Published at 7th of June 2024 05:28:15 AM

Chapter 127

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Chapter 127

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 127: An Unwelcome Guest (2)


“What’s the big deal with a man who’s nothing special becoming our family’s son-in-law?”

Mother patted Damien on the shoulder. Damien protested with a sullen face.

“It’s true. There are so many ways in which he’s lacking compared to sister.”

“He’s kind, he has a good personality, he’s sincere, and he’s handsome. What else is the problem?”

Even with Mother’s nagging, Damien’s dissatisfaction did not disappear.

Father and Mother were of the opinion that as long as a person had a good character, it didn’t matter much else, but Damien was different.

He thought that while good character was a given, other conditions should also be considered.

“I’ll go see my sister for a bit.”

“Hey! Damien!”

Before Mother could stop him, Damien disappeared.

* * *

In the blink of an eye, Damien arrived in front of the music room.

This was thanks to the fact that he had memorized the entire structure of the castle when preparing for the celebration.

“Louise, when I listen to your playing, it feels like my soul is being purified.”

“You too...... Do you think I’ll like it if you say such things?”

“I’m speaking from the heart. Your playing is so beautiful.”

As he approached the music room, he could hear the laughter of two people.

One was the voice of his sister, Louise. And the other one was.......

‘Just hearing his voice makes me angry.’RreAd lateSt chapters at nô(v)e/l/bin/.c/o/m Only

As he heard the voice of Ballad Hugo, Damien felt his insides churn.

As expected, no matter what someone who you didn’t like did, it would seem annoying.

He couldn’t leave the two of them alone any longer. Damien opened the door of the music room and walked inside.

Then, he saw the sight of Louise and Ballad sitting side by side in front of the piano.



The two of them turned to look at Damien with surprised faces.


Louise ran over with a bright smile. She checked Damien’s body here and there.

“You came back safely! Was everything okay at the Church?”

“Yes, there were no problems. How have you been, sister?”

“I’m always the same.”

Louise said with a giggle. Behind her, Ballad Hugo approached.

“That’s right! Damien, come say hi. Ballad came all this way!”

“Damien, it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other face to face!”

Ballad extended his hand with a welcoming face. Damien took his hand with a crooked face.

Louise was a woman of unparalleled beauty in the West. If not for her lack of social engagements, the title of the ‘Most Beautiful Woman in the West’ would have belonged to her instead of Olivia.

On the other hand, Ballad Hugo was a man who was awkwardly unmatched.

He wore old and shabby clothes and had on a pair of outdated black horn-rimmed glasses.

His bushy hair covered his forehead and eyes, making him look unkempt.

Although one should not judge a person by their appearance, Damien thought that Louise should have a better person as her husband if she was to be happy. Compared to her, Ballad’s appearance was far behind.

“I’ve heard a lot about you. You’ve been doing great, haven’t you? Our city is also buzzing with your name.”

Ballad worked as a bureaucrat in a port city called Ocean.

“Ah, it’s not certain yet, so calm down!”

The flustered Louise tried to calm Damien down. However, Damien’s anger did not subside easily.

“How did you come to suspect... Ballad?”

“Do you remember when I went to Ocean City to meet Ballad last time?”

Damien searched his memory. At the time when the Corpse Play Dungeon was discovered, Louise had left the home to meet Ballad.

“Did you see something then?”

At Damien’s question, Louise nodded.

“Originally, he would come out to meet me when I got near the city. But when I went to the meeting place, Ballad was nowhere to be seen.”

“So what did you do?”

“I waited for a while. Then, a while later, he didn’t come running? He said that something came up suddenly and he was late.”

Damien took a deep breath.

He dared to break his appointment with his sister. He felt an urge to rush over and trample him right now.

“After that, I booked a room and asked him when he would be free to go on a date. But he kept avoiding me by saying he had something to do at every time I mentioned...”

Veins popped out on his forehead at those words.

Was she saying that he had neglected his sister, who was like the heavens to Damien when she had made the trip to Ocean City?

“I finally made an appointment and we met... but he suddenly received a note from some man and left, saying that he had something urgent to do.”

His teeth gnashed involuntarily. He wanted to smash Ballad’s face right now.

He could barely hold back because Louise hadn’t finished speaking yet.

“I would have let it go if it was just this... but once, I went to visit him when he was working to bring him a lunchbox.”

“Don’t tell me...”

“But he wasn’t there, so I asked the other people. They said he had gone out with another woman a while ago...”

Damien grabbed the back of his neck. His blood pressure was rising and he couldn’t take it anymore.

“Sister, you don’t need to say anything more.”

“Uh, huh? What?”

“I’m going to capture that bastard right now and interrogate him.”

“Wh, what?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll make him confess everything.”

Damien opened a spatial ring and took out a wooden club. Louise’s eyes widened when she saw it.

“Da-Damien, what is that... ?”

“It’s a very useful tool for conversation.”

“Y, you mean that’s a tool for conversation?”

“It’s a friend who even changed the Prince Oliver. The effect is guaranteed, so you don’t have to worry.”

Damien stood up. His grip on the club tightened.

“Then, sister, I’ll be going. Just wait an hour and I’ll bring you the truth... no, I’ll bring you the truth.”

“Ah, it’s still just circumstantial evidence! It’s not certain, so calm down!”

Louise hurriedly grabbed Damien. At his sister’s persuasion, Damien had no choice but to sit back down.

“So I’m wondering if I’m just being paranoid... I want to make sure if it’s real... I want you to follow Ballad with me...”

“Of course, I’ll complete such a request.”

“Really? As expected, you’re the only brother I have!”

Louise hugged Damien, laughing brightly. Held in his sister’s arms, Damien thought to himself.

‘I was hoping you would meet a better man... but this is perfect.’

The other side was giving him an excuse on their own. Damien had no intention of letting this opportunity go.

‘I will definitely find evidence.’

Damien burned with determination in his heart.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!