Published at 7th of June 2024 05:28:22 AM

Chapter 125

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Chapter 125

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 125: High Class (3)


Damien’s question made the Hanger couple’s eyes widen.

“You... how do you know His name...?”

“Only we, the covenantors know about his existence...”

Damien stomped on their heads without hesitation. There was a sound like a sledgehammer coming down.

As soon as their heads were slammed back into the ground, Damien kicked them with his toes. Their sunken heads popped out again.

“I’m the only one who asks questions. Don’t ask again. Tell me everything you know about Dorugo.”

“I, I don’t know...”

Damien raised his foot again. The couple’s faces turned pale.

“It’s no use asking! We’ll never talk!

“That’s right! We’ll never betray him!”

The couple gritted their teeth and shouted. Damien clicked his tongue at their attitude.

“I see this is how it’s going to be.”

It wasn’t for nothing that Dorugo had kept the Hanger couple by his side to run his errands.

The Hanger couple’s faith and awe in Dorugo had reached the realm of fanaticism.

No matter what torture they were subjected to, they would never open their mouths.

“You two are really pathetic. You’re loyal to Dorugo without even realizing that you’ve been brainwashed.”

The Hanger couple had not volunteered for Dorugo’s experiments.

Dorugo had simply kidnapped four people and used them as experimental subjects.

Even the feelings the Hanger couple had for Dorugo had all been forcibly implanted.

“You can’t shake us with your three-inch tongue!”

“Just kill us and stop this nonsense!”

However, the Hanger couple desperately tried to protect Dorugo, even though they didn’t realize the truth.

Of course, that didn’t mean Damien pitied the Hanger couple.

Even before they became experimental subjects, the couple had reached a high level of attainment as a dark knight and a dark mage.

It was clear as day how many people they must have sacrificed to reach that level.

“Fine, have it your way. I was planning to ask your souls anyway.”

“O-our souls...?”

“D-don’t talk nonsense! There’s no way you can use such advanced dark magic...”

Damien grabbed the couple by the neck and lifted them up.

He had no intention of killing the Hanger couple gently. He wanted to show them excruciating pain until the moment they died.

Recently, Damien has been continuously researching Cotton-Lined Forbidden Needle technique.

As a result, he had created a torture method that used blood vessel manipulation to inflict pain and a killing technique that made the body explode.

Damien went further and studied the merging of Cotton-Lined Forbidden Needle and Supreme Absorption Technique.

Supreme Absorption Technique had an excellent ability to absorb mana. It could absorb not only natural mana but also the mana of living beings.

However, it was a very difficult task to absorb the mana of animals, let alone plants. The Cotton-Lined Forbidden Needle was the solution to this problem.

The Cotton-Lined Forbidden Needle was used to forcibly control and expand the opponent’s blood vessels. Then, the Supreme Absorption Technique was used to forcibly extract the mana.

It was a crude method, so the efficiency was not good yet. The pain the opponent felt was also beyond imagination. There was still much room for improvement.

However, neither of those things mattered now.

“I didn’t create it to use on trash like you, but... since it’s come to this, let’s make you taste it.”

Damien injected mana into the Hanger couple’s bodies. The injected mana began to take control of the Hanger couple’s blood vessels.

“Keu, keueueok!”


Originally, the Hanger couple’s pain was borne by the husband alone. However, the pain caused by the Cotton-Lined Forbidden Needle was different. Both sides had to feel the excruciating pain.

“W-what are you trying to do!”

“H-honey! It hurts so much! Honey!”

The husband tried to move his body to resist, but Damien was already in complete control of the couple’s bodies.

All their muscles were paralyzed, and their blood vessels were occupied and expanded. Damien used the Supreme Absorption Technique in this state.

The Supreme Absorption Technique created a powerful suction force. The dark mana that was stored in the bodies of the couple was forcibly drawn out.

“What are you trying to do!”

“H-honey! It hurts so much! Honey!”

The husband tried to move his body to resist, but Damien was already in complete control of their bodies.

All their muscles were paralyzed, and their blood vessels were occupied and opened up. Damien used the Supreme Absorption Technique in this state.

The Supreme Absorption Technique created a powerful suction force. The dark magic power that was stored in the bodies of the couple was forcibly drawn out.


“G-Get away!”

Terrifying screams erupted from the mouths of the two. They trembled violently, their eyes rolling back.

At some point, no more dark magic came out. When the pain ceased, the Hangar couple gasped for breath.



Yet Damien didn’t stop. On the contrary, he starts using it even more vigorously.

Instead of dark mana, life force was sucked in. A greater wave of agony crashed over them.

“St-Stop it! Please... just kill us! I beg you, kill us!”

The couple screamed in protest. But Damien had no intention of granting their plea.

