Published at 8th of July 2021 01:37:20 PM

Chapter 7

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I am in my nightgown and feeling utterly confused.

Count Shar rushed to my room in the middle of the night. 

What on earth does he want at this hour?


(I’m already sleepy. Besides, what am I supposed to talk about with him? I don’t even have anything for conversation since he left me alone for months.)


I, of course, knew nothing about Shar.

Because Ram was not interested in her husband.


She had no impression of Shar other than that he was scary.

But that doesn’t mean I won’t do anything about it. At any rate, I greeted him formally as a wife.


「G-Good evening. What can I do for you at this hour……?」

「Ram, I’m here to talk to you today.」

「I don’t think we have much to talk about, is there?」


Somehow, I had an idea why Shar had come to my room.

It was probably due to the surprise I showed everyone at the Magic Academy.

Hue must have reported to him.


「Ram, I heard you could use magic other than “shining light.” That’s new.」

「I think it’s because I’m feeling better.」


I glossed over with the same reason I said to Hue.

To be honest, I’m not interested in Shar either.

He was a man who, after a nominal marriage, had neglected his wife whether she was treated coldly or under house arrest.


「Hey, show me the magic you did in the academy.」

「What is this, all of a sudden? Why do I have to show you my magic?I don’t take orders from you.」


Shar looked at me strangely, as if he hadn’t expected my refusal.


「You’re my wife, aren’t you?」

「Yeah, exactly. I’m a nominal wife who is no longer useful after marriage. You’ve already accomplished what you set out to do, so I’m sure you don’t care whether I’m here or not, isn’t it?」

「…I’m providing continuous aid to your family.」

「You can terminate it right now. I’m not at all troubled if they’re going to end up on the streets.」


When I answered with a snort, the edges of Shar’s lips lifted into a grin.


(Why would he do that? All I’ve told him is something he’d dislike…so why is he smiling pleasantly?)


I pondered suspiciously over his response.


「As your husband, I should be taking care of you as well.」

「Are you talking about prison life under house arrest and leftover food? Or are you referring to the forced water training that the maids called “baths” during the cold season? Have my sleep disturbed and have your maid screaming at me every night to introduce her to you as her concubine? You mean the survival routine where I’d be condemned for my inability to defend yourself, plus your butler pranks where he’d shoot a light attack magic to injure me?」


「Is it about the slap from a maidservant, by any chance? Is that so? That kind of life is given by my husband, right?」


I’m going to take advantage of this moment to vent all my accumulated frustrations.

Finally, I smiled and continued.


「You don’t want a wife who is always complaining like me, do you? So, please divorce me. I can get along just fine anywhere.」


The legendary wizard of my previous life was from the commoners, so I was not bothered by the life of a commoner.

Rather, I would be grateful for the freedom to move.

The hell! I could only stare at Shar, when he suddenly burst out laughing.

It was the most radiant expression I’ve ever seen.


(Why? Isn’t this the part where he’s supposed to be confused, shocked, or angry?)


I failed to understand why he was laughing.


「You’ve got a good personality, despite what they say. I like you.」

「I said I want a divorce. Can you hear me?」

「Don’t be restrained. I have no intention of getting a divorce from the very start. Meeting you has only made me more determined.」



This wasn’t the development I wanted.


(Normally, if your wife is this outspoken, you would want to kick her out, right?)


Originally, Shar must not have loved Ram as much as the tips of his toes.

He must divorce me!


「I’m sorry to disappoint you. As I told you earlier, I like you.

「As for me, I’m not interested in you …


When I returned offhandedly, he looked even happier.


(How annoying. I don’t want to please you.)


In the beginning, I didn’t have a good impression of the “ruthless” Shar, but now I’ve added a negative element, “weirdo,” on top of that.


「Ram, I seem to have misunderstood you. I thought all noblewomen were the same, boring people who flattered their husbands, who had no skills or opinions of their own and were left to their own devices. I never thought there would be someone who would dare to fight head on with me, the strongest in the Mercure family ever.」

「That’s too rude, don’t you think? You should apologize to all the noble ladies in the world. Besides, I’m not picking a fight. I’m just telling you the truth.」


Despite my accusations, Shar brushed them off and only said what he wanted to say.


「Ram, you’re a much more interesting woman than I expected.」

「You’re even more of a jerk than I expected. I’m sleepy. Can you leave?」

「Why should I? This is my mansion and I’m free to be wherever I want.」

「That aside…This is my room and it’s my private space!」 

「It’s not surprising to have your husband here.」


Can I get rid of that title now?

It was frustrating that staring at him with a scowl only made him happier. 


「You rant and rave about wanting a divorce, but there’s no way a nobleman’s divorce is going to be that easy. As the head of the House of Mercure, I am in a unique position, so I need the king’s permission to get married or divorced. Give up on divorce. Besides, aside from me, Kanon might miss his mother, you know?」



Hearing his arguments, I quickly calmed down.

It’s true that Ram has a child now.


Although we aren’t blood-related, even though we do not look like a mother and son at all, my son, Kanon, might be shocked if I leave the house without permission. 


「…I’ll give up for today. But I have no intention of withdrawing my desire to divorce you!」


As soon as I said that, I pushed Shar out of the room with a rage and slammed the door shut and locked it.


(All right, all right, I’ve gotten rid of the intruder.)


I can hear Shar’s laughter from outside, but I’m glad I was able to lock him out.


「I’m tired. Let’s get some sleep.」


As I had originally planned, I crawled into bed and zonked out three seconds later.

I didn’t hear Shar outside the door, laughing and muttering,「What would it take for that Kanon miss his mother?」

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