Published at 7th of June 2024 05:28:14 AM

Chapter 128

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Chapter 128

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 128: An Unwelcome Guest (3)


However, they couldn’t start investigating Ballad Hugo right away.

“He had come here to meet Louise while on vacation, with plans to stay for a few days.”

While Ballad spent his time with Count Haksen’s family, Damien also took a break. He didn’t forget to give his family the bracelets he had obtained from the Church’s treasury.

“Thank you so much for the past few days.”

On the day of his departure, Ballad bowed his head to the people of the Count’s family and expressed his gratitude.

“Is there any need for gratitude between us?”

“That’s right. We’re going to be family soon, aren’t we?”

The family members saw Ballad off with a smile.

As soon as Ballad left, Damien and Louise immediately took action.

They made an excuse to their family that they were going to see a performance in the capital and headed to Ocean City to follow Ballad.


Arriving at the Ocean City, a breeze laden with the scent of the sea greeted the two.

It was Damien’s first time seeing the sea since his regression.

However, there was no leisure to enjoy the sea. Ballad was entering the castle.

Carefully, the two followed Ballad, making sure he didn’t notice.

“Ah! Mr. Ballad!”

It was when Ballad was walking down the street.

A girl selling flowers ran towards him with a cheerful face.

“Already finished your vacation? Did you have a good time at Viscount Haksen?”

“Fleur, it’s been a while. Oh, and it’s not Viscount Haksen anymore, it’s Count now.”

“Oh, I forgot!”

The girl grabbed Ballad and chatted away. Ballad listened to her gossip without any sign of annoyance.

“I must be going now. I have to get to work.”

“But I still have so many questions...”

“We’ll talk next time.”

As Ballad said that and left, the flower shop girl looked disappointed.

The person who grabbed Ballad wasn’t just the flower shop girl.

“Oh, Mr. Ballad!”

The young mistress of a general store recognized Ballad and spoke.

“Why haven’t you been visiting our shop lately?”

“I still have candles left over from last time.”

“You should have guessed they’d burn out soon. That way, I’d get to see Mr. Ballad more often.”

And this wasn’t the end.

Similar incidents repeated two or three more times afterward. Watching this scene, Damien felt a sense of unease.

“As you said... he’s really popular, isn’t he?”

“So, you didn’t believe me until now?”

Louise frowned slightly.

“Do you know how many women were hanging onto Ballad when we were in the west? If I hadn’t fought fiercely, I would have lost Ballad. Just thinking about it still gives me nightmares.”

Damien felt greatly confused by Louise’s words.

“Is it true that you were hanging onto him?”

As Damien, it was a reality that was hard to believe, or rather, one he didn’t want to believe.

That such an outstanding woman would cling to such a man.

“That’s why Ballad didn’t want to come to this city...”

While Louise lamented, Ballad entered the government office of the city.

“What should we do? We can’t go inside...”

Louise tapped her foot anxiously. Damien looked around and asked Louise,

“Do you know which floor he works on?”

“Huh? Probably the third floor?”

Damien hugged Louise and then leaped onto the rooftop of a building roughly the same height as the government office’s third floor.

“Oh my, my little brother is really amazing.”

“It’s not that difficult.”

The two peered into the government office’s windows, waiting for Ballad to appear.

After a while, Ballad came up.

‘It must be hard for my sister to see.’

The distance between the government office and the building was quite far. Damien might be able to see, but Louise, an ordinary person, would have a hard time observing.

“Oh, Damien?”

“Stay here. I’ll go and break that bastard’s arms and legs right now!”

“Wait, Damien! Just a little longer! Just a little longer!”

Louise desperately stopped Damien. Meanwhile, Ballad opened his mouth with a smile.

“Susan, I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can do that.”

“Why? You took me with you last time!”

“That was because you helped me a lot when I first came to the city, and I wanted to repay you. It’s not good for a young woman to be with a man alone. People will talk.”

The waitress hesitated at Ballad’s words.

“......I don’t care about rumors.”

“I do. As I told you before, I’m engaged.”

At Ballad’s words, the waitress sighed and backed down.

Damien glanced to the side. As expected, Louise was looking happy.


Louise was even shedding tears of joy.

Damien could not help but suppress his unpleasant feelings.


After that, the two of them continued to observe Ballad.

Although a few women approached him as before, Ballad continued to politely refuse them all.

“I think I misunderstood.”

At sunset.

Louise spoke to Damien.

“I’m such a bad woman. I didn’t trust Ballad until the end.”

Louise looked at the government office with affection in her eyes. Ballad was working hard inside.

“......It’s fortunate that it wasn’t like that.”

“Huh? But why do you have such an unpleasant expression?”

“It’s nothing.”

Damien clicked his tongue inwardly.

He had wanted to find a better man for Louise on the occasion of this incident, but it had all come to nothing.

‘But I have to admit it.’

On the other hand, thanks to this incident, he came to see Ballad in a different light.

After all, he refused all the many women who worked there and only looked at Louise.

‘Yes, as long as my sister is happy.’

That was what Damien was thinking when it happened.

The door of the government office opened and Ballad walked out.

“It looks like he’s getting off work now. He must have worked hard.”

But for some reason, Ballad didn’t go straight back to his quarters.

He stood at the entrance of the government office and checked his pocket watch several times.


Just then, a woman approached Ballad, waving her arms.

She was an exotic beauty with jet-black hair and brown skin.

“Did you wait long?”

“No, I just finished work too.”

The woman took Ballad’s arm. Ballad gave her his arm in a very natural way.

“I’ve made a reservation at a good bar for tonight. Let’s go quickly.”

The two disappeared into the darkness.


Damien couldn’t help but open his mouth wide.

“Sister? Did you see that?”

The moment he turned to the side, Damien couldn’t help but be startled.

Louise was staring at the two of them with an icy cold gaze.

Damien was surprised and felt goosebumps all over his body.

This was the first time he had ever seen Louise with such a frightening expression on her face in all his life.


“Uh...... Yes, sister.”

“Let’s follow them right now.”

Louise said in a voice full of anger.

Damien could only nod his head.


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]Visjt novelbin(.)com for new updates

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