Published at 7th of June 2024 05:29:28 AM

Chapter 109

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Chapter 109

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 109: The Stranger (1)


The day to leave for the Church finally arrived.

After bidding farewell to his family, Damien mounted his horse and departed from Spring Castle.

The journey to the Church was incredibly long, so he had to move diligently.

After traveling for several days, Damien was able to reach the border of the Apple Kingdom.

He needed to cross the border, but the sun was already setting, making it impossible to travel any further.

“There are no villages nearby.”

He spread his mana to check, but he couldn’t feel any signs of life.

In the end, Damien had no choice but to camp in the forest.

Fortunately, he had anticipated this and packed camping supplies in his subspace.

He gathered dry branches and lit a campfire. Then he put a kettle on and boiled water.

While the water was boiling, he had a simple meal of biscuits and jerky. Then, he brewed tea with the boiled water.

He sipped his tea while gazing at the sunset. Thinking about it, it had been a long time since he had such a peaceful moment.

“I never dreamed that such a day would come in my previous life.”

Being alone like this brought back memories of his time as a Death Knight.

He was referring to the time when he was trapped in his own body, enslaved by Dorugo, and became a killing machine.

At first, he had tried everything to regain control of his body.

However, no matter how hard he tried, nothing changed. He could only helplessly watch as his own body killed people.


Just thinking about the past made anger well up inside him. It felt as vivid as if it had just happened.

The torrent of emotions was so intense that he felt like he was going to lose his temper.

Damien had to take deep breaths for a long time to control his emotions.

“Damn it.......”

He had to kill that damn Archlich Dorugo as soon as possible.

Otherwise, he would never be able to find a day of peace for the rest of his life.

“To kill him...... I need to get stronger, much stronger.”

Making a calm and objective assessment, Damien knew that he couldn’t defeat Dorugo in his current state.

Among the Dark Mages, those who possessed a different level of skill were called High-level dark mages.

If a High-level dark mage crossed a certain wall and reached a transcendental level, they were called a Grand Dark Mage.

Only a very small number of Grand Dark Mages could transform themselves into undead and become Liches.

And Dorugo was an Archlich, the pinnacle of Liches.

Throughout history, no one had ever reached the level of Archlich except for Dorugo.

That’s how much Dorugo’s strength exceeded imagination.

“Even so, it’s only a matter of time. I just need to get a little bit stronger than I am now.”

Damien was no ordinary knight.

In his previous life, he had killed countless Masters and possessed the talent to destroy humanity.

No genius born before has ever reached Damien’s level.

In addition to his memories and experiences from his previous life, he also possessed the dark magic knowledge infused into him by Archlich Dorugo.

Not only that, but he also possessed Authorities.

In his previous life, Dorugo had tried to make Damien an absolute being.

To this end, he extracted seven Authorities from an ancient artifact and bestowed them upon Damien.

Each Authority possessed a power so strong that even Dorugo found it difficult to handle.

That’s why he could say it with confidence. If he just got a little bit stronger than he was now, he could kill Dorugo.

He was confident that he could not only kill him but also obliterate him without a trace.

“If I just raise my realm a little bit more from my current state, I won’t be afraid of Dorugo. However.......”

He realized it in his previous life.

The fact that one should always assume the worst-case scenario.

That if he didn’t, he would make a fatal mistake.

In order to perfectly eliminate Dorugo without any risk factors, being High-Class was not enough.

“Master. I need to reach that realm.”

Damien currently had the Heart of the Spirit he bought from the auction house and the Core of the Sea Serpent he received from the king.

If he absorbed these two, he could get one step closer to the Master realm.

The Sword Empress flicked a gold coin at Damien. The gold coin spun around and landed in front of Damien with a thud.

“Now that you’ve received your compensation, tell me. Which way is the Apple Kingdom?”

“No need.”

Damien threw the gold coin back at the Sword Empress. The Sword Empress caught the gold coin with a puzzled look on her face.

“What business do you have in the Apple Kingdom?”

“I’m looking for someone. Do you know Michael Ryanbloom?”

At those words, Damien felt a strange feeling.

In his previous life, Michael Ryanbloom had lived a lazy life because he couldn’t find an opponent, and he had been defeated by the Sword Empress. After that, he devoted himself to training again and reached the Master realm.

Seeing that the Sword Empress was looking for Michael, it seemed that this was the time.

“What are you going to do when you find Michael Ryanbloom?”

“That’s an obvious question. What reason would a knight have for looking for a knight? To compete with each other, of course!”

The Sword Empress said, clenching her fist and raising it high into the air.

‘I wonder. Who would win if the two of them fought right now.’

In terms of talent alone, the Sword Empress was far superior to Michael. In his previous life, Michael had never been able to defeat the Sword Empress.

However, unlike in his previous life, Michael had left his lazy life much faster in this life by meeting Damien.

In addition, he was growing even more rapidly by accepting Damien’s advice wholeheartedly.

“I originally came here to fight Michael Ryanbloom... but I heard some strange rumors on the way.”

“Strange rumors?”

“They say that a man named Damien Haksen defeated Michael Ryanbloom.”

The Sword Empress continued, her face filled with interest.

“That’s not all. They also say that he helped the Church to kill dark mages, that he reached Middle Class in the shortest time possible, and other ridiculous rumors like that.”

“He must be a very great man.”

“Isn’t he? That’s why I’m so curious. I wonder what kind of person he is. How strong he is.”

Before long, the Sword Empress’s gaze was fixed on Damien.

“You are Damien Haksen, aren’t you?”

Damien finished his cup of tea and said.

“You’re quick to catch on.”

“I was right then. After all, there can’t be many people this strong.”

Damien could have easily hidden his strength if he wanted to, but he didn’t.

This was because he was curious to see how the Sword Empress would react.

The Sword Empress that Damien remembered was a person who, despite her flashy appearance, was more competitive than anyone else.

– Damien Haksen! Today is the day I will defeat you!

– I’ll retreat for now! Let’s fight again next time!

– It won’t be easy this time! I’ve developed a technique to defeat you!

She was someone who never gave up, even after being defeated by Damien several times. Each time, she had sincerely tried to defeat Damien.

– ...In the end, I was never able to defeat you.

– It was fun while it lasted. I don’t know about you, though.

Even at the last moment, the Sword Empress’s attitude remained the same. She did not fear death. She did not resent him.

– I’ll be waiting for you in the afterlife first. Let’s fight again later. That time, I’ll really have a conversation with you.......

Until her neck was cut off, the Sword Empress had unilaterally promised a duel with Damien. It was a truly Sword Empress-like ending.

After killing the Sword Empress, Damien had been haunted by a terrible feeling for a while.

“If you’re Damien Haksen, then there’s only one thing I can do.”

The Sword Empress stood up. She stretched her limbs and loosened her body.

“Are you proposing a fight?”

“Of course. What else is there for us to do?”

He burst out laughing at the Sword Empress’s words.

The Sword Empress was truly the Sword Empress. She was exactly the same as the one Damien remembered.

“That’s good.”

He had been curious anyway.

Just what kind of strength did the Sword Empress have at this point in time?

‘I should also test out my new skills.’

Damien cracked the knuckles of his fingers and stood up.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!