Published at 7th of June 2024 05:29:26 AM

Chapter 111

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Chapter 111

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 111: The Stranger (3)



A true transcendent being, known as an absolute being who can single-handedly take on a kingdom.

Any knight would aspire to become a Master. However, the number of knights who reach this level is rarer than finding a diamond in the rough.

Out of the hundreds of thousands of knights born each year across the continent, only a handful of geniuses could become Masters.

Upon reaching Master, one can transcend the pinnacle of swordsmanship and pave a new path.

This path is called the ‘Path of Gods’.

The techniques like Ten Thousand Flow Perception and the Killer Ghost’s Life-Taking sword are examples of this.

“I’ve concealed all my mana perfectly, so how did you know I was a Master? Even the Milady didn’t notice my true identity.”

As he said, Damien couldn’t sense any mana from David.

It couldn’t be helped. Even Damien couldn’t surpass the gap between himself and a Master at this point.

“She looks like a Milady from a noble family. I doubted you would be traveling alone.”

“From that you figured out I was a Master?”

“I couldn’t sense any mana from you no matter how much I observed, so I took a guess, but I didn’t expect it to be true.”

In fact, the part about taking a guess was a lie.

He couldn’t sense any mana, but Damien had experience and knowledge.

He saw the lightness and fluidity of movement that only a Master could possess.

It was a subtle detail that only Damien could have noticed, and even David wouldn’t have been able to hide it completely.

“This is humiliating. To be exposed by a much younger generation.”

David said, scratching the back of his head.

“Should I call you Senior?”

“I don’t want to hear sincere words.”

David grumbled as he sat down next to the sword empress.

“Anyway, you’re incredibly skilled. I didn’t think you’d take down the Milady so quickly. And you even knock her unconscious. I’ve never seen someone like you in the Empire.”

It was only natural. There couldn’t be another talent like Damien in this world.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for Damien to destroy humanity in his previous life.

“If I had hurt her, you wouldn’t have let me go, would you?”

“Well, I wonder what I would have done.”

David stared at Damien quietly. Then, suddenly, Damien noticed.

The whole world had become quiet.

The sound of birds chirping and insects buzzing had all disappeared. Even the sound of the trees swaying could not be heard.

Only then did Damien realize that David was spreading his mana and dominating this area.

He hadn’t noticed until the space was completely consumed.

This is why a Master is called a true transcendent being.

They casually perform phenomena that are far beyond the human level.

“Still, I know you wouldn’t kill me.”

“How can you be sure?”

“I don’t sense any killing intent.”

If David had even the slightest bit of killing intent, it would have permeated the air and pierced Damien’s mind.

But the world was only silent. It meant that David had no ill will towards Damien.


David clicked his tongue and retracted his mana. The silent world suddenly became noisy.

“You even noticed that. It’s not fun because you’re too good.”

David said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Milady was the one who challenged you to a duel first. She can’t complain if she gets hurt.”

Although he was an escort, he seemed to have no intention of protecting the Sword Empress.

“On the contrary, I think she learned a lot from this experience, so it’s a good opportunity for her.”

David was right about this.

The Sword Empress had been winning all her life. In her eyes, the world must have seemed like a flat plain without any obstacles.

“What? What’s happening?”

She looked down at her body, unable to comprehend what was happening.

The Sword Empress was currently in a state where her blood vessels were blocked by the acupuncture technique.

The blockage would naturally dissolve over time, but for now, she would be unable to move her body or use her mana.

“T-this can’t be... P-please wait a moment!”

Damien ignored the Sword Empress and stood up. He straightened his cloak, put the utensils into the spatial ring, and prepared to leave.

“Wait! Where are you doing?”

“It’s morning already, and I have a long way to go.”

“Where are you going?”

“To the the Church.”

The Sword Empress’s expression became anxious at his words.

The Church was located outside the Apple kingdom. She was headed for the Apple Kingdom, so they were going in opposite directions.

“I guess we have to part ways here.”

“B-before that, fight me one more time!”

“With that body?”

Damien looked down at the Sword Empress condescendingly. His expression made her face flush red.

Suddenly, the Sword Empress took off the ring she was wearing on her finger.

It was a plain silver ring with no decoration. It was worn out in places, suggesting that it was old.

“Take it!”

The Sword Empress threw the ring at Damien. Damien caught it without knowing what was going on.

“Oh, milady! That ring is...!”

“Be quiet, David.”

The Sword Empress’s sharp cry forced David to shut his mouth.

“Damien, listen carefully. My name is Rachel Lichteawer! I am the successor to the Lichteawer Dukedom, one of the seven great houses of the Empire!”

Damien already knew the Sword Empress’s name and family.

However, he was surprised by what she said next.

“In our family, when we receive a great favor, we have a tradition of giving away an object that symbolizes our family! And this ring is a proof of my status as the successor!”

If what the Sword Empress, Rachel Lichteawer, said was true, then this ring held immense value.

“I will return to the family as soon as I finish my business in the Apple Kingdom. If you come with that ring, I will tell my father and he will reward you!”

“And you’ll also fight me in a duel?”

“Of course!”

In her previous life, the Sword Empress had wandered the continent, eager to meet strong people, before returning to the Empire.

It seemed that in this life, she planned to end her wandering early.

“Well, I can’t refuse if you’re offering a reward.”

Damien put the ring in his subspace and mounted his horse.

“Y-you have to come back! You have to!”

“I will.”

“I’ll never let you go if you forget! I’ll chase you forever!”

Damien left the forest, leaving the Sword Empress’s cries behind.


After that, Damien crossed the border and headed for the Church.

The Church was no different from a kingdom.

It had a territory as large as a small kingdom, and a considerable number of people lived inside.

Therefore, even after entering the territory of the Church, Damien had to travel a long way to reach the place where the main headquarters was located.

A week later, Damien finally reached his destination.

“I’m finally here.”

Damien looked out from the top of the hill. A castle was built far away.

The scale of the castle was enormous. It seemed to be twice as large as the capital of the Apple Kingdom that Damien had visited a while ago.

The castle was surrounded by massive walls that were as high and sturdy as cliffs. Inside, there were even higher walls built in layers.

This was the main headquarters of the Church.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!