Published at 7th of June 2024 05:28:25 AM

Chapter 123

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Chapter 123

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 123: High Class (1)



Mr. and Mrs. Hanger trembling without realizing it.

The killing intent of Damien standing in front of them was so overpowering that one couldn’t breathe properly. Even swallowing their own saliva became tough.

Such a killing intent, they had never experienced it before.

Even among the dark mages who were crazy about killing, there was no one with such a killing intent.

Is this truly human?

Suddenly, doubt arose. No matter how much they thought about it, it didn’t seem human. It felt like a heinous monster wearing human skin.

If they were to slightly pull that skin, it seemed like it would peel off, revealing a horrifying sight.

But the Hanger couple also had pride.

Before becoming experimental subjects, the couple was high-class knight and high-level dark mage. They had never been defeated by anyone in their lives.

After being modified, they lived with pride in being chosen by ‘Him’.

Countless dark magic and magical artifacts being researched by Him were inserted into their bodies.

Thanks to his grace, the couple was twice as strong as they were when they were human.


We are bodies chosen by ‘Him’. We cannot possibly be defeated by mere humans.

As their thoughts reached that point, the couple could escape from fear. Their minds became much calmer.

Then they saw things they couldn’t see before.

“...This absurd fellow is a first.”

The ‘husband’ smirked. He spoke with a sneer.

“The guy has quite a terrifying killing intent, but... in the end, he’s just a middle-class, isn’t he?”

The ‘husband’ could see through it because he was high-class even before becoming an experimental subject.

It meant that Damien’s mana was not on par with the high-class.

“If you flaunt your aura like that, did you think I wouldn’t notice? Nonsense. We are not such mediocrities.”

To them, Damien’s killing intent was ultimately just a show of vanity. It was like a hedgehog puffing up its spines.

It might seem threatening, but upon closer inspection, it was nothing.

“Darling, let’s show this middle-class brat what the real power is.”

The couple focused their dark magic on their bursting biceps. Instantly, the wounds regenerated and returned to their original state.ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

It was one of the abilities bestowed by ‘Him’. The couple could regenerate any wounds quickly.

The couple unleashed their dark mana. It flowed down to the ground like a rotten swamp.

The momentum of the couple overwhelmed Damien’s aura. His aura rapidly diminished.

“It feels like it’s been a while since we’ve been in full swing, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, honey! I missed this feeling of liberation!”

The couple spoke with greatly excited voices.

“...Yes, this body is still weak.”

At that moment, Damien spoke. His voice was heavily suppressed.

“I want to kill you two with my own hands... but since I can’t do it in front of everyone else, if I don’t kill you, you’ll spread your filth everywhere.”

Damien brought the opposite hand to his mouth. He bit the bracelet locked around his wrist with his teeth and released it.

Immediately after that, dark mana erupted from the bracelet. Dark smoke covered the surroundings.

At that sight, the Hanger couple’s eyes widened as if they were about to pop out.

“You... .”

Dark mana. It has a nature that devours the surroundings.

If those two weren’t mistaken, that was definitely...

“How do you have dark mana!”

Although that man may not be a paladin, he was acting with the Church.

Such a person possesses dark mana.

Moreover, its concentration was much thicker than the dark mana that the Hanger couple was emitting and the amount was much greater.

“What nonsense...”

At the moment when they were about to investigate, a sudden sharp pain surged from the wounded area.

The tingling pain split open like lightning, digging deep into the wound.

As the pain burrowed deeper, the muscles twisted. The black magic wreaked havoc, destroying the circulation of blood in the body.

“Aaargh! Aaaargh!”

In the Hanger couple, mostly only the ‘husband’ can feel the pain, and the ‘wife’ uses dark magic to negate it.

But this pain was different. Both felt it. The excruciating pain scrambled their brains.

“What... what is this...”

The bizarre phenomenon didn’t end here. Suddenly, the wounded area began to swell.

The mutilated body swelled. And with it, the pain intensified.

“W-what have you done to our bodies...”

“Darling! Save me! Darling!”

With screams, the hanger couple’s bodies exploded.

Flesh and blood scattered. The surrounding ground turned a deep crimson.


Cotton-Lined Forbidden Needle.

A mana cultivation technique that allows the user to manipulate blood vessels.

Damien injected mana into the wounds as he cut through the Hanger couple’s bodies.

Then, he activated the injected mana all at once, stimulating the Hanger couple’s blood vessels and causing them to explode.

He could have killed them more easily. But the reason he used this method was to inflict more pain.

“Ugh... ugh... ugh...”

“Aaah... aaah...”

The Hanger couple, who were left with nothing but bones and a little flesh, let out a blood-curdling scream.

Damien looked down at them and spoke in a cold tone.

“What are you doing? Hurry up and regenerate your bodies.”

His killing intent was still boiling. The frustration was not relieved. It seemed like he would only feel better if he stabbed them hundreds of times more.

“If you were created by Dorugo, you should be able to regenerate from this kind of wound quickly, right?”

Even at Damien’s words, the Hanger couple only groaned.

Their brains seemed to be damaged from the pain that exceeded their limits.

Damien gnashed his teeth at their pitiful sight.

“I told you to get up!”

He swung his sword, spitting out his anger. The Hanger couple’s heads were severed and rolled on the ground.

Their headless bodies trembled for a moment before stopping. Something slowly rose from their torsos.

– Uuuuh.......

– Huuuh.......

The souls of the Hanger couple rose into the air. Damien grabbed those souls.

– Kyaaaah!

– Kyaaaah!

The couple screamed. The pain of the soul was different from that of the flesh.

Damien squeezed the souls tightly. The pain was amplified hundreds of times, and the souls of the Hanger couple were destroyed.

Damien exhaled roughly. His anger, instead of being relieved, boiled even more.


Damien let out a loud cry filled with anger. He grabbed his face with both hands as if he was going to tear it off.

“Not yet... not yet...”

He couldn’t end it like this. It seemed like something would break if he didn’t completely relieve his anger.

Damien staggered and turned his head.

Far away, the Hanger couple of the ‘other side’ were fighting the Wind bounds paladins.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!