Published at 7th of June 2024 05:29:38 AM

Chapter 103

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Chapter 103

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 103: Explanation (1)


Damien looked down at the corpse of the demonic sword.

Was it even right to call it a corpse? It looked like a ceramic jar filled with ashes that had been shattered.

Only the outside was affected by Erebos’s corrosion. The fact that the contents were like that was most likely due to the influence of the demonic sword.

After all, there was no way that a flesh that had fused with a demonic sword would retain human organs.

Just then, Erebos’s aura rapidly subsided, and the surrounding area that was being eroded stopped as well.

“It seems time’s up..”

Currently, Erebos was very little recovered, resulting in an extremely short operational time.

Not only that, but the time it took to recover its strength was also very long. It seemed like he wouldn’t be able to use Erebos for a while.


Erebos, which was at the end of the spear, fell off. The wire that had been binding Erebos had broken due to corrosion.

It wasn’t just the wire. The parts of the spear that Erebos had touched had also worn away and disappeared.

“This ability is very useful, but this is also a pain in the ass.”

It was only because Damien had been constantly pouring mana into the pole that it had lasted during the battle.

Corrosion had no effect on corrosion because he had been recognized by Erebos. Therefore, objects infused with Damien’s mana could also have resistance to corrosion.

Damien cut off the corroded parts of the spear and wrapped Erebos in wire again. Finally, he released the summon and turned it back into a tattoo.

After that, Damien approached the corpse of the demonic sword and began to dig through the ashes with his toes as if looking for something. Then, a small pebble popped out.

A small, bumpy pebble.

It was the core of the demonic sword.

The demonic sword was no different from a fragment of the demon. That’s why the core was filled with the demonic power.

The core of the demonic sword was a very precious item to dark mages. On the other hand, it was a rather useless item to Damien.

“I guess I’ll have to hand it over to the Church.”

The next place that would be thrilled with this item after the dark mages was the Church.

Unlike the dark mages, the Church used the core to research and develop countermeasures against demonic power.

He was sure he would be able to get a big reward for bringing this.

“I was planning to visit the Church anyway, so this works out well.”

Damien had earned the right to enter the Church’s secret treasury as a reward for preventing the death of the entire crusade from the hand of Corpseplay.

That’s why he was planning to visit the Church soon. He had also planned to hand over the core of the demonic sword at that time.

“I guess I’ll have to fix this guy too.”

Damien said, looking at the damaged holy sword.

The holy sword had been severely damaged in the battle with the demonic sword, and all of its divine power had disappeared.

It had been a weapon that he had really liked, so it was inevitable that he would feel regret.

“You’ve worked hard. Rest for now.”

Damien carefully placed the holy sword into his spatial ring.

The enemy had been defeated, but Damien’s work was not yet done.

Now it was time to start thinking seriously.

“How am I going to explain all this?”

Damien looked around him. The building was in ruins from the battle.

Not only that but there were traces of Erebos’s corrosion everywhere.

To anyone looking, this was no ordinary battle scene. It was extremely suspicious.Rread latest chapters at n/ov(e)lbin(.)co/m

The biggest problem was how Damien was going to explain how he had defeated Alexander Apple.

After all, Alexander Apple was a high-class knight, even temporarily, when he possessed the demonic sword.

Moreover, he had proven his strength by defeating Liam Bluegreen in front of everyone.

“How can you be so sure!”

“He promised me. He said he would never die until he died by my hand.”

Veronica said with a confident face. Michael looked at her with an incredulous expression.

“The barrier is collapsing!”

At that moment, someone shouted, and everyone looked up at the barrier.

When the barrier disappeared, only the half-destroyed building was left. The people swallowed their saliva and looked at it.


But something was strange. The only one standing was Damien. Alexander was nowhere to be seen.

Michael immediately ran towards Damien. He crossed the distance in an instant.

“Oh, Michael is it.”

Damien said, raising his hand. Michael almost burst into tears at the sight of him.

“H, how did you do it? What about Alexander Apple?”

Damien pointed to the ground. Michael’s gaze naturally followed him.

Something strange was lying on the ground. Something that resembled a human being was shattered like a ceramic.

“Surely not.......”

Michael made an expression of disbelief.

“Did you defeat Alexander Apple?”

“No, he self-destructed.”

Michael’s mouth opened wide.

Even though it was said to be self-destruction, the fact remained that Alexander Apple was dead, and Damien was alive.

“Brother! You’re amazing! Really...... This is incredibly amazing!”

“He just self-destructed. It’s not that big of a deal.”

Damien who was just a middle-class knight had managed to survive until the high-class swordsman with the demonic sword self-destructed.

If this was not a big deal, then what was?

“You’re alive after all!”

Veronica arrived shortly after. She hugged Damien from behind by the neck.

“I believed you would be alive! You promised me you wouldn’t die until I killed you...... Ow!”

Damien twists Veronica’s finger. Veronica Sanchez had no choice but to let go of her arm with a scream.

“What are you doing!”

“What the hell are you talking about? When did I say I would let you kill me?”

Just then, a group of people came up the stairs. They were the king, Oliver, the nobles, and other officials.

“This can’t be...... He’s really alive!”

“Sir Damien! I was worried!”

The king and Oliver ran over with faces that showed they couldn’t believe it.

“What exactly happened? What about Alexander?”

Damien once again pointed to the corpse without saying a word. The king was shocked when he saw Alexander Apple’s corpse.

“This...... Is this really him?”

“This is the price of using the demonic sword.”

“I see...... I’ve heard of it. They say the demonic sword leads its user to ruin.”

The king slowly knelt down in front of Alexander.

“This idiot.......”

The king couldn’t leave the place for a long time.

A gust of wind blew. The ashes scattered into the sky.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!