

"There are demonic beasts showing up around cities! It's already happening!"


I guess I have to go. It wouldn't be nice to let anyone die when I'm going to have to go anyway.

"I'll go help..." I sighed and left for Yeste again.

I left Ria and Raine in the village since they weren't going to be much help anyway.

As I got in view of the city, even more monsters were approaching the walls.

Mages on the walls launched spells at the attackers, but most of the beasts and dodged it, while the metallic golems tanked most of it.

This time, they had fighters outside the walls to slow them down. I can't just fly by them with fire breath this time.

They saw me hovering in the air and somehow don't seem to remember me saving them last time.

"Dragon!" Some of them scream and point at me while others complain about being doomed when I land in front of them.

Jeez, the only time they see dragons must be when they're being terrible to them.

"Don't you idiots remember me saving you last time?!" I snort irritably and they flinch like it's the first time they've heard a dragon talk to them.

They don't seem to know how to respond and simply move away slightly.

"Pay attention to the real enemy here!" I command them as I have to shield them from a projectile of acid from one of the snake monsters.


I took care of the biggest ones for them but they still had to fight the smaller ones.

It was smooth progress, when suddenly,

"Look up there! There's a man in the sky!" Someone shouts.

I turn to look and there's a tall, slim man in a black cloak just standing there in the sky.

"Mortals! Lesser gods! Welcome your new absolute ruler!" He proclaims with his voice amplified to the entire city.

That must be him.

I can't stand that smug look on his face.

I use invisibility to sneak up there and try to to end this in an instant by catching him from behind.

Now that I have the authority of a god, mental casting has become much more effective.

I try to shred him into pieces, but he easily moves out of the way before I can make contact.

I'm able to do the same kind of thing he's doing to stand on air, thankfully with minimal focus needed.

"Oh? You thought you could sneak up on an absolute?" He laughs as he pulls out a thick, crimson red sword.

"Shut up! You're no absolute!" I responded with anger at his egotistical ranting.

"If there's no one to stop me, that makes me absolute by definition. Therefor, I am absolute."

"That's why I'm going to stop you!" I shout as I try to slice him into pieces again.

This time a black energy covers his sword and he swings it, unleashing a powerful blade of energy that darkens the sky below.

I narrowly jumped over it and tried to counter with blades of wind, but he blocks them with a simple swing of his sword.

But that was just a distraction, as I used to move behind him and attack.

Now I don't have to worry so much about the cost of teleportation.

He reacts quickly but still gets a shallow cut on his back.

It's clear he must not have good combat sense like I do.

"You dare touch me, you lowly dragon!" He growls in rage. "If this city is going to be this much of a hassle then I'll just get rid of it! I can use this world's magic too!"

"I won't let you!"

I try to teleport again, but he's not stupid enough to fall for it twice.

"As the supreme of two worlds, I pass my judgement on all of you! !"

A pitch black beam forms over the city, forcing me to quickly get under it and create a barrier.

Think, me! The only thing I have on my side is modern knowledge, what can I do?

That's it!

First, create a bullet out of Mana, then,


I wasn't sure what principles this would use since it's magic, after all... I just kind of hoped that it would work since I didn't know how to make a railgun in the first place, only the concept from so much time with nothing better to do than scroll through videos.

The bullet breaks through my barrier and the cloud of darkness attacking it at an impossible speed.

In the same second, it strikes my enemy directly and goes straight through his defense.

"Damn you!" He yells in pain and starts unleashing wide blades of dark energy at me.

I can easily dodge most of them but a couple of them were impossible to dodge in time, causing me to take some painful hits.

I knew the entire world depended on me winning, but I couldn't help but think about home specifically.

As my mind wandered off, suddenly the demonic god started laughing maniacally.

"Ahahahaha! As expected! Even the strongest beings of this world have pathetic mentality!" He jeers out of nowhere, "Forgot to keep your mind focused on the battle did you? Let's go pay a visit to this place you call 'home'!"

Without warning, he zooms away- towards the village.

What?! Did he read my mind?! I only got distracted for a second!


"Hey, wait! Come back and fight me!" I scream desperately, but we're both using movement spells, and before I know it we're already there.

Every time I tried to stop him with different spells, they were blocked or cancelled before they even got a chance.

"Let's see you fight with this emotional baggage weighing you down!" He shouts like  a true devil as he lunges at Gramps and Ria being the first people he can see.

Even if I try making barriers or walls he might use a large scale spell to destroy the village instead!

I need to take him down in an instant.

The only way I can think of is to teleport in front of him... But I can't teleport out of the way or it will take too long to process my new position in time.

So, I teleport right in front of him and immediately use hoping I would have time to think.

I didn't use anything similar before, but given the amount of spells that work in this world I just had to have faith.

And it worked.

The world was suddenly nearly frozen, however in the moment it took for the teleport to finish and the new spell to take effect, the sword was already completely through me.

I haven't even felt the pain yet.

Damn it...

I knew I probably had enough time to cast a single spell before I was done.

I could probably survive this if I used a healing spell, but if I did that he would certainly have more than enough time to finish me off at the same time, or destroy everything.

Similarly, I couldn't think of any way to for sure kill him without also destroying the village.

But, the first thing that came to mind was how he was sealed in another dimension in the first place.

If I could just send him back...

And that's how I decided on what spell to try.

As soon as I perceived time at a normal rate I could feel the pain in full force.

"I knew it! Pathetic!" He laughs.

"For my family's sake, I use my last breath to banish you! !"

I wasn't sure it was going to work until the rifts I saw earlier appeared again, only this time to suck him into it.

"No! I'll take you with me!" He growls furiously and twists the sword while pulling me in as well.

Instantly, I'm whisked away to a dark land.

I have just enough strength left to slice his chest open with my claws before collapsing.

He stumbles backwards and falls over, but still has enough life to complete a sentence.

"I, Azgaroth Nyxur, as the former absolute of this world, pass my authority to Grimnal Malakar!"

He uses his last blood filling breaths to laugh at my predicament.

"You thought you won? I was just the smart one! Lament knowing that you... failed..." He sputters before fading.

He had enough time to try healing, I wasn't sure why he chose to pass his authority away instead.

But I suppose it doesn't matter.

I failed in the end...


I didn't have time to regret or even see my surroundings before the world went black for me.


RecursiveDescent Sorry for such a terrible big fight... I'm usually really good at fight scenes, but because of how open ended the magic is, I actually can't make a good fight that's logically consistent to my liking.

Next time I start a story I definitely won't be so careless when creating the magic system like I was here.

I still want to give this story one more chance to become palatable at least, which is why I'm hoping that I can maybe stabilize the quality if I put it on the starting line of a new plot.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!