Published at 7th of June 2024 05:29:35 AM

Chapter 105

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Chapter 105

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 105: The Count (1)


Damien returned to the Haksen Estate immediately after leaving the capital.

As he approached the mansion, he saw Victor sweeping the entrance with a broom.


Victor yawned, stretching his arms. It was obvious that he had been up all night.

“You’re too young to be yawning.”

“Huh! W-who’s there!”

“Your reaction is always the same.”

Victor was startled by Damien’s voice and pointed his broom like a spear.

He soon recognized Damien’s face and smiled broadly.

“Young Master!”

“Yes, it’s me.”

“You’re safe! I’ve been worried!”

Victor exclaimed and hurriedly checked Damien’s body for injuries.

“Come, come, this isn’t the time for this. Let’s go inside! Everyone is waiting eagerly!”

Damien followed Victor into the mansion.

As he entered the mansion, the gazes of his family members were focused on him. At first, they were all stunned, then they exclaimed in surprise.Geet latest novel chapters on novelbj/n(.)c/om


His father was the first to rush over. Viscount Haksen patted Damien’s body and checked him for injuries.

“I heard you were in the capital when the treason took place! Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?”

After defeating Alexander Apple, Damien stayed in the capital for several days.

He had to cooperate with the Church’s investigation, and the king kept finding excuses to delay his departure.

During that time, it seemed that the news of the treason had spread throughout the kingdom.

“It seems you’re not injured. That’s a relief.”

“My dear, what did I tell you? I said there was no need to worry.”

“You are right. I must have been worrying unnecessarily.”

Viscountess Haksen said with a proud look on her face. Viscount Haksen chuckled.

“You’ve been out and about too much lately. Stay home and rest for a while. If you try to go out again, I’ll scold you.”

His older sister, Louise, said with a stern face. The problem was that she had such a gentle face that she didn’t seem intimidating at all.

“Brother, I was really worried about you.”

“Brother-in-law, I’m relieved to see you safe and sound.”

His younger brother and sister-in-law also expressed their concern. Then, suddenly, Abel asked.

“By the way, brother, there were some strange rumors mixed in.”

“What kind of strange rumors?”

“They say you won against a High-Class.”

“Ah, that’s just a distortion of the truth.”

Abel laughed out loud at that.

“Of course, you’re amazing, brother, but winning against a High-Class is...”

“I didn’t win, I just survived until the High-Class died.”


Abel, as well as the other family members, stared at Damien with shocked expressions.

“Hmph, brother... what do you mean by that?”

“The one who stopped the treason was Alexander Apple. That guy used dark magic to isolate the space, and I was trapped inside.”

Damien spoke in such detail because he wanted to spread the rumor.

The more specific the rumor was, the less people would suspect Damien.

“Uh... brother?”

“What is it?”

“Didn’t you win against a High-Class in that way?”

Damien clicked his tongue as if he was disappointed at that question.

“I just barely survived while avoiding a direct confrontation, and the enemy self-destructed. How is that winning?”

Damien was right. But Abel and the other family members still looked unconvinced.

After all, Damien was alive and the High-Class was dead, so wasn’t that a win?

“Oh, right, Father. This is a gift.”

While the family was speechless, Damien opened the spatial ring and took out the parchment.

“Is that really necessary? They’ll find out eventually anyway.”

Viscount Haksen, who disliked show-off, showed a negative reaction.

However, his wife, Viscountess Haksen was different.

“That’s a good idea! My dear, let’s have a party. Let’s have a grand party and invite all the nobles of the West!”

Viscountess said, spreading her arms. Viscount Haksen said with a trembling face.

“Do we really have to do that?”

“Of course we do! Have you forgotten? How much the other families have ignored our House of Haksen! They say our territory is small and we’re poor...”

Viscountess clenched her fists and shook her body. It seemed that she had a lot of pent-up anger.

“Bringing all those people and showing them who we are! So they won’t dare to ridicule our family anymore!”

“Mother is right. We should use this opportunity to increase the reputation of our family.”

Olivia also agreed with Viscountess’s words.

“Uh, um...”

Nevertheless, Viscount Haksen still looked uneasy.

“Dear! Why hesitate? It’s a perfect opportunity for revenge!”

She nudged her husband. Viscount Haksen could only tremble.

“Mother is right again.”

Abel chuckled, observing the scene.

“Brother, shouldn’t we go and help Father... Brother?”

Turning to his side absentmindedly, Abel couldn’t help but be startled. Damien had a wide grin on his face.

“Oh, ho... There were so many who disrespected our family to the point where Mother got that angry, weren’t there?”

Only then did Abel realize he had seriously misunderstood.

Damien wasn’t an ally to help Father but rather the one to pour oil on the fire.

“To invite so many people, it’ll cost quite a bit, won’t it? Our family doesn’t have that kind of money.”

“If it’s money you’re worried about, I have it.”

Saying so, Damien opened a spatial ring and took out money. Glittering gold coins poured out.

In reality, Damien’s financial situation wasn’t as good as before.

He had spent a lot of money participating in the black market auctions.

However, he had enough to cover the expenses for the banquet.

“Mother, don’t worry about money. Let’s make it a grand event.”

“As expected, he’s really our son!”

Mother exclaimed brightly, hugging Viscount Haksen.

With even Damien stepping in, Viscount Haksen, as the head of the Haksen family, had no more grounds to object.

“...Alright. Let’s do as my wife wishes.”

In the end, he had no choice but to permit the banquet.

“I truly love you!”

Mother embraced Viscount Haksen warmly as she laughed brightly.

Seeing his wife’s happy face, it seemed that he wasn’t in a particularly bad mood.

‘A banquet, huh.’

Looking at the two of them, Damien became lost in thought.

‘Since we’ve only just become a Count, everyone will probably look down on us.’

It didn’t seem like it would be an easy position.

There would surely be those who would envy and be jealous of the family.

‘Father probably isn’t used to such a position.’

The same would go for the other family members as well.

After all, they were all just simple nobles who had lived in the countryside.

Olivia was the only one he could trust, but she was just one person and experinced authority.

‘I’m not used to such a position either.’

If it was a matter of wielding a sword, that would be different. But when it came to the scheming of the nobles, Damien was also a complete novice.

‘This won’t do. I need to find another way.’

Ultimately, this problem was happening because the Haksen family lacked authority.

If the Haksen family had authority, then everyone would be busy fawning over them.

‘Then let’s just borrow it from the outside.’

Fortunately, Damien had quite a few good connections.

‘A Duke should be enough, right?’

Damien pondered how he would write the invitation to send to the duke.

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!