Published at 7th of June 2024 05:29:22 AM

Chapter 113

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Chapter 113

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 113: The Church (2)

***UppTodated from nô/v/e/l/b(i)n.c(o)/m

Cheongyeum thrust out his foot like a spear. It was a speed that could not be avoided. Damien had to block the blow with his forearm.

Although he had blocked it, his forearm throbbed. It felt like he had been hit by a lump of iron.

‘As expected of a Master.’

Even with just their bare hands, a Master was strong enough to be called a monster. Damien’s body was as hard as iron, and could not be cut by a knife.

There was no time to be lost in thought. Cheongyeum was already launching a fierce attack.

Cheongyeum’s kicks rained down one after another. Damien’s eyes darted around busily.

‘There is no excessiveness in his movements. They are extremely simple, but fast and destructive.’

He was indeed a Great Elder. Since his regression, he had met many people, but this was the first time he had seen such a simple yet efficient attack.

However, Damien was no easy opponent either. He blocked all of Cheongyeum’s attacks and then used his hands and forearms to strike back.

A series of dull thuds rang out.

Cheongyeum’s expression became strange as he saw Damien blocking his attacks so easily.

“Hmm, I heard you were a swordsman. Where did you learn your martial arts?”

“I learned a little bit in case I needed to use it in an emergency.”

“It doesn’t seem like just a little bit. You’re much better than the paladins of our sect.”

Cheongyeum smiled with satisfaction.

“This is fun. I think we can go a little bit more intense.”

Damien looked at Cheongyeum carefully. He had realized something strange.

Cheongyeum’s main weapons were his two fists. He occasionally used kicks, but when he was actually fighting an opponent, he used his fists much more often.

However, in the recent exchange of blows, Cheongyeum had only used his legs. And even then, he had only used his right leg.

“I heard that you mainly use your fists.”

At Damien’s question, Cheongyeum burst out laughing.

“If I use my fists, it will be over too quickly. Using only my legs is my way of showing consideration.”

Damien laughed at that.

It was the first time since his regression that he had been shown ‘consideration’ by an opponent.

In other cases, it might not matter, but ‘consideration’ from an enemy was nothing more than being ignored.

He could not stand being ignored. Damien took out the Thousand Mile Sword that was hanging from his waist and put it into his subspace.

“What are you doing now?”

Cheongyeum tilted his head. He did not understand why the swordsman was putting away his sword.

“How can I use a weapon against an elder? I will continue to fight you bare-handed.”

At those words, Cheongyeum’s face froze for a moment. Then he started laughing loudly.

“An elder? You mean you’re going to go easy on me because I’m old?”

“I apologize if I have offended you. However, I have always been taught by my father to respect the elderly.”

Cheongyeum burst out laughing again.

“Fine, do whatever you want. But don’t come crying to me when you get beaten up.”

Once again, Cheongyeum was the first to move. He jumped forward and kicked out with his right foot.

Damien dodged the attack by twisting his body. Cheongyeum immediately retracted his extended leg. Then he swung his right leg at Damien like a whip.

All of his attacks were much sharper and more threatening than before. The shock that accumulated in his forearms with each block grew stronger.

‘As expected, the wall of a Master is high.’

Even though he was only using one leg, there were no gaps in his defense. And even now, Cheongyeum was not fighting seriously.

He was just poking and prodding Damien to see his level.

‘To break through this, I need to reach the Master level myself.’

Masters are those who have surpassed the pinnacle of technique and have opened up a new path.

Standing on that path, they could see many things. Things that lower-class knights could not even dream of.

That was why Damien could not defeat a Master class at his current level.

Even if he had the knowledge and experience of countless Masters in his head, it would not matter.

Cheongyeum exclaimed, his eyes shining.

That’s when it happened. Suddenly, light erupted from the ground.

The next moment, his whole body felt heavier. It was as if an invisible hand was pressing down on him.

Damien looked down at the ground with a surprised face. It was a miracle he had seen before.

‘Divine power?’

Radiant Light, one of the Five Great Elders, had the divine power to ‘enhance’ anything.

She could enhance anything from physical abilities like strength and agility to the cutting power of weapons and even gravity.

“Radiant Light! What is this nonsense!”

As expected, Cheongyeum shouted, glaring at someone.

Damien also looked in the direction that Cheongyeum was looking.

A breathtakingly beautiful woman was looking at them.

Her radiant blonde hair reminded one of spring. The smile on her lips had a magical power that could captivate one’s mind. Her curvaceous figure was impossible to fully conceal even by the loose-fitting robe she wore.

Radiant Light.

One of the Five Great Masters and the leader of the sect ‘Blinding Pain’.

She had intervened in the fight between the two men.

“Elder Cheongyeum, don’t get too excited.”

“How can I calm down after something like this has happened!”

“I was just following Her Holiness’s orders.”

As Radiant Light stepped aside, an old woman appeared, leaning on a cane.

Her back was hunched and her back was protruding. One of her legs seemed to have some problem, so she limped.

She seemed to be in a lot of discomfort. However, the moment Damien saw her face, those things were no longer visible.

Holy Empress’s eyes were deep and calm, like the night sky.

Even Damien was momentarily lost and drawn into her eyes.

“Cheongyeum, I asked Radiant Light to stop the two of you.”

Holy Empress opened his mouth. Her voice was very clear. Thanks to that, Damien was able to come to his senses.

Cheongyeum immediately knelt on the ground. Damien did the same as Cheongyeum.


Holy Empress looked down at Cheongyeum with a tired face.

“What will I do if you punch my guest......”

“Your Holiness! I did it with Sir Damien’s consent!”

Damien looked at Cheongyeum with a dumbfounded face. Cheongyeum gave him a pleading look.

“Sir Damien, is that true?”

“How could that be? He attacked me out of nowhere.”

Damien was not going to let it go. He coldly told the truth to the Holy Empress.

Holy Empress’s eyebrows shot up. Cheongyeum broke out in a cold sweat.

“I will not let this go today. You better be prepared.”

At the Holy Empress’s words, Cheongyeum’s expression turned as if the sky was falling down.

“Y-Your Holiness......!”

Cheongyeum called out to the Holy Empress with an anxious face. But the Holy Empress just turned her head away and ignored him.

“Sir Damien, let’s go with me. We need to discuss your rewards issue.”

“I understand.”

Damien answered hastily.

“Cheongyeum, you come too. I need your advice when we discuss the reward.”

“I understand......”

Cheongyeum replied with a look of utter defeat.

Holy Empress turned to Damien. He had a kind expression on her face, unlike when she was talking to Cheongyeum.

“Then, Sir Damien, shall we go?”


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!