Published at 14th of June 2018 07:53:56 AM

Chapter 16

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Chapter 17

Reincarnation of the Heaven Chapter 16


Upon thinking about it, Xiao Naihe suddenly saw something.




A human skull sank down to the bottom of the pond. Judging from the skeleton, it should be a man.


Xiao Naihe's eyebrows wrinkled, "How come the peak behind Yun family has this kind of thing?"


The water was bubbling, and Xiao Naihe did not pay much attention to the identity of this skeleton. He felt that the shadow had darted to the shore, so he chased it quickly.




Xiao Naihe jumped up and grasped in the air. A spray of water was released from his hands, hitting the dark shadow.


The shadow halted. With a mighty leap, Xiao Naihe held it in the air.




The young man had a downy feeling in his hand, and he fixed his eyes, only to see a little thing struggling in his arms. Its silver hair was wet because of the pond water, and a pair of red eyes glared at Xiao Naihe, radiating hostility.


"The ancient spirit fox!"


When Xiao Naihe saw clearly the little thing in his arms, he was stunned.


The material line of the spirit fox was the demonic fox which came from the demon realm, while its paternal line was not from this world, but was the evil beast from the other world.


In ancient times, there were four ferocious creatures. However, the ancient spirit fox was the same as the evil beast since it was born, and was not allowed by the heaven. Hence, the ancient spirit fox would suffer a heavenly tribulation since it was born, leading to a very low survival rate.


"I was lucky to have seen one in the monstrous magic realm. Its magic power was exceedingly strong, and it ran amuck in the devil circle. It was really formidable." When he reminded of the battle that played against the ancient spirit fox, Xiao Naihe was somewhat sad.


At that time, he was already a celestial demon, and he was already the top figure in the demonic cultivation world, but he still could not defeat this magical creature.


But who could imagine that such a fierce ancient beast would actually appear in a small world, and it was also like a furry rolling ball.


The ancient spirit fox seemed to feel Xiao Naihe's curiosity and admiration. It swelled its tiny chest and was full of pride.


"You are clever, but you fell into my hands, aren't you afraid?"


The ancient spirit fox was stunned. Looking at the undisguised smile in Xiao Naihe's eyes, it suddenly became angry, but it unable to get out of Xiao Naihe's arms, so it squeaked.


Xiao Naihe had heard that after the ancient spirit fox has reached an adult age, it could easily kill the immortals with powerful strength. If it was able to absorb the essence and energy, it could gain supreme cultivation base.


At that time, no one knew who would be the hunter.


"It's just a joke. I don't know how you dodged the heavenly tribulation, but now you have leaked your spiritual power. If you can't find a spiritual residence to hide your breath, the heavenly tribulation will strike you soon!"


The ancient spirit fox's eyes revealed a trace of fear. It seemed to recollect the scent of the heavenly tribulation it felt not long ago. It believed that when the heavenly tribulation came, its cultivation base would be destroyed and its soul would be dissipated.




Xiao Naihe, who cultivated to be a demon in his previous life, was very proficient in the animal language. It seemed that this little fox didn't feel his hostility, and because Xiao Naihe released a certain smell after cultivating Celestial Demon's Bible, it wanted to ask him for help.


"You want me to help you? You're born to suffer misfortune. You may bring ill luck to me if you stay with me. Why do you think I will help you?"


The ancient spirit fox squeaked, conveying the message that if Xiao Naihe could help it escape from the heavenly tribulation, it will help Xiao Naihe become an immortal.


Xiao Naihe gave a soft smile, "Well, you belong to a bloodline of demon, and our meeting is pre-destined. I just have cultivated the theurgy of gold core, and built a spiritual residence, I'm glad to do you a favor!"


The ancient spirit fox squeaked, showing that it also wanted a name, and do not call it little guy.


Xiao Naihe thought about it for a moment, and then slowly said, "My previous name was Bei Nanyi, and I kept a magic pet, but after nirvana with me, I suppose it had achieved its goal. It was called Little Bei, and I call you Little Nan! "


Little Nan got the name, delighted. It pushed Xiao Naihe with its tiny fluffy paws.


"I am now injecting a trace of spiritual power into your body, and remember not to struggle after receiving the gold core. Or if the Heaven finds you, it will surely fall down the tribulation, then I will suffer it as well."


Little Nan nodded and stayed in Xiao Naihe's hand quietly.


With his eyes closed, Xiao Naihe operated the gold core in his body. Then a golden flower bloomed in his eyes, which demonstrated that the spiritual residence of the gold core has been opened.


"Little Nan, come in!"


Little Nan changed into a column of miraculous brightness, getting into Xiao Naihe's gold core in a short while.


The golden light extinguished, leaving Xiao Naihe alone.


Just when he was about to get up, he suddenly found that after the gold core was integrated with and Little Nan, the spiritual power in his body had changed, and gradually became two kinds of spiritual powers.


"This is... my previous theurgy of gold core!"


Xiao Naihe couldn't help but exclaim. In his previous life, he didn't open up the theurgy of gold core until he entered the ghost immortal . Now, soon after forming the golden core, he woke up the theurgy of gold core with Little Nan's spiritual power.


"No wonder that the ancient spirit fox is not tolerated by the heaven. It is really the demonic beast against the heaven. Its existence is to break the law of heaven."


From ancient times to the present, there were millions of masters of the gold core fairyland, but only less than three tenth of them could achieve the theurgy of gold core. Even Xiao Naihe once didn't wake it up until he entered the second stage—the ghost immortal. Now, relying on Little Nan's anti-heaven breath, Xiao Naihe arose the theurgy of gold core, which made Xiao Naihe pleasantly surprised.


It was not good to spread out this news.


At this time, Little Nan came out of the gold core, jumped to Xiao Naihe's shoulder, and kindly rubbed against Xiao Naihe's face.


" Little Nan, why are you here?"

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