The bodies of the Hangar couple shriveled rapidly like balloons losing air. They began to wither under the sun as if left out to dry.

No more screams were heard. The Hangar couple met their demise in such a miserable state.

Damien kicked the corpses of the Hangar couple.

He released all the absorbed dark mana and vitality outward. Damien had no intention of absorbing this disgusting power.

Gradually, souls flowed out from the bodies of the Hangar couple. Damien seized those souls.

– Aaaah!

– Aaah!

The souls screamed, but Damien paid no attention, gripping them tighter. The two souls spat out their last breaths and slowly dissipated.

Damien absorbed the remnants of their souls, extracting fragments of memories.

“Merge these with the memories from the other side.”

When he obliterated the souls of the Hangar couple from the other side, he had also absorbed their memories.

Damien sifted through both sets of memories.

– Darling! He contacted us!

– Huh? When? I didn’t hear anything.

– He sent a letter through the familiar while you were sleeping.

– Why would he do that? We have the mirror, don’t we?

The mirror.

It referred to the magical tool for communication distributed by Dorugo to his minions.

How could he get away with this?

Damien pondered for a long time and came to a conclusion.

“I’ll just pretend I don’t know anything.”

If he could just hide his identity, wouldn’t that be enough?

Damien decided to make some adjustments so that the Church could not deduce his identity.

“The important thing is to make the Church miss their target.”

Damien picked up a nearby branch.

And he wrote a name under the bodies of the Hanger couple.

– Evil must be subdued by evil.

– I came to punish them for their crimes.

– Remember, you who do not know the way.

After thinking about it, he felt it was not enough.

Damien added a few more words.

– In the name of Victor the Woodcutter.

Now satisfied, Damien nodded with a satisfied expression.


Early morning.

Nadine opened his eyes with a start at the sunlight streaming down from the sky.

“You damn motherfuckers!”

Nadine drew his sword as soon as he got up.

He frowned at the sharp pain he felt in his body.

But he couldn’t afford to dwell on the wounds.

The battle was still going on. Then Nadine realized it.

That the world was bright.

At the same time, he remembered that he had passed out due to some kind of dizziness.

“What the hell happened?”

It had been midnight when he passed out, at least.

But the fact that the world was bright meant that a lot of time had passed since then.

“The Dark Knight? Dark mage?”

Nadine looked around.

He saw the Church’s paladins lying on the ground.

“They’re all alive!”

Nadine started to run towards the paladins, but a strange object stopped him in his tracks.

A withered corpse was lying on the ground.

It was definitely not there last night.

Nadine approached it as if he was possessed by something.

Only then did he see it.

That the corpse had two faces.

It was the person who had nearly killed him yesterday.

Those who had been so strong were now dead in such a miserable state.

“Who the hell... No, how...

Nadine found a message written next to the body.

– Evil must be subdued by evil.

– I came to punish them for their crimes.

– Remember, you who do not know the way.

– In the name of Victor the Woodcutter.

While Nadine was reading the message, the paladins came to their senses one by one.

“Ugh... my head.”

“Where is the enemy? Sir Nadine?”

The paladins looked around and found Nadine.

They looked at Nadine, who was reading the message.

“Sir Nadine! Are you unharmed!”

The knights ran towards Nadine.

But Nadine did not answer their calls.

“Sir Nadine? What’s wrong?”

Only then did the paladins notice the body and the message on the ground.

The paladins, like Nadine, read the message with bated breath.

“...What do you all think about this?”

Nadine asked the paladins.

“What knocked us out was a sleep curse. That means the heretic here is dead, and the one who saved us can be called a dark mage.”

It was a matter of course, but the paladins and the dark mages were like water and oil.

They would kill each other if they could, and there was no way they would save each other’s lives.

“Maybe he was just here to get revenge? So he might not have been interested in us.”

“Maybe it was an executioner sent by Pandemonium. We weren’t the target in the first place.”

Pandemonium was the largest and most powerful group of dark mages operating in the Empire.

Pandemonium often sent punishers to punish dark mages who broke their rules.

It was possible that the monsters Nadine had fought had broken Pandemonium’s rules and had been dealt with by the punisher.

But even so, it didn’t make sense.

“Even so, why did they leave us alive?”

The paladins were knocked unconscious and defenseless under the sleep curse.

They could have been killed with just a flick of a finger, but they were left alone?

There was no way a dark mage would show such mercy to a paladin.



The paladins could not answer easily.

They all held their heads and pondered.

“But what is that?”

One of the paladins said, pointing to the message.

“Victor the Woodcutter... Was there such a dark mage?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never heard of him...”

“Maybe he’s a dark mage who went into seclusion a long time ago.”

The paladins pondered the name Victor for a long time.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]UppTodated from nô/v/e/l/b(i)n.c(o)/m

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